Playing Roles Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Playing Roles". There are currently 11 quotes in our collection about Playing Roles. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Playing Roles!
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  • More and more good actors are now transmigrating into the videogame space and playing roles there because it's where my generation of kids get stories from.

  • The matter is - we are actors playing roles [in Planet Apes] and they happen to be in this instance apes but there's no difference. In the scenes that we're playing, if we were to block out the scenes as actors in costumes, it would be no different.

  • Our everyday self is a narrow construct...Our total self is far broader, ultimately infinite. Actors who seem to be playing themselves are actually playing roles they have become so skillful at that they seem pure and natural...Much bad Acting is the result of being too close to the Actor's everyday self, confining him in its rigid mold.

    Self   Everyday   Acting  
  • One man in his time plays many parts.

    'As You Like It' (1599) act 2, sc. 7, l. 139
  • I don't want to be in a position where I'm playing roles I'm comfortable with and making money, but doing it without feeling like I'm growing.

  • I love playing roles that are physical, absolutely love. Whether it's just that kind of basic level of physicality or whether it's stunts.

    Roles   Levels   Kind  
  • Playing roles that are intense and damaged has always come more easily to me than doing comedies or lighter stuff - that would be taking a huge risk for me.

  • I think novelists, when they write their books, end up having occasionally serving a purpose and playing roles that they never really fully either intended or even understood.

    Book   Writing   Thinking  
  • All of us are playing roles, and there's nothing wrong with playing roles because we have to live in this world - the problem is only when we believe in those roles.

    Believe   Roles   World  
  • I didn't understand that playing roles in any relationship is false and will inevitably lead to the relationship's collapse. No one can be any one thing all the time.

    Portia de Rossi (2011). “Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain”, p.291, Simon and Schuster
  • All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.

    Birthday   Time   Player  
    'As You Like It' (1599) act 2, sc. 7, l. 139
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