Starclan Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Starclan". There are currently 21 quotes in our collection about Starclan. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Starclan!
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  • Don't be afraid of StarClan. They will understand about Brokentail. You will be honored by our warrior ancestors for your loyalty toy your Clanmates and for your endless courage. So many cats owe their lives to you. Cinderpelt would have died after her accident if you hadn't tended to her. And when there was greencough, you fought day and night.

    Loyalty   Cat   Warrior  
  • You have sacrified so much. And our Clan walks a safer path now. With this life, I give you pride, so that you may know your own worth and the worth of your Clan. Thank you for raising Whitestorm. You were chosen long ago, and StarClan has never regretted its choice.

    Pride   Long Ago   Giving  
  • Four will Become Two, Lion and Tiger will Meet in Battle, and Blood will Rule the Forest.

    Cat   Blood   Two  
  • Thank you for bringing me to ThunderClan. Tell Bluestar I have always been grateful for the home she gave me. This is a good place to die. I only regret that I will miss watching you become what StarClan has destined you to be.

    Regret   Grateful   Home  
  • I will honor my ancestors in StarClan," Bramblestar vowed, "but not those who have ever walked in the Dark Forest. Guide my steps wisely, warriors of the past." He lowered his head. "And warriors of now".

    Warrior   Dark   Past  
  • There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws.

    Stars   Three   Paws  
    Erin Hunter (2009). “Warriors: Power of Three #6: Sunrise”, Harper Collins
  • StarClan may go where they please, they have betrayed SkyClan. From this day on, I will have nothing more to do with our warrior ancestors. StarClan allowed the Twolegs to destroy our home. They look down on us now, and let the moon go on shining while you drive us out. They said there would always be five Clans in the forest, but they lied. SkyClan will never look to the stars again.

    Stars   Home   Warrior  
  • Fox dung! I'm a loyal ShadowClan cat. If I'm ever made deputy or leader it will be because I have earned it myself - and my Clanmates and StarClan wish it. You're twisting the warrior code to get what you want, just like you did when you were alive.

    Cat   Warrior   Leader  
  • I must. I have fought my last battle. When I saw the Clan at Sunningrocks, the strong helping the weak...and I knew you and the others had gone to confront the pack...I knew my Clan was loyal. I knew StarClan had not turned their backs on us. I knew...I knew that I could not leave you to face the danger alone.

    Strong   Battle   Gone  
  • The time for lies and secrets is over," she meowed. "The truth must come out. Starclan was wrong not to tell you who you were a long time ago.

    Lying   Long   Secret  
  • Look Rushtail," Crowfeather was meowing frustratedly "WindClan is gathering farther down the hill. If you stay here, you'll get mixed up with ThunderClan" "So?" ThunderClan never did me any harm," rasped the elder "I'm not moving a pawstep from here, young fellow, until I've had something to eat" Crowfeather rolled his eyes " Great StarClan

    Moving   Eye   Gathering  
  • I buried her on the shore," he whispered as Fireheart padded up and sat down beside him. "She loved the river." He raised his head to where the first stars of Silverpelt were beginning to appear. "She hunts with StarClan now," he mewed softly. "Someday I'll find her again, and we'll be together.

    Stars   Rivers   Together  
  • now I know that my punishment from starclan is not that the other kits died but that this one survived" -yellowfang

    Punishment   Died   Knows  
  • You're never been wrong before, Spottedleaf. If StarClan has spoken, then it must be so. Fire will save our Clan. -Bluestar, Into the Wild

    Fire   Clans   Ifs  
  • Dovewing felt bone-weary from her ears to the tip of her tail. Just because she had better hearing, sharper senses than any cat didn't seem to give her more strength. She needed to rest, eat, talk with Jayfeather and Lionblaze about the challenge that sol had left them with, of hostile Clans that would be crushed by the dark forest if they tried to fight alone. Starclan, light my path, please. "Come on," she meowed to Hollyleaf. "It's time we went home. Our Clnmates are waitning for us P. 315

    Cat   Home   Fighting  
  • You see, Firestar? I am even more powerful than Starclan, for I have changed the clans in the forest from four to two..."-The Darkest Hour, Page 227

    Powerful   Two   Four  
  • There are useful herbs growing near the oak tree by the stream," Flamepaw pointed out "Littlecloud would come for these" his tail curled up in amusement "Then we could pelt Blackfoot with acorns and he'd think they came from StarClan

    Thinking   Tree   Tails  
  • It's coming, a battle between Starclan and The Dark Forest and every warrior will be called upon to fight.

    Fighting   Warrior   Dark  
  • The time for lies and secrets is over," she meowed. "The truth must come out. Starclan was wrong not to tell you who you were a long time ago." Then what-?" Jayfeather began, but already Yellowfang's shape was beginning to fade, melting into the moonlight until she was gone. The moonlight abrubtly vanished, leaving Jayfeather in darkness as he woke from his dream. Mouse dung! Why can't any cat speak straight out?" he hissed

    Dream   Lying   Cat  
  • You're a medicine cat. I understand what that means now. StarClan go with you, Leafpool. I'll never forget you.

    Mean   Cat   Medicine  
    Erin Hunter (2009). “Warriors: The New Prophecy #6: Sunset”, p.15, Harper Collins
  • May Starclan light your path.

    Light   May   Path  
    Erin Hunter (2015). “Warriors: Mapleshade's Vengeance”, p.9, Harper Collins
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