Rotary Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Rotary". There are currently 18 quotes in our collection about Rotary. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Rotary!
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  • Some things are better than other things: Google, Gmail, my vintage Montgomery Wards socket set (30+ years, still going strong), my Estwing framing hammer, and my Dremel rotary tool.

    Strong   Years   Vintage  
  • You've been telling us about how to secure peace, but come on, now, General-just among us Rotarians and Rotary Anns-'fess up! With your great experience, don't you honest, cross-your-heart, think that perhaps-just maybe-when a country has gone money-mad, like all our labor unions and workmen, with their propaganda to hoist income taxes, so that the thrifty and industrious have to pay for the shiftless ne'er-do-weels, then maybe, to save their lazy souls and get some iron into them, a war might be a good thing? Come on, now, tell your real middle name, Mong General!

    Country   Real   War  
  • For every bourgeois, in the heat of youth, if only for a day, for a minute, has believed himself capable of immense passions, of heroic enterprises. The most mediocre libertine has dreamed of oriental princesses; every rotary carries about inside him the debris of a poet.

  • But the thing about remembering is that you don't forget. You take your material where you find it, which is in your life, at the intersection of past and present. The memory-traffic feeds into a rotary up on your head, where it goes in circles for a while, then pretty soon imagination flows in and the traffic merges and shoots off down a thousand different streets. As a writer, all you can do is pick a street and go for the ride, putting things down as they come at you. That's the real obsession. All those stories.

    Memories   Real   Past  
    Tim O'Brien (2009). “The Things They Carried”, p.33, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Near the end of his life, my father proved to be, at his core, a very polite, chivalrous man. He walked the halls of the facility where he lived, introducing himself and shaking people's hands as he had done at Rotary meetings. He complimented the nurses, ‘You have a lovely figure.’ He could also eat an entire 2 lb. box of See's Candies in an afternoon, which requires considerable effort with stage five Parkinson's disease.

    Father   Men   Hands  
  • All of us are born with a set of instinctive fears - of falling, of the dark, of lobsters, of falling on lobsters in the dark, of speaking before a Rotary Club, and of the words "Some Assembly Required".

    Fall   Dark   Lobster  
    Dave Barry (1984). “Babies and Other Hazards of Sex: How to Make a Tiny Person in Only 9 Months, with Tools You Probably Have Around the Home”, p.79, Rodale
  • Americans are less mystical about what produced their inland or meadow courses; they are the product of the bulldozerm rotary ploughs, mowers, sprinkler systems and alarmingly generous wads of folding money.

    Golf   Rotary   Meadows  
    Alistair Cooke (1996). “Fun and Games with Alistair Cooke: On Sport and Other Amusements”, p.114, Arcade Publishing
  • In fiction, I searched for my favorite authors, women I have trusted to reassure me than not all teenage guys are total ditwads, that the archetype of the noble cute hero who devotes himself to the girl he loves has not gone the way of the rotary phone. That all I had to do was be myself (smart, hardworking, funny) and be patient and kind and he and I would find each other. As Bea would say, this why they call it fiction.

    Cute   Girl   Teenage  
  • Why is it that when we had rotary phones, when we were having folks being crippled by polio, that we were teaching the same way then that we're doing right now?

  • I went from rotary phone to Twitter. And was appalled at the notion.

    Phones   Rotary   Notion  
    "Jeff Perry on His 'Scandal' Colleagues: 'We Have the Temperament of an 11-Year-Old Girl Scout Sleepover'". Interview with Andrea Cuttler, October 3, 2013.
  • I will go and speak at rotary clubs. I will go and speak at schools. I'm so much in the community, but in a way that I love. It's been such a positive thing.

  • The foundation upon which Rotary is built is friendship; on no less firm foundation could it have stood.

  • But the thing about remembering is that you don't forget.

    Tim O'Brien (2009). “The Things They Carried”, p.33, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • It is better to use this available energy for your observation, inner observation. Just watch everything - and it is good because you have nothing much to do. You have not to go here and there and visit people and become a member of the Rotary Club. You are saved from so much nonsense that I felt really jealous of you! Enjoy it! And feel sorry for everybody else! They are poorer and you can become immensely rich. And the art of that richness is witnessing. Witnessing is another name for meditation.

    Art   Sorry   Jealous  
  • The Rotary Club will do the work, because business people are busy. But the impact and the value of this will be to the business.

    Impact   People   Clubs  
  • There, gleaming in the glow, was that ten-horsepower rotary engine under a seat. A key glistening in the ignition. I imagine the top speed for that old mower was five miles per hour. It might have taken an hour and a half or more for me to get to the liquor store, but get there I did.

    Taken   Keys   Half  
    George Jones (2014). “I Lived to Tell It All”, p.140, Dell
  • I grew up with a rotary phone in my house and that seems a world away, but that's what I was used to as a kid. So now things seem complicated to me, but to kids born right now, they don't feel complicated.

    Kids   Phones   House  
  • An era similar to the one in which the black rotary phone dominated its product category may not recur anytime soon.

    Phones   Black   May  
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