Samsara Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Samsara". There are currently 41 quotes in our collection about Samsara. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Samsara!
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  • Rest in natural great peace, this exhausted mind, beaten helpless by karma and neurotic thought, like the relentless fury of the pounding waves in the infinite ocean of samsara.

  • Hold the sadness and pain of samsara in your heart and at the same time the power and vision of the Great Eastern Sun. Then the warrior can make a proper cup of tea.

    Pain   Heart   Sadness  
  • Searching outside of you is Samsara (the world). Searching within you leads to Nirvana.

  • The willingness to not bypass illusion is very important. We come to nirvana by way of samsara. We come to see the true nature of things by seeing through the illusory nature of things. We don't come to nirvana by avoiding samsara. We don't come to clarity by avoiding confusion.

    Adyashanti (2010). “The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment”, p.49, Sounds True
  • Once you have the View, although the delusory perceptions of samsara may arise in your mind, you will be like the sky; when a rainbow appears in front of it, it’s not particularly flattered, and when the clouds appear, it’s not particularly disappointed either. There is a deep sense of contentment. You chuckle from inside as you see the facade of samsara and nirvana; the View will keep you constantly amused, with a little inner smile bubbling away all the time.

    Sky   Clouds   Views  
  • Being fooled into trying to make things work out for 'me' is called samsara.

  • By renouncing samsara, we renounce our habitual grasping, unhappy minds. And by renouncing samsara, we embrace our potential for enlightenment.

    Buddhist   Mind   Unhappy  
  • The charnel ground is that great graveyard in which the complexities of samsara and nirvana lie buried.

    Life   Nature   Lying  
  • According to Buddhist practice, there are three stages or steps. The initial stage is to reduce attachment towards life. The second stage is the elimination of desire and attachment to this samsara. Then in the third stage, self-cherishing is eliminated

    His Holiness The Dalai Lama (1998). “Path To Tranquility”, p.39, Penguin Books India
  • The Buddha said that samsara by its nature is painful. He didn't say it was a joyride.

    Painful   Samsara   Said  
  • Everything that is thought and expressed in words is one-sided, only half the truth; it all lacks totality, completeness, unity. When the Illustrious Buddha taught about the world, he had to divide it into Samsara and Nirvana, illusion and truth, into suffering and salvation. One cannot do otherwise, there is no other method for those who teach. But the world itself, being in and around us, is never one-sided. Never is a man or a deed wholly Samsara or wholly Nirvana; never is a man wholly a saint or a sinner. This only seems so because we suffer the illusion that time is something real.

    Spiritual   Real   Men  
    "Siddhartha". Book by Hermann Hesse, 1922.
  • If we could turn around and stand back, then we would see the whole complete pattern. And therefore what we have to do in this lifetime is to perfect this pattern, so that it will continue a most beautiful pattern next time and next time and next time and next time because we vowed until samsara is empty! Now, that's going to be a long time, so you'd better get prepared for the long haul, and the best way to do that is to really prepare yourself as much as possible in this lifetime, and not waste your opportunities so that we can genuinely benefit beings, endlessly, endlessly, endlessly.

  • Samsara is the world appearance, the cycle of rebirth, the physically manifest universes and states of mind that you perceive through the medium of ego.

    Ignorance   Ego   Mind  
  • AQAL is a map of samsara, a map of the prison, but if you gonna make a prison brake,you need a good map. (laughter)

    Laughter   Needs   Maps  
  • Life is called Samsara - it is the result of the conflicting forces acting upon us. Materialism says, "The voice of freedom is a delusion." Idealism says, "The voice that tells of bondage is but a dream." Vedanta says, "We are free and not free at the same time." That means that we are never free on the earthly plane, but ever free on the spiritual side. The Self is beyond both freedom and bondage. We are Brahman, we are immortal knowledge beyond the senses, we are Bliss Absolute.

    Dream   Spiritual   Mean  
    Swami Vivekananda (1955). “Complete Works”
  • Never is a man wholly a saint or a sinner.

    Men   Saint   Samsara  
    Hermann Hesse (2015). “Siddhartha: An Indian Tale”, p.107, Om Books International
  • The Samsara is the movement of life. And you, an individual self, a form, a moment on a wave, are bound.

  • The things you see are real, but they are not a complete seeing - Samsara.

  • The Buddha's insight into the middle way is not simply about a balance between extremes. This conventional understanding misses the deeper revelation of the middle way as being the very nature of unexcelled enlightenment. The middle way is an invitation to leap beyond nirvana and samsara and to realize the unborn Buddha mind right in the middle of everywhere.

  • In tantra, samsara is viewed as the same thing as nirvana. Eating a hamburger is meditation.

  • Death and Light are everywhere, always, and they begin, end, strive, attend, into and upon the Dream of the Nameless that is the world, burning words within Samsara, perhaps to create a thing of beauty.

    Dream   Light   Burning  
    "Lord of Light". Book by Roger Zelazny, 1967.
  • Yes, times are not good, but when were times good? This is samsara.

  • Man must have results, real results, in his inner and outer life. I do not mean the results which modern people strive after in their attempts at self-development. These are not results, but only rearrangements of psychic material, a process the Buddhists call 'samsara' and which our Holy Bible calls 'dust'.

    Buddhist   Real   Mean  
  • To go beyond samsara and nirvana, we will need the two wings of emptiness and compassion. From now on, let us use these two wings to fly fearlessly into the sky of the life to come.

    Compassion   Sky   Wings  
  • In Tantric Buddhism, we believe that Samsara is Nirvana. That is to say that everything in the universe is part of us. And we also are part of everything in the universe.

  • We spend all our energy and waste our lives trying to re-create these zones of safety, which are always falling apart. That's the essence of samsara - the cycle of suffering that comes from continuing to seek happiness in all the wrong places.

    Fall   Essence   Safety  
    Pema Chodron (2003). “Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion”, p.24, Shambhala Publications
  • Mental purity will come through constant chanting of the divine name. This is the simplest way. You are trying to cross the ocean of transmigration, the cycle of birth and death. The mantra is the oar of the boat; it is the instrument you use to cross the samsara of your restless mind, with its unending thought waves. The mantra can also be compared to a ladder that you climb to reach the heights of God realization.

  • To encounter such a being is considered the ultimate karmic blessing in the sense that your life will be so configured that every single variant problematic karma will surface, which means you have the opportunity of passing through them all correctly, going over the ocean of the samsara and reaching nirvana yourself.

    Karma   Teacher   Ocean  
  • Quoting Dudjom Rinpoche on the buddha-nature: No words can describe it No example can point to it Samsara does not make it worse Nirvana does not make it better It has never been born It has never ceased It has never been liberated It has never been deluded It has never existed It has never been nonexistent It has no limits at all It does not fall into any kind of category

    Fall   Example   Doe  
    FaceBook post by Sogyal Rinpoche from Jun 29, 2016
  • The problem is that our inherent ignorance keeps us in samsara and unable to benefit ourselves and others on a really deep level.

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