Task Forces Quotes

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  • Our task force put to sea in early January 1942, to attack the Japanese in the Marshall and Gilbert islands, but the mission was called off on the eve of the attack.

    Islands   Sea   Tasks  
  • There's been a lot of talk about body cameras as a silver bullet or a solution. I think the task force concluded that there is a role for technology to play in building additional trust and accountability, but it's not a panacea, it has to be embedded in a broader change in culture and a legal framework that ensures that people's privacy is respected and that not only police officers but the community themselves feel comfortable with how technologies are being used.

    "Policing task force calls for 'de-escalation' training" by David Nather, www.politico.com. March 2, 2015.
  • The Task Force didn't produce any earth-shattering findings but it suggests that this matter is on the president's radar screen.

    President   Tasks   Earth  
    Source: www.theskanner.com
  • There was a direct jobs program from the Rooselvelt administration in the 1930s. The Justice Department has set up a task force to investigate the banks and the mortgage crisis but that's a little too late. Whenever they report they will report the obvious. It will be too late to impact the people who need the help the most.

    Jobs   Impact   People  
    Source: praisecharlotte.hellobeautiful.com
  • We've directed the creation of a task force for reducing violent crime in America, including the horrendous situation - take a look at Chicago and others - taking place right now in our inner cities.

    Source: www.esquire.com
  • The Trojans lost the war because they fell for a really dumb trick. hey, there's a gigantic wooden horse outside and all the Greeks have left. Let's bring it inside! Not a formula for long-term survival. Now if they had formed a task force to study the Trojan Horse and report back to a committee, everyone wouldn't have been massacred.. Who says middle management is useless?

  • We've got this proposal which has been languishing in the legislature, the Water Legacy Act, which is derived from a Republican task force on protecting the Great Lakes. Yet nothing has been done on it.

    Lakes   Water   Legacy  
  • President Obama has announced a task force to review the tax codes. He's concerned there are too many loopholes and too many people manipulating the system to avoid paying taxes. And that's just in his administration.

  • if networks of women are formed, they should be job related and task related rather than female-concerns related. Personal networks for sociability in the context of a work organization would tend to promote the image of women contained in the temperamental model - that companies must compensate for women's deficiencies and bring them together for support because they could not make it on their own. But job-related task forces serve the social-psychological functions while reinforcing a more positive image of women.

  • In the last 10 years, in narcotics task forces, in a number of violent crime task forces, we've worked very closely together with state and local law enforcement.

    Years   Law   Numbers  
  • Did you know that the black suited organization that attacked the Koresh cult was a United Nations task force?

    "Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution". Book by Kent Hovind, 1996.
  • I am going to create a new special deportation task force focused on identifying and quickly removing the most dangerous criminal illegal immigrants in America who have evaded justice just like Hillary Clinton has evaded justice.

    Donald Trump's immigration speech in Phoenix, Arizona, www.rawstory.com. August 31, 2016.
  • I tend to work best as a one-man Task Force, including even the roles of messenger, coffee maker and office cleaner.

    Coffee   Men   Office  
    Source: saharareporters.com
  • I've appointed a task force to take a fresh look at the color-code system and whether we should retain it, change it or scrap it.

    Color   Tasks   Looks  
  • As a co-chair of the State's 2010 Olympics Task Force, I am working to make sure our border crossings are ready to handle the risks and benefits the Games will bring.

    Games   Risk   Tasks  
  • President [Barack] Obama did put together a task force on 21st Century Policing, led by Philadelphia police chief Charles Ramsey, to look at some of these issues after Ferguson.

    Source: www.theskanner.com
  • We can learn from this history that when the Department of Justice, the FBI, the DEA, and the state and local police and prosecutors were combined in a task force directed by and at the mafia, when they looked at the mafia and really went after them, they were able to get great, great successes and prosecutions out of them in seizing their business interest, in a lot of things; including their business interest, taking them away, and removing their infiltration from legitimate areas of society.

    Justice   Police   Mafia  
    "CNN Newsroom" with Carol Costello, www.cnn.com. October 3, 2016.
  • I thought Brittany Packnett, who was one of the Ferguson activists, really interesting, smart young lady, really impressive - you might want to talk with her. So she was one of the organizers of the Ferguson movement, ended up joining our task force. She came in here and she just knew her stuff.

    Source: www.theatlantic.com
  • As president, I will instruct the Department of Justice to create a joint task force throughout the United States to work together with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities and international law enforcement to crush this still-developing area of crime.

    Crush   Law   Justice  
    "CNN Newsroom" with Carol Costello, www.cnn.com. October 3,2016.
  • The Halifax area has long played a major role in Canada's military operations, being the port of departure for convoys, naval task forces and army units over the past 100 years or so.

    Military   Army   Past  
  • Pennsylvania is facing challenging economic times, a multi-billion dollar budget deficit, and negative cash flow projections. My Budget Deficit and Fiscal Stabilization Task Force will get to work to determine the scope of the challenges facing Pennsylvania and begin to discuss how we can get Pennsylvania's fiscal house in order.

    Cash Flow   Order   House  
    FaceBook post by Tom Wolf from Nov 26, 2014
  • Mexico is divided over the results of its presidential election. The U.S.had offered to send in a task force to help determine the outcome, but unfortunately the Supreme Court is currently not in session.

  • As founder and co-chair of the upper Mississippi River Congressional task force, I have long sought to preserve the river's health and historical multiple uses, including as a natural waterway and a home to wildlife, for the benefit of future generations of Americans.

    Home   Rivers   Long  
  • Perhaps the most extraordinary popular delusion about violence of the past quarter-century is that it is caused by low self-esteem. That theory has been endorsed by dozens of prominent experts, has inspired school programs designed to get kids to feel better about themselves, and in the late 1980s led the California legislature to form a Task Force to Promote Self-Esteem. Yet Baumeister has shown that the theory could not be more spectacularly, hilariously, achingly wrong. Violence is a problem not of too little self-esteem but of too much, particularly when it is unearned.

    Steven Pinker (2011). “The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined”, p.560, Penguin
  • As governor of Ohio, I have an obligation to keep the 11.5 million people in Ohio safe. And we have been very effective with our Joint Terrorism Task Force, being able to make busts.

    Ohio   People   Tasks  
    Source: cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com
  • I regret that the Army felt it was necessary to rescind their invitation to the National Day of Prayer Task Force to participate in the Pentagon's special prayer service. I want to express my strong support for the United States military and all our troops. I will continue to pray that God will give them guidance, wisdom and protection as they serve this great country.

    Country   Strong   Regret  
    "Franklin Graham Regrets Army's Decision to Rescind Invite to Pentagon Prayer Service", www.foxnews.com. April 22, 2010.
  • Tragically, the White House Task Force on Disadvantaged Youth reported that one-quarter of our young people are at serious risk of not achieving productive adulthood.

    White   People   House  
  • [Admiral Nelson's counsel] guided me time and again. On the eve of the critical battle of Santa Cruz, in which the Japanese ships outnumbered ours more than two to one, I sent my task force commanders this dispatch: ATTACK REPEAT ATTACK. They did attack, heroically, and when the battle was done, the enemy turned away. All problems, personal, national, or combat, become smaller if you don't dodge them, but confront them. Touch a thistle timidly, and it pricks you; grasp it boldly, and its spines crumble. Carry the battle to the enemy! Lay your ship alongside his!

    Courage   Two   Enemy  
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