Paying Debts Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Paying Debts". There are currently 6 quotes in our collection about Paying Debts. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Paying Debts!
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  • A sleep without dreams, after a rough day of toil, is what we covet most; and yet How clay shrinks back from more quiescent clay! The very Suicide that pays his debt at once without installments (an old way of paying debts, which creditors regret) Lets out impatiently his rushing breath, less from disgust of life than dread of death.

    Suicide   Dream   Regret  
    Lord Byron (2013). “Don Juan”, p.324, Simon and Schuster
  • Sometimes the way to do what you hope to do will be clear cut, and sometimes it will be almost impossible to decide whether or not you are doing the correct thing, because you'll have to balance your goals and hopes with feeding yourself, paying debts, finding work, settling for what you can get.

    Cutting   Goal   Balance  
    Neil Gaiman (2016). “The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction”, p.412, Hachette UK
  • Goals work. Pick one debt, and then put every dime into paying down that one debt. Once that debt is paid off, start paying down the next debt. Pretty soon it's time to move from paying debt to building savings.

    Moving   Goal   Next  
  • There are but two ways of paying debt: Increase of industry in raising income, increase of thrift in laying out.

    Thomas Carlyle (1870). “Past and Present”, p.113
  • As to the kindness you mention, I wish I could have been of more service to you than I have been, but if I had, the only thanks that I should desire are that you would always be ready to serve any other person that may need your assistance, and so let good offices go around, for humankind are all of a family. As for my own part, when I am employed in serving others I do not look upon myself as conferring favors but paying debts.

  • Paying debt service to banks leaves less income to buy goods and services.

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