Red Shirt Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Red Shirt". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Red Shirt. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Red Shirt!
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  • I'm upset. There was nothing like putting on the red shirt. (on retiring from international football)

    Football   Upset   Red  
  • Fire in your belly comes from pride and passion in wearing the red shirt. We don't need to motivate players because each of them is responsible for the performance of the team as a whole. The status of Liverpool's players keeps them motivated.

    Team   Passion   Pride  
  • It was a dream for me to play in the red shirt - I will keep this shirt with me always. I hope this is the start of a lot of games for United, It wasn't only me in this game though, I think the whole team enjoyed the game and did well. It's the first match and we have done good things. It's a good step and we're very happy.

    Dream   Team   Thinking  
  • Jump into an open grave? What kind of idiot are you?" Butters replied. "I might as well put on a red shirt and volunteer for the away team. There's snow and ice and slippery mud down there. That's like asking for an ironically broken neck.

    Team   Ice   Snow  
  • Kenny Dalglish is a hero of mine and is the best player to ever wear a red shirt.

    Hero   Player   Red  
  • And believe me, to have been in the city of Tuscaloosa in October when you were young and full of Early Times and had a shining Alabama girl by your side--to have had all that and then to have seen those red shirts pour onto the field, and, then, coming behind them, with that inexorable big cat walk of his, the man himself, The Bear--that was very good indeed.

    Girl   Believe   Cat  
  • I feel a bit awkward playing in a red shirt out at Wimbledon. But I don't dislike it.

    Awkward   Red   Wimbledon  
  • Say “no” only when it really matters. Wear a bright red shirt with bright orange shorts? Sure. Put water in the toy tea set? Okay. Sleep with your head at the foot of the bed? Fine. Samuel Johnson said, “All severity that does not tend to increase good, or prevent evil, is idle."

    Sleep   Parenting   Feet  
    "Ten Ways To Be A More Light-Hearted Parent". May 17, 2019.
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