Precursor Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Precursor". There are currently 55 quotes in our collection about Precursor. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Precursor!
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  • We need grief as a precursor to emotional refreshment, and so consume it vicariously in somewhat titrated but powerful enough form through engagement with the arts.

    Art   Powerful   Grief  
  • Two hundred years ago, our precursors in Haiti struck a blow for freedom, which was heard around the world, and across centuries.

    Blow   Years   Two  
  • Pain is the precursor to change.

    Change   Pain   Precursor  
  • Men are made uneasy; they flinch; they cannot bear the sudden light; a general restlessness supervenes; the face of society is disturbed, or perhaps convulsed; old interests and old beliefs have been destroyed before new ones have been created. These symptoms are the precursors of revolution; they have preceded all the great changes through which the world has passed.

    Men   Light   World  
    Henry Thomas Buckle (1868). “History of Civilization in England”, p.349
  • The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.

    Home   Empires   Ruins  
  • The creed of evil has been, since the beginnings of highly industrialized society, not only a precursor of barbarism but a mask of good. The worth of the latter was transferred to the evil that drew to itself all the hatred and resentment of an order which drummed good into its adherents so that it could with impunity be evil.

    Order   Evil   Hatred  
    Theodor W. Adorno, E. F. N. Jephcott (2005). “Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life”, p.94, Verso
  • Serenity is not just an escape, but a precursor to acceptance, courage, wisdom, and change.

  • While we must ensure that these dangerous new drugs and precursors do not get in the hands of children or others who would use them improperly, we must also be aware that these same drugs have legitimate uses.

    Children   Hands   Drug  
  • At one point I intended to write precursor and sequel novels, about the establishment of the Web and its next evolution, but I am very unlikely to now; they would take place in a different universe.

  • At another location, we found barrels of chemical material that was intended for use as biochemical weapons. Everyone talks about there being no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but they seem to be referring to completed nuclear bombs, not the many deadly chemical weapons or precursors that Saddam had stockpiled.

  • It having been a very cold night last night I had got some cold, and so in pain by wind, and a sure precursor of pain is sudden letting off farts, and when that stops, then my passages stop and my pain begins

    Pain   Night   Wind  
    Samuel Pepys, Robert Latham (1985). “The Shorter Pepys”, p.397, Univ of California Press
  • An intense anticipation itself transforms possibility into reality; our desires being often but precursors of the things which we are capable of performing.

    Samuel Smiles (2014). “Self-Help”, p.153, Cambridge University Press
  • Retreat itself is often a plan of resistance and may be a precursor of great bravery and sacrifice. Every retreat is not cowardice which implies fear to die.

    Sacrifice   Bravery   May  
    Mahatma Gandhi (1979). “Collected Works”
  • In those days, I did what was necessary for me to win. This included training with heavy weights: a precursor for injury. So if I could do it over again I’d train with lighter weights, higher reps, no sets below 10 reps, with negatives slower than positives, and avoid injury. If I had done that, my physique wouldn’t have been quite as bulky, but with more definition and with less pain.

    Pain   Winning   Training  
    "The Legend of Frank Zane: An Interview With The Man Who Achieved Physical Perfection". "Flex" Interview, August 2008.
  • If there is a series of attacks like that or, God forbid, if ISIS is really sending soldiers across Europe and maybe across the world for a barrage of these things, then the political climate is revolutionized here. And maybe the [Donald] Trump speech will look like a precursor to a climate that we're all about to walk into.

    Isis   Europe   Political  
    "Shields and Brooks on the Hillary Clinton veepstakes, the latest Trump-Cruz dustup". Interview with Judy Woodruff, July 22, 2016.
  • Life magazine ran a page featuring me and three other girls that was clearly the precursor of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues

    Girl   Sports   Issues  
  • I always loved Little Anthony and the Imperials. They were like the precursors of the Temptations. I loved their music.

  • We have built into the constitution of the human race the habit and desire of taking, as divorced from its natural precursor and concomitant of making.

    Charlotte Perkins Gilman (2015). “Women and Economics - A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution: From the famous American writer, feminist, social reformer and a respected sociologist who holds an important place in feminist fiction, well-known for her stories The Yellow Wallpaper and Herland”, p.56, e-artnow
  • When I read the documents relative to the Modernism, as it was defined by Saint Pius X, and when I compare them to the documents of the II Vatican Council, I cannot help being bewildered. For what was condemned as heresy in 1906 was proclaimed as what is and should be from now on the doctrine and method of the Church. In other words, the modernists of 1906 were, somewhat, precursors to me. My masters were part of them. My parents taught me Modernism. How could Saint Pius X reject those that now seem to be my precursors?

    Parent   Church   Saint  
  • Sanctions are not diplomacy. They are a precursor to war and an embarrassment to a country that pays lip service to free trade.

    Country   War   Pay  
  • Every writer creates his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future.

    Writing   Past   Polemics  
    "Kafka and His Precursors" (1951) (translation by James E. Irby)
  • I believe that Jesus realized his oneness with God and he showed, what he attempted to do was show the way to all of us, how to realize our own onenes with God also, so he's a precursor.

    Jesus   Believe   Oneness  
  • Hope is not mere wishful thinking. It is the precursor of a new dawn that slowly, steadily and unerringly comes to the fore and eventually grows into reality's existence.

    Thinking   Reality   Dawn  
    Sri Chinmoy (2014). “The Oneness of the Eastern Heart and the Western Mind: An Introduction to Eastern Philosophy and Yoga”, p.1167, Aum Publications
  • I'm primarily thought of as a rocker, and certainly 'Frankenstein' had a very dramatic power rock image. It was almost a precursor of heavy metal and fusion. But I also love jazz and classical and if there's one common thread that runs through all my music, it is blues.

  • There has never been a time on Earth like we see today. What we need are more ways to experience our interconnectedness - it is a precursor to deep love. So in this quickening light, with the dawn of each new day, let us look for love. Let us no longer struggle. Let us ever become who we most want to be. As we begin to be who we truly are, the world will be a better place.

  • The World's Fair was the precursor to theme parks like Disneyworld, and the really sort of cheap, superficial promotional architecture that you see everywhere in the US. I think there's a danger when you start creating a civilisation that isn't meant to last.

    "State trouper". Interview with Lynsey Hanley, November 20, 2005.
  • In his very rejection of art Walt Whitman is an artist. He tried to produce a certain effect by certain means and he succeeded....He stands apart, and the chief value of his work is in its prophecy, not in its performance. He has begun a prelude to larger themes. He is the herald to a new era. As a man he is the precursor of a fresh type. He is a factor in the heroic and spiritual evolution of the human being. If Poetry has passed him by, Philosophy will take note of him.

  • I think the act of reading imbues the reader with a sensitivity toward the outside world that people who don't read can sometimes lack. I know it seems like a contradiction in terms; after all reading is such a solitary, internalizing act that it appears to represent a disengagement from day-to-day life. But reading, and particularly the reading of fiction, encourages us to view the world in new and challenging ways...It allows us to inhabit the consciousness of another which is a precursor to empathy, and empathy is, for me, one of the marks of a decent human being.

    John Connolly (2006). “The Book of Lost Things: A Novel”, p.345, Simon and Schuster
  • We also have to stop the flow of precursor chemicals that meth cooks use to boil up this poison.

    Poison   Use   Flow  
  • It is about time that we develop a worldwide strategy to reduce illegal trade in meth and its precursor chemicals and stop the devastating impact that methamphetamine use is having on our children and our communities.

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