Softness Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Softness". There are currently 140 quotes in our collection about Softness. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Softness!
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  • I find you in all small and lovely things; in the little fishes like flames in the green water, in the furred and stupid softness of bumble-bees fat as laughter, in all the chiming radiance of warmth and light and scent in the summer garden.

    Winifred Holtby, Vera Brittain (1960). “Selected letters of Winifred Holtby and Vera Brittain, 1920-1935”
  • We forget how the Greeks and Romans prevailed magnificently in a barbaric world and how that triumph ended-how a slackness and softness finally overcame them to their ruin. In the end, more than they wanted freedom, they wanted security and a comfortable life; and they lost all-comfort and security and freedom.

  • Our growing softness, our increasing lack of physical fitness, is a menace to our security.

    "Sport at the New Frontier: The Soft American". Sports Illustrated Vol. 13, Issue 26, (pp. 14-17), December 26, 1960.
  • The sun had not risen, but the vault of heaven was rich with the winning, softness that "brings and shuts the day," while the whole air was filled with the carols of birds, the hymns of the feathered tribe.

    Winning   Hymns   Air  
  • Flexibility, openness and softness are consorting with life. When you are rigid and you know the answer and don't listen to other people's point of view, you are consorting with death. Everything that is old and close to death is brittle and breaks apart including our thinking. So always stay flexible and soft and listen to others with caring. And truthfully, all of the verses hit me - especially when you think about them for days, and then write on them.

  • I think there are differences between men and women. There is more of a softness to women than there is to men, especially when it comes to those more intimate emotions: feeling love, feeling familial connections.

    The Believer interview, September 23, 2014.
  • That softness around your eyes, a softness in your face. Almost the way you feel when you’re about to start crying. That, to me, is love. It can be romantic love, it can be friendship love, it can be family love, it can be love for a chipmunk. It can be love for anything.

    "Moby | Inside the brain of a genius. Meditator. Vegan. Outlaw". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,
  • He kissed me, so gently at first that I melted. I pressed close against him as the kiss deepened, curling my arms around his neck and tumbling into pure sensation. The softness of his hair as I ran my fingers through it; his arms hands on my skin, caressing me. It felt so, so good. I'd been afraid that I'd never have this again--this sense of being so achingly alive that every nerve ending was on fire.

    Kissing   Fire   Hair  
  • I think that there’s too much sugar in the world and not enough salt. Kids want to be challenged. Humans want to aspire to something. You don’t win in life and you don’t win in athletics with softness or selfishness.

    Kids   Winning   Thinking  
  • I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts by a simple smile.

  • Softness to traitors will destroy us all.

  • I have a little bit of a belly, a tiny bit of pooch. It's the one thing I don't want to lose. I just like having some softness. If I lose that, then Tom might leave me.

    Tiny   Want   Littles  
  • Although the progress of civilisation has undoubtedly contributed to assuage the fiercer passions of human nature, it seems to have been less favourable to the virtue of chastity, whose most dangerous enemy is the softness of the mind. The refinements of life corrupt while they polish the intercourse of the sexes. The gross appetite of love becomes most dangerous when it is elevated, or rather, indeed, disguised by sentimental passion.

    Sex   Passion   Love Is  
    Edward Gibbon (1998). “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, p.191, Wordsworth Editions
  • Spring is the season of gaiety, and winter of terror; in spring the heart of tranquility dances to the melody of the groves, and the eye of benevolence sparkles at the sight of happiness and plenty: in winter, compassion melts at universal calamity, and the tear of softness starts at the wailing of hunger and the cries of the creation in distress

    Spring   Heart   Eye  
  • The empire of woman is an empire of softness, of address, of complacency. Her commands are caresses, her menaces are tears.

    Women   Tears   Addresses  
  • When we protect ourselves so we won't feel pain, that protection becomes like armor, like armor that imprisons the softness of of the heart.

    Pain   Heart   Armor  
    Pema Chodron (2000). “When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times”, p.115, Shambhala Publications
  • To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life and this is a softness that ends in bitterness.

    Life   Views   Too Much  
  • Women are told from their infancy, and taught by the example of their mothers, that a little knowledge of human weakness, justly termed cunning, softness of temper, outward obedience and a scrupulous attention to a puerile kind of propriety, will obtain for them the protection of man.

    Mother   Men   Weakness  
    Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Janet Todd (1989). “The Works of Mary Wollstonecraft”, NYU Press
  • Openness and softness of heart loves what it knows

    Heart   Openness   Knows  
  • I think to a degree this happens when they [russians] spot a softness in us, which I think for a while they did.

  • A man, at least, is free; he can explore every passion, every land, overcome obstacles, taste the most distant pleasures. But a woman is continually thwarted. Inert and pliant at the same time, she must struggle against both the softness of her flesh and subjection to the law. Her will, like the veil tied to her hat by a string, flutters with every breeze; there is always some desire luring her on, some convention holding her back.

    Gustave Flaubert (2010). “Madame Bovary: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)”, p.92, Penguin
  • And there’s one more thing to be aware of ” Cam said with a wintry softness that disguised all hint of feeling. “If you succeed in marrying her we’re not losing a sister. You’re gaining an entire family—who will protect her at any cost.

    Feelings   Cost   Hints  
    Lisa Kleypas (2009). “Tempt Me at Twilight”, p.132, Macmillan
  • The defects born of habit are innumerable. I see every child occupied in some way in disarranging and disfiguring his physique; some displace the ankles through the habit they have contracted of standing on one leg only and playing, as it were, with the other; placing it in a position which though disagreeable and strained, does not fatigue them, because the softness of their tendons and muscles lend themselves to all kinds of movement.

    Children   Ballet   Way  
  • Staring at her face, she began to fancy her outer layer had begun to melt away while she wasn't paying attention, and something -- some new skeleton -- was emerging from beneath the softness of her accustomed self. With a deep, visceral ache, she wished her true form might prove to be a sleek and shining one, like a stiletto blade slicing free of an ungainly sheath. Like a bird of prey losing its hatchling fluff to hunt in cold, magnificent skies. That she might become something glittering, something startling, something dangerous.

    Skeletons   Self   Sky  
    Laini Taylor (2009). “Lips Touch: Three Times”, p.40, Scholastic Inc.
  • Jazz vision is the fusion of music and art a real paradox of same-yet different. Here we play in exchanges, like the hardness of the key of c# major and from the softness of Db major - capturing, reflecting and improvising.

    Art   Real   Keys  
  • A man never so beautifully shows his own strength as when he respects a woman's softness.

    Men   Shows   Softness  
    Douglas William Jerrold, Blanchard Jerrold (1859). “Specimens of Douglas Jerrold's wit: together with selections, chiefly from his contributions to journals, intended to illustrate his opinions”, p.43
  • Volumptuous women look good. Ignorant messages from mass media tell women what size to be, but female qualities-a softness, a soothing capacity that a woman has no matter what size she happens to be-sustain the more humane aspects of civilization.

  • All the great artists of the world slowly slowly start growing a quality of feminineness, grace, elegance, exquisiteness. A certain flavor of softness, relaxedness, calmness and quietness surrounds them. They are no longer feverish. What I am teaching here is really to turn the whole world feminine.

    Teaching   Artist   Grace  
  • You have a good heart and you think the good thing is to be guilty and kind but it's not always kind to be gentle and soft, there's a genuine violence softness and kindness visit on people. Sometimes self-interested is the most generous thing you can be.

    "Angels in America Part Two: Perestroika". Book by Tony Kushner, January 18, 2017.
  • There's a condensed softness about the Albanian people, and I've witnessed examples of their hospitality.

    Running   Blood   People  
    "REEL Lady: Masiela Lusha". September 1, 2008.
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