Possessing Quotes

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  • Conceit spoils the finest genius.

    Life   Conceited   Genius  
    1868 Little Women, pt.1, ch.7.
  • There is always the fear of self-righteousness possessing us, the fear of arrogating to ourselves a superiority that we do not possess.

    Mahatma Gandhi, Anand T. Hingorani, Ganga Anand Hingorani (1985). “The Encyclopaedia of Gandhian Thoughts”
  • What an immense power over life is the power of possessing distinct aims.

  • La possession de ce qu'on aime est une joie plus grande encore que l'amour. Possessing what one loves is an even greater joy than love itself.

    Love Is   Joy   One Love  
  • I am prepared to sacrifice every so-called privilege I possess in order to have a few rights.

  • Dubai,I think is a big bore - a city deliberately built to appeal to tourism, and only built for that purpose, and not possessing a valid culture or history of its own.

    Thinking   Dubai   Cities  
  • Basically what's happening is I'm pleading guilty to possessing and having plants and not guilty to the charges of supply.

  • Remember also: beyond the restless flowing electricity of life is the ultimate reality- The Void. Your own awareness, not formed into anything possessing form or color, is naturally void. The Final Reality. The All Good. The All Peaceful. The light. The Radiance. The movement is the fire of life from which we all come. Join it. It is part of you.

    Reality   Color   Fire  
  • There are people enough to tread upon me in my lowly state, without my doing outrage to their feelings by possessing learning. Learning ain't for me. A person like myself had better not aspire. If he is to get on in life, he must get on 'umbly, Master Copperfield!

    Charles Dickens (1867). “Charles Dickens's works. Charles Dickens ed. [18 vols. of a 21 vol. set. Wanting A child's history of England; Christmas stories; The mystery of Edwin Drood].”, p.154
  • Destitute of the fire of God, nothing else counts; possessing fire, nothing else matters.

    Samuel Chadwick (2007). “The Way to Pentecost”, p.6, CLC Publications
  • There is a difference between happiness, the supreme good, and the final end or goal toward which our actions ought to tend. For happiness is not the supreme good, but presupposes it, being the contentment or satisfaction of the mind which results from possessing it.

    Differences   Goal   Mind  
  • It is through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed.

  • Those who know New York City primarily through tourism or mass culture may think of us natives as possessing certain shared characteristics, not all of them flattering. But the true, volatile charisma of New York lies in how balkanised it is.

  • Would any thing but a madman complain of uncertainty? Uncertainty and expectation are joys of life; security is an insipid thing; and the overtaking and possessing of a wish discovers the folly of the chase.

    Expectations   Joy   Wish  
    William. II Congreve William Wycherley (John Vanbrugh and Farquhar George), William. II Wycherley, William Congreve, George Farquhar, John Vanbrugh (1840). “Dramatic Works with Biographical and Critical Notices by Leigh Hunt. - London, Moxon 1840”, p.229
  • Self-confidenc e, poise, consciousness of possessing the power to accomplish our desires, with renewed lively interest in life are the natural results of the practice of Contrology [Pilates].

    Self   Practice   Desire  
  • True religion is not about possessing the truth. No religion does that. It is rather an invitation into a journey that leads one toward the mystery of God. Idolatry is religion pretending that it has all the answers.

    Journey   Religion   Doe  
    "Q&A on The Parliament of the World's Religions". Weekly mailing, September 5, 2007.
  • But what the working-class can do, when once they grow into a solidified organization, is to show the possessing class, through a sudden cessation of all work, that the whole social structure rests on them; that the possessions of the others are absolutely worthless to them without the workers' activity; that such protests, such strikes, are inherent in the system of property and will continually recur until the whole thing is abolished - and having shown that effectively, proceed to expropriate.

    "Direct Action". Voltairine de Cleyre's Address in Chicago, dwardmac.pitzer.edu. January 21, 1912.
  • Possessing an array of athletic gifts is something most tennis players can only dream about. Most players, if they're lucky, have one attribute that stands out -- either a monster serve, great footspeed, superb touch, superior timing or innate feel for the ball.

    Dream   Player   Tennis  
  • Virginia is the place, where, technologically speaking, they will burn people at the stake for possessing such things as toasters.

    Source: movieweb.com
  • A modern factory reaches perhaps almost the limit of horror. Everybody in it is constantly harassed and kept on edge by the interference of extraneous wills while the soul is left in cold desolate misery. What man needs is silence and warmth; what he is given is an icy pandemonium. Physical labor may be painful, but it is not degrading as such. It is not art; it is not science; it is something else, possessing an exactly equal value with art and science, for it provides an equal opportunity to reach the impersonal stage of attention.

    Art   Men   Opportunity  
    Simone Weil (2015). “Selected Essays, 1934-1943: Historical, Political, and Moral Writings”, p.17, Wipf and Stock Publishers
  • There is no doubt that God will never be wanting to us, provided that He finds in us that humility which makes us worthy of His gifts, the desire of possessing them, and the promptitude to co-operate industriously with the graces He gives us.

    Humility   Giving   Grace  
  • Wherefore also these Kinds [elements] occupied different places even before the universe was organised and generated out of them. Before that time, in truth, all these were in a state devoid of reason or measure, but when the work of setting in order this Universe was being undertaken, fire and water and earth and air, although possessing some traces of their known nature, were yet disposed as everything is likely to be in the absence of God; and inasmuch as this was then their natural condition, God began by first marking them out into shapes by means of forms and numbers.

    Truth   Mean   Science  
  • Consider the black widow spider. It's a timid little beastie, useful and, for my taste, the prettiest of the arachnids, with its shiny, patent-leather finish and its red hourglass trademark. But the poor thing has the fatal misfortune of possessing enormously too much power for its size. So everybody kills it on sight.

    Power   Sight   Black  
    Robert A. Heinlein (2014). “Stranger in a Strange Land”, p.230, Hachette UK
  • If it be admitted that a man, possessing absolute power, may misuse that power by wronging his adversaries, why should a majority not be liable to the same reproach? Men are not apt to change their character by agglomeration; nor does their patience in the presence of obstacles increase with the consciousness of their strength. And for these reasons I can never willingly invest any number of my fellow creatures with that unlimited authority which I should refuse to any one of them.

    Character   Men   Numbers  
    Alexis de Tocqueville, John Canfield Spencer (1854). “American Institutions and Their Influence”, p.260
  • Not possessing definite geographical boundaries, at least in the East - its distinction from Asia is problematic, considering that two large countries, Russia and Turkey, stretch between the two continents - , Europe, from the beginning, has defined itself from the perspective of the constitutive specificity of its philosophical principles: the freedom of the Greek cities as opposed to the Asian despotic regimes. Although these principles were often contradicted and reversed into their opposite, the idea of Europe is inseparable from them.

  • One living daily in the Way carries their head low and their eyes high; reserved in speech and possessing a kind heart, they steadfastly continue in their training efforts.

    Heart   Eye   Effort  
  • For one thing, I want gesture-any kind of gesture, all kinds of gesture-gentle or brutal, joyous or tragic; the gesture of space soaring, sinking, streaming, whirling; the gestures of light flowing or spurting through color. I see everything as possessing or possessed by gesture. I've often thought of my paintings as having an axis around which everything revolves.

    Color   Space   Light  
  • Since this life is God's and cannot die, it follows that everyone born anew into possessing this life is said to have eternal life.

    Watchman Nee (2009). “The Spiritual Man”, p.103, Christian Fellowship Publishers
  • We forget that every good that is worth possessing must be paid for in strokes of daily effort. We postpone and postpone until those smiling possibilities are dead... By neglecting the necessary concrete labor, by sparing ourselves the little daily tax, we are positively digging the graves of our higher possibilities.

    William James (2008). “Talks to Teachers on Psychology: And to Students on Some of Life's Ideals”, p.62, Nuvision Pubns
  • The Present, the Present is all thou hast For thy sure possessing; Like the patriarch's angel hold it fast Till it gives its blessing.

    Angel   Blessing   Giving  
    John Greenleaf Whittier (1857*). “Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier”, p.94
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