Secretive Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Secretive". There are currently 91 quotes in our collection about Secretive. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Secretive!
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  • [Adolf Hitler] was very close-mouthed, he was the most private individual I have ever seen, very secretive.

  • In a small Swiss city sits an international organization so obscure and secretive... Control of the institution, the Bank for International Settlements, lies with some of the world's most powerful and least visible men: the heads of 32 central banks, officials able to shift billions of dollars and alter the course of economies at the stroke of a pen.

    Money   Powerful   Lying  
    "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS; Obscure Global Bank Moves Into the Light". August 5, 1995.
  • People are secretive when they have secrets.

    Deb Caletti (2010). “The Secret Life of Prince Charming”, p.85, Simon and Schuster
  • Behind the scenes there is a secretive, undeclared war of revenge that's already under way.

  • They didn't send me the script for Scary Movie 4 because the script was very secretive. So I never did get one actually. But it is David Zucker and there is complete trust. So I read my scenes and I thought they were really funny. I thought it would be a riot to play the blind girl.

    Girl   Play   Scary  
    "Scary Movie 4 - Carmen Electra interview".
  • It’s a woman saying something secretive, something in her eyes that’s almost animalistic

  • Love letters are supposed to be private. [Eva Braun] was very secretive about all that.

  • Whoever has received knowledge and eloquence in speech from God should not be silent or secretive but demonstrate it willingly. When a great good is widely heard of, then, and only then, does it bloom, and when that good is praised by man, it has spread its blossoms.

    Men   Doe   Speech  
  • I really believe that a lawyer - no matter how good - if he or she is really worth their weight in salt, they will lose some cases because, after all, it is not really one of those secretive things that not everything is decided by who your lawyer is.

    Believe   Matter   Salt  
    "First Amendment Attorney Floyd Abrams Talks with CFIF’s Corporate Counsel About Three Decades of Free Speech". "Your Turn — Meeting Nonsense with Common Sense", June 15, 2005.
  • Traditionally, sex has been a very private, secretive activity. Herein perhaps lies its powerful force for uniting people in a strong bond. As we make sex less secretive, we may rob it of its power to hold men and women together.

    Strong   Sex   Powerful  
    The Second Sin "Sex" (1973)
  • It's a subject that is often hidden and very secretive, but it's something which I feel should have a light shone upon it.

  • You're grumpy and broody and secretive all the time. You're no joy to live with, I can tell you that!""I smile sometimes. I even laughed about your . . . hat.""MacHalo," I corrected tightly. "It's a brilliant invention, and it means I don't need you or V'lane to keep my safe from Shades, and that, Jericho Barrons, is worth its weight in gold: not needing either of you for something!

    Karen Marie Moning (2016). “The Fever Series 7-Book Bundle: Darkfever, Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, Shadowfever, Iced, Burned”, p.529, Dell
  • To be reserved, secretive, with a passionate violence that causes suffering.

  • Stephan was secretive and a liar, but he was a very gentle and expert lover. She was the petted, cherished child, the desired mistress, the worshipped, perfumed goddess. She was all these things to Stephan - or so he made her believe.

    Jean Rhys (1981). “Quartet”
  • A person may be very secretive and yet have no secrets.

    Secret   May   Persons  
  • I'm very secretive. I'll write a whole novel and revise it, which might take me two years or more, and the people I know best don't know what I'm writing about.

    Writing   Years   Two  
  • I don’t want to stand before you like a thing, shrewd, secretive. I want my own will, and I want simply to be with my will, as it goes toward action. And in the silent, sometimes hardly moving times, when something is coming near, I want to be with those who know secret things or else alone. I want to unfold. I don’t want to be folded anywhere, because where I am folded, there I am a lie.

    Lying   Moving   Secret  
  • The Bush people have no right to speak for my father, particularly because of the position he's in now (Alzheimer's Syndrome). Yes, some of the current policies are an extension of the '80s. But the overall thrust of this administration is not my father's - these people are overly reaching, overly aggressive, overly secretive, and just plain corrupt. I don't trust these people.

    "Reagan blasts Bush". Interview with David Talbot, April 15, 2003.
  • The people who want to be segregated are part of a different generation, and they have lived their lives. They are the stakeholders and guardians of the culture. Historically, the British tried to erase them from their land, but they survived. They survived the non-acceptance of the government, so they have always been very secretive. They have created a barrier, which they don't want to lose.

  • I wrote poetry in a secretive way, I think, a secret from myself, I mean. I wrote it because it gave me great pleasure to do so and because it relieved the ever-building pressure of the demanding world around me. It's always served me as a way of appraising, and controlling overwhelming experiences. But this need, and desire, was always in conflict with my need to "survive."

    Mean   Thinking   Secret  
  • It is hard to imagine having a government more secretive than the United States. Virtually everything that government does, of any significance, is conducted behind an extreme wall of secrecy. The very few leaks that we’ve had over the last decade are basically the only ways that we’ve had to learn what our government is doing.

    "'A Massive Surveillance State': Glenn Greenwald Exposes Covert NSA Program Collecting Calls, Emails". Interview with Amy Goodman, June 07, 2013.
  • Among the rich you will never find a really generous man even by accident. They may give their money away, but they will never give themselves away; they are egotistic, secretive, dry as old bones. To be smart enough to get all that money you must be dull enough to want it.

    A Miscellany of Men "The Miser and His Friends" (1912)
  • Imagination is the most powerful tool you have. You learn it from all the greats. The Star Wars films are secretive. Anything J.J. Abrams does is secretive. Those guys haven't done too poorly.

  • Texting is a supremely secretive medium of communication - it's like passing a note - and this means we should be very careful what we use it for.

    "The joy of text" by Will Self, Lynne Truss, July 4, 2008.
  • I was modest--they accused me of being crafty: I became secretive. I felt deeply good and evil--nobody caressed me, everybody offended me: I became rancorous. I was gloomy--other children were merry and talkative. I felt myself superior to them--but was considered inferior: I became envious. I was ready to love the whole world--none understood me: and I learned to hate.

    Children   Hate   Evil  
  • Why were my visitors so secretive, hiding themselves behind my consciousness. I could only conclude that they were using me and did not want me to know why...What if they were dangerous? Then I was terribly dangerous because I was playing a role in acclimatizing people to them.

    People   What If   Want  
  • You try to sit down at approximately the same time every day. This is how you train your unconscious to kick in for you creatively. ... You put a piece of paper in the typewriter, or you turn on your computer and bring up the right file. ... You begin rocking, just a little at first, and then like a huge autistic child. ... Then your mental illnesses arrive at the desk like your sickest, most secretive relatives. And they pull up chairs in a semicircle around the computer, and they try to be quiet but you know they are there with their weird coppery breath, leering at you behind your back.

  • Some of the qualities that go into making a good reporter - aggressiveness, a certain sneakiness, a secretive nature, nosiness, the ability to find out that which someone wants hidden, the inability to take 'no' with any sort of grace, a taste for gossip, rudeness, a fair disdain for what people will think of you and an occasional and calculated disregard for rules - are also qualities that go into making a very antisocial human being.

    Linda Ellerbee (1987). “"And so it goes": adventures in television”, Berkley Pub Group
  • It's nothing mystical, necessarily. It's nothing secretive. It's just what we do with our body we do with our soul.

    Soul   Body   Mystical  
  • Anxiety is secretive. He does not trust anyone, not even his friends, Worry, Terror, Doubt and Panic ... He likes to visit me late at night when I am alone and exhausted. I have never slept with him, but he kissed me on the forehead once, and I had a headache for two years.

    Night   Years   Two  
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