Pathological Liar Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Pathological Liar". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Pathological Liar. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Pathological Liar!
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  • Truth is a well-known pathological liar. It invariably turns out to be Fiction wearing a fancy frock. Self-proclaimed Fiction, on the other hand, is entirely honest. You can tell this, because it comes right out and says, "I'm a Liar," right there on the dust jacket.

    Liars   Self   Dust  
    "Correspondence From Hell: Part 3". Cerebus, issue 219, 2003.
  • Pathological liar' is absolutely the toughest individual to deal with as a psychiatrist. Because you can't take anything they say at face value. And you can't, you know, fill in their personality. You don't know what's real and what's not.

  • And I, love, am a pathological liar.

    Sylvia Plath (2015). “Collected Poems”, p.186, Faber & Faber
  • Scott Peterson was a pathological liar to me - nothing he said was the truth.

  • Contrary to all those times you've heard a writer confess at a reading that he writes fiction because he is a pathological liar, fiction writing is all about telling the truth.

    Liars   Reading   Writing  
  • Dan Coats, retiring senator from Indiana, a mild-mannered man, a former United States ambassador to Germany, former congressman, said of Ted Cruz he's the most self-centered, narcissistic, pathological liar I have ever seen.And he said, you can quote me on that.

    Liars   Men   Self  
  • "I was just like a pathological liar when I was a kid. I think I just wanted to one-up somebody. Somebody would be like, 'Oh, God, my legs hurt.' I'd be like, 'Your legs hurt? I'm getting mine amputated next week.' And that's actually how my mother found out. She came to school and somebody was like, 'God, that's such a shame about Jennifer's legs.' She made me purge. I had to spill out all of my lies. I was like, 'I said that Dad drove a barge, and we were millionaires, and you were pregnant, I had to get my legs amputated, and I spayed cats and dogs on the weekends.' Now I can't lie.

    Life   Mother   Dog  
  • It's very possible that I could look like a kleptomaniac and a pathological liar and that's why I keep getting hired.

    "Mila Kunis Interview EXTRACT". Interview with Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub, September 2, 2009.
  • Sociopath is a word that has sort of become shorthand for psychopath and there's a distinct difference, it's interesting if you look it up. Sociopath if you look at the medical definition, the profile of a sociopath is that they are supremely intelligent people that are also pathological liars, they have no moral structure and there is one more, they have no compassion or empathy for other people.

  • I've studied pathological liars, and anything they say, they believe, and that's one of the reasons they're so convincing, because they have no connection with the truth. It's a dead issue. It's like they're color-blind to the truth. So anything that comes out of their mouths is their reality.

    Liars   Believe   Reality  
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