Shagging Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Shagging". There are currently 17 quotes in our collection about Shagging. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Shagging!
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  • If I had to choose between dribbling past 5 players and scoring from 40 yards at Anfield or shagging miss world, it'd be a hard choice. Thankfully, i've done both

    Thankful   Past   Player  
  • In a love scene that's really advantageous because you don't have that horrible moment of: "We don't really know what we're supposed to be doing, we just know we're supposed to be snogging and then shagging." Then the director shouts "action" and it's like: "Should I feel her boobs? I don't want to feel her boobs!"

    Directors   Want   Action  
  • I don't know how long i could be a vet before i got bored and started shagging stuff.

    Funny   Humor   Bored  
  • Tabloids invoke freedom of speech, but they're not interested in that, they're just interested in who's shagging whom, who's got drunk. And if you take that pretend, faux moral standpoint, you end up with people in public life being completely boring. Like they've had their genitals removed.

    "Jarvis Cocker answers your questions: 'Go on, then, give us the horrible ones'". Interview with Miranda Sawyer, November 27, 2011.
  • I'd never really wanted to have a really 'private' life before. But when somebody starts delving into it and printing details through the tabloids for shagging people you shouldn't have shagged, then that probably made me shy away a bit more from giving too much away.

    People   Giving   Details  
  • When I think about actors I know, I'd much rather hear about who they're shagging than what film they're doing next.

    Thinking   Actors   Next  
  • A mate of mine has just told me he's shagging his girlfriend and her twin, I said how can you tell them apart, he said "her brothers got a moustache!"

  • Right, then, mate, terribly sorry for my unspeakable rudeness, and I do beg your pardon. I can only say that it was caused by my natural affront to the notion of her as my sister. Since I'll be shagging her tonight, you can imagine how I'd be distressed at the thought of rogering my sibling" "You shmuck! The only thing you'll be shagging tonight is yourself!" "You wanted sincerity, well, luv, I was sincere.

    Sorry   Sibling   Tonight  
  • How galling to watch someone who looks like you, who basically is you, do all the shagging you didn't get to do.

  • You're shagging a woman who can turn into a dragon? Blast you, Charles, I am sick with envy!

    Dragons   Envy   Sick  
  • My neck and shoulders are killing me. Hard to focus on writing about murder, doom, shagging, our hopeless future & other comedy etc etc.

    Writing   Focus   Etc  
  • I'm not Mother Teresa. But I'm not Frank Bough, either. I am getting older and a bit more sensible. I'm not going to be popping up in dungeons every six months. If you catch me preaching fidelity while I am shagging chickens then throw the book at me. Otherwise, leave me alone.

  • Once you've been with each other in a primal, shagging state, it's hard to talk about the weather.

    Irvine Welsh (1995). “The Acid House”, p.251, W. W. Norton & Company
  • I am not motivated by recognition, I just do things I like doing - racing, shagging, eating and drinking.

  • When you're just shagging girls, you can talk about it, but once it gets real, then you don't.

    Girl   Real   Shagging  
  • All songs are about shagging, you can't deny it

    Song   Deny   Shagging  
  • There's nothing worse than a violent beating from an unremarkable person. Physical violence with someone is too much like shagging them. Too much id involved.

    Irvine Welsh (1995). “The Acid House”, p.188, W. W. Norton & Company
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