Pumping Gas Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Pumping Gas". There are currently 8 quotes in our collection about Pumping Gas. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Pumping Gas!
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  • I see the strongest and the smartest men who have ever lived... and these men are pumping gas and waiting tables.

    Men   Waiting   Tables  
    Chuck Palahniuk (2005). “Fight Club: A Novel”, p.149, W. W. Norton & Company
  • Well, when I went off to college, the guys I used to hang with were pumping gas and voting Democrat. Today they're still pumping gas and voting Democrat. Guess the Democrats didn't do much for them.

    College   Guy   Voting  
  • I was 19 years old, pumping gas and going nowhere. I was kind of a high school dropout at that point because I had left school to play hockey, but no one drafted me.

    School   Hockey   Years  
  • Sometimes I wonder why I'm not working at McDonald's and how come I have the life I have. I don't know. But I'm happy that I have these choices. That's kinda sappy, huh? But whatever, acting beats pumping gas.

    Biography/Personal Quote, www.imdb.com.
  • After the oil spill, I had this strong feeling that if I ever were to be blessed in having children, I never wanted my kids to see me pumping gas at a gas station. I think it's our responsibility to make the changes that we need to take regardless of convenience.

  • Now with tabloids and seeing people walking around in sweats pumping gas you're like, 'Okay, they're just like us.'

    Sweat   People   Tabloids  
  • I think that there were only two people in my high school that were comfortable there, and I think they are both pumping gas now.

    School   Thinking   Two  
  • All the stars that never were are parking cars and pumping gas.

    Art   Stars   Media  
    Song: Do You Know The Way To San Jose?, Album: Dionne Sings Dionne
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