President Bush Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "President Bush". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about President Bush. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about President Bush!
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  • Explaining why President Bush wasn't following up on his campaign pledge that there would be no loss of wetlands: He didn't say that. He was reading what was given to him in a speech.

  • I don't think President Bush is doing anything at all about Aids. In fact, I'm not sure he even knows how to spell Aids.

    "Liz’s Aids Odyssey". Interview With Nancy Collins, November 1992.
  • I've been a strong financial and political supporter of, first, President Bush Sr. when he was running for president, and even when he ran for president a time or two and failed.

    Running   Strong   Two  
  • I was very concerned that President Bush is still trying to frighten or scare the American people with respect to the condition of the Social Security system.

  • President Bush broke the law and lied to the American people when he unilaterally authorized secret wiretaps of U.S. citizens. But rather than focus on this constitutional crisis, Attorney General Gonzales is cracking down on critics of his friend and boss. Our nation is strengthened, not weakened, by those whistle-blowers who are courageous enough to speak out on violations of the law.

    Law   Speaks Out   People  
    "ACLU blasts Justice Dept. leaks probe". Anthony Romero's statement in the American Civil Liberties Union letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, December 30, 2005.
  • I think what history will show is that one of the most tragic results of the war in Iraq will be that although Sharon, the Likudites, the Neoconservatives in our country, President Bush and the Democratic party thought the war in Iraq and destroying Saddam would benefit Israeli security, we're seeing absolutely that the war in Iraq has probably put Israeli security in a more tenuous condition than it's been in since the founding of the Israeli state.

    Country   War   Party  
  • Secret Service agents detained an Iowa man with a gun who happened to be walking in a Des Moines park where President Bush was jogging. Were they out of their minds? White guys with guns put Bush in the White House.

    Gun   Men   Iowa  
  • President Bush, whose scorn for journalists is balanced by a soft spot in his heart for the conglomerates they work for, threatens to veto the Senate action. Keep in mind that when the public was asked to submit comments to the FCC about consolidation, only one percent approved it. The President may not be listening, but the Senate is, and the public won this round. The House has a similar resolution under consideration.

    Heart   House   Listening  
  • I think President Bush is a moron! I think that the only reason he was voted into office is because his family is a very founded political family and they have a lot of power in the world.

  • President Bush is not fazed by other candidates' war records. He said, I may have not fought in Vietnam, but I created one.

    War   President   Vietnam  
  • President Bush announced we're going to Mars, which means he's given up on Earth.

    Mean   President   Mars  
  • I'm of the belief that you can have only one commander-in-chief at a time, only one president at a time. President Bush is our president. Whatever he decides vis-a-vis war or peace in Iraq is what we will do as a country. And I for one will swing in behind him as a citizen ... and support whatever his decision is.

    Country   War   Swings  
  • As part of Social Security reform, I believe that private savings accounts are a part of it - along the lines that President Bush proposed.

    "John McCain Thinks Social Security Is A 'Disgrace'" by Nick Baumann, July 8, 2008.
  • It's now clear that from the very moment President Bush took office, Iraq was his highest priority as unfinished business from the first Bush Administration. His agenda was clear: find a rationale to get rid of Saddam.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • President Bush earned $400,000 for his job as president last year. That's not really that much for being president when you think about it. But President Bush, he doesn't do it for the money, he does it for the eight months of vacation every year.

  • President Bush insisted today that he was not caving in to big-money contributors, big-time lobbyists, and overall industry pressure when he broke a campaign promise to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. But the air was thick today with accusations from people who believe that's exactly what happened.

    Believe   Air   People  
    "Clamoring for Kyoto" by Rich Noyes, May 24, 2012.
  • New rumors that Saddam Hussein is planning to flee to a castle in Libya with 10 billion dollars. Now President Bush doesn't know whether to nuke him or give him a tax cut.

    Cutting   Giving   Rumor  
  • We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term.

    "Olbermann: Dana Perino 'Worst Person' After Insisting Ft. Hood Was 'Terrorist Attack'". December 1, 2009.
  • President Bush is a friend of mine. He's not a moron at all.

    "Inside Politics Sunday" with Kelly Wallace, November 28, 2004.
  • Officials at the White House are saying that President Bush hasn't changed his schedule much since the war started. The main difference, they say, is that he's started watching the news and taping Sponge Bob.

    War   White   Differences  
  • Did you folks see President Bush's State of the Union Address? How about that surprise announcement? Howard Dean has been captured and he's in the hands of interrogators.

  • As I was telling my husb — As I was telling President Bush.

    "Excerpt: The Price of Condi's Loyalty to Bush". May 6, 2007.
  • President Bush is going to establish elections there in Iraq. He's going to rebuild the infrastructure. He's going to create jobs. He said if it works there, he'll try it here.

    Jobs   Iraq   President  
  • Moreover, from reforming the tax code to our immigration system, to commonsense legal reform, President Bush put America on notice that he will continue fighting to make the country, and the world, a better place for future generations.

  • What really alarms me about President Bush's 'War on Terrorism' is the grammar. How do you wage war on an abstract noun? How is 'Terrorism' going to surrender? It's well known, in philological circles, that it's very hard for abstract nouns to surrender.

    War   Circles   Political  
  • Apparently Arnold was inspired by President Bush, who proved you can be a successful politician in this country even if English is your second language.

  • Michael Brown, the director of FEMA, was nominated by President Bush in 2003 and plans to start the job any day now. ... Prior to heading FEMA, Brown spent the 90's as a commissioner -- this is true -- of the International Arabian Horse Association. I guess he stands out because most Bush appointees are beholden to Arabian people.

    Horse   Jobs   People  
  • President Bush said he was 'troubled' by gay people getting married in San Francisco. He said on important issues like this the people should make the decision, not judges. Unless of course we're choosing a president, then he prefers judges.

  • Once we got hit by - on 9/11 and lost 3,000 people that day, we recognized, and it was one of the key decisions President Bush made, that this is not a law enforcement problem, it is a strategic threat to the United States. It's a war. And based on that, we then adopted a whole set of policies that flowed out of that proposition.

    War   People   Decision  
  • What conservatives and Republicans must recognize is that the White House has broken with them. What President Bush is doing, and has been doing for some time, is sundering a great political coalition.

    White   Broken   House  
    "Too Bad". June 2, 2007.
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