Stage Fright Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Stage Fright". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Stage Fright. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Stage Fright!
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  • There was a while when I got really bad stage fright and I basically felt...I was incredibly angry. I felt like everything had been taken away from me and it was at that point that I realized how much doing stand up reminds me of my self love and curiosity about myself and love of other people because I don't go on stage to dominate.

    Taken   Self   People  
    "Jenny Slate, Gabe Liedman and Richard Kind on stand-up, improv and Jerry Seinfeld". Interview with Prachi Gupta, January 19, 2014.
  • When I was 6 I became the poster child for my hospital and would go to banquets and make speeches. I did not get stage fright and I actually enjoyed talking to people of all ages.

  • I always feel like if someone has stage fright, I really try and say, "Listen, these people want you to succeed, they want to have a good evening. They want to see something really great. They don't want to see something crappy. They don't. They want to be at something really special."

    People   Trying   Special  
    The Believer Interview, January, 2012.
  • For me I have learned to enjoy everything, especially performing live, so much more. I used to get horrible stage fright when I was younger and today and just love to sing for anyone who still turns up at my shows!

    Today   Used   Stage  
  • I'm a great self-doubter. I constantly need to prove myself to myself. I've never run to heroin or alcohol to hide that. I always have to deal with it. Stage fright is always going to be there. I have nightmares about bad gigs.

    Running   Self   Alcohol  
  • I have horrible stage fright - you know how you go through the bi-polar stage fright thing? Then you go on drugs to get over the stage fright and perform, but then you're not funny at all.

    Drug   Goes On   Stage  
    Interview with Judd Apatow, June 12, 2015.
  • Anytime you have to get intimate on camera, it's always a little interesting. You have to trick your brain almost, so that you don't get stage fright or get too much in your head where you're super uncomfortable.

  • I get stage fright with short stories. For me it feels like standup comedy: kill or die. I'm more confident when I begin a novel because I know I have space to fail.

    Space   Stories   Comedy  
  • The idea of doing theatre always terrified me because I get terrible stage fright. In the early 1970s I was offered a panto but the thought of going on stage was just too mortifying.

    Ideas   Theatre   Stage  
  • And my wrist froze STAGE FRIGHT

    Bragging   Stage   Wrists  
    Song: I Aint Thru, Album: Gold
  • I have big, big stage fright.

    Fear   Bigs   Stage  
    Interview with Connie Chung, December 25, 2002.
  • I have never had one moment of stage fright and performing has always been a huge thrill and source of enjoyment for me. It's part of my personality.

  • The absolute contingency of the encounter takes on the appearance of destiny. The declaration of love marks the transition from chance to destiny and that's why it is so perilous and so burdened with a kind of horrifying stage fright.

    "Alain Badiou: a life in writing". Interview with Stuart Jeffries, May 18, 2012.
  • ['Fire and Rain'] is sort of almost uncomfortably close. Almost confessional. The reason I could write a song like that at that point, and probably couldn't now, is that I didn't have any sense that anyone would hear it. I started writing the song while I was in London...and I was totally unknown.... So I assumed that they would never be heard. I could just write or say anything I wanted. Now I'm very aware, and I have to deal with my stage fright and my anxiety about people examining or judging it. The idea that people will pass judgment on it is not a useful thought.

    Song   Rain   Writing  
  • I definitely get stage fright.

  • Stage fright is my worst problem.

    Problem   Stage   Worst  
  • People ask me if I have stage fright. I say, "God, no, I'm completely comfortable there. I have rest-of-the-day fright."

    People   Stage   Ask Me  
    Interview with Maranda Pleasant, 2014.
  • I suffer a lot with nerves and stage fright.

  • I'm suffering from stage fright. I don't like making speeches. [...] I'm the kind of introvert actor who likes putting on other people's clothes and pretending to be somebody else, which is completely crazy choice of profession. So, I don't enjoy public speaking and I have every sympathy for anyone who has to do it and doesn't enjoy it.

    Crazy   Clothes   People  
    "The King's Speech - Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush interview" by Rob Carnevale,
  • I originally started it to help me with anxiety & insomnia. It’s already made my life waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better & even with my stage fright. Which I used to think there was no cure for…Last night was the first night I’ve slept 8 hours naturally in my entire life. I felt the best I have in ages. It’s better than any medication or all of the other nonsense I’ve tried.

  • It's good to get stage fright. It is necessary to be scared, otherwise you have too much confidence in yourself and you start to get pretentious and do shitty things. It's good to not be so confident in yourself.

  • The Alexander Technique has helped me to undo knots, unblock energy and deal with almost paralysing stage fright

  • My stage fright gets worse at every performance. During the overture I hope for a theater fire, typhoon, revolution in the Pentagon.

  • I love readings and my readers, but the din of voices of the audience gives me stage fright, and the din of voices inside whisper that I am a fraud, and that the jig is up. Surely someone will rise up from the audience and say out loud that not only am I not funny and helpful, but I'm annoying, and a phony.

    Funny   Reading   Voice  
  • One of the nice things about moving from acting to writing is that your work can be in the public eye without having to be in the public eye yourself. I guess that's not completely true. If you're lucky - and I have been - there are book tours and lectures. I don't have stage fright, and I enjoy meeting people, so that's easy and enjoyable, but it's not a constant, and it's not celebrity.

    Nice   Moving   Book  
  • I don't get stage fright, I actually love the energy, I love the spontaneity, I love the adrenaline you get in front of a live audience, it actually really works for me.

  • In my opinion, the only way to conquer stage fright is to get up on stage and play. Every time you play another show, it gets better and better.

    Play   Get Better   Way  
  • Sports just happen to be excellent for avoiding foreign-language stage fright and developing lasting friendships while still sounding like Tarzan.

  • I've never told anyone this. But I suffer from terrible stage fright. True. You can't tell though, can you? Unbelievable, the panic. I nearly die of fear before I go on stage. Something wicked. I can't eat a thing the day before a gig. It'd make me vomit.

    "John Lydon: 'I'm fat, I'm 50 and I'm back'" by Olga Craig, June 1, 2008.
  • I would love to work on Broadway, but I don't know that it would manifest itself in musical theater.... I have terrible stage fright that I'd have to get over.

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