Old Soul Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Old Soul". There are currently 64 quotes in our collection about Old Soul. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Old Soul!
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  • I like listening to old soul music. I like Sam Cooke. When I was growing up, the first things I was listening to was Whitney Houston and Cher. They were really big inspirations for me.

    "Rebecca Ferguson Finds Heaven Everywhere". Interview with Ilana Kaplan, www.interviewmagazine.com. May 29, 2012.
  • Somewhere in [China's] soul lurks the cunning of an old dog, and it is a cunning that is strangely impressive. What a strange old soul! What a great old soul!

    Dog   Soul   Strange  
    Yutang Lin (1935). “The Little Critic: Essays, Satire and Sketches on China (second Series: 1933-1935)”
  • It wouldn't bring her back. I know. Trust me, I do. And I would have done far worse, he says, if I'd thought there was a way to bring Regina back. I would have traded places. I would have sold souls. I would have torn this world apart. I would have done anything, broken any rule, just to bring her back.

    Broken   Soul   Done  
  • Do not be afraid of your difficulties.Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity.

  • You are the sky. Everything else - it’s just the weather.

    "Your Spacious Self: Clear the Clutter and Discover Who You Are". Book by Stephanie Bennett Vogt, May 15, 2007.
  • I have an old soul. I don't know any real-life lingo, so I have to take it from movies.

    Real   Soul   Knows  
    Interview with Jodie Foster, www.interviewmagazine.com. October 12, 2010.
  • Taliban-esque: Any behavior that imposes the beliefs of one person on everyone else. Conversations with the Taliban-esque are impossible. They aren't even conversations. With them, it's my way or no way.

    Soul   Way   Impossible  
  • I look deep into her rich brown eyes and she look into mine. Law, she got old-soul eyes, like she done lived a thousand years. And I swear I see, down inside, the woman she gone grow up to be. She is tall and straight. She is proud. She got a better haircut. And she is remembering the words I put in her head. Remembering as a full-grown woman.

    Growing Up   Eye   Years  
  • And you can't complain about kissing Emma Watson. Isn't that what everyone in the world wants to do? I've known Emma for a few years. She's this amazing capacity of young and vibrant and brilliant, but also a bright, intelligent old soul.

  • If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

  • I'm a young girl with an old soul. I wanted to fuse the two together, the past and the present.

    Girl   Past   Two  
  • I think after 1970 or so, after I sold Soul City, I took off for awhile and didn't do too many gigs.

    Thinking   Cities   Soul  
  • I'm a believer in belief. Faith is something that works - it causes people to do things, it has results. It's an intangible, indefinable, very real thing. And it moves people, sometimes to atrocity. And sometimes to survival.

    Real   Moving   People  
  • Only when human beings are able to perceive and acknowledge the Self in each other can there be real peace.

    Real   Self   Able  
    Twitter post from Jul 04, 2015
  • He has the most who is most content with the least.

  • Johnny [Depp] got this rock 'n' roll old soul to him. If I say a song, he goes, 'Oh yeah. I know that song.' A song he shouldn't know, a song that's not his generation at all. So he might as well have been there.

    Song   Rocks   Soul  
    "Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp And Friends Write A Musical Toast To Decadence". "Weekend Edition Saturday" with Scott Simon, www.npr.org. September 12, 2015.
  • The little babies are missing their families from their past lives. The babies have old souls and the old souls have to shrink to become little babies. The tears loosen their memories so they can slide away. They cry at the life they have lost, and then they cry at everything they'll forget.

    Baby   Memories   Past  
  • The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

    "A Voice Crying In The Wilderness". Book by Edward Abbey, 1989.
  • I grew up listening to old soul

  • A Child of Happiness always seems like an old soul living in a new body, and her face is very serious until she smiles, and then the sun lights up the world. ... Children of Happiness always look not quite the same as other children. They have strong, straight legs and walk with purpose. They laugh as do all children, and they play as do all children, they talk child talk as do all children, but they are different, they are blessed, they are special, they are sacred.

  • Jennifer Lawrence is just the coolest girl. Everyone forgets how young she is because she's so together, such an old soul. She just gets it. She's one savvy chick.

    Girl   Soul   Together  
  • I don't think you'd call me a traditionalist. But you can say I have an old soul, because I grew up listening to Conway Twitty and Hank Williams.

  • I think soul is soul. I don't see new soul as any different to old soul.

  • I have held and hold souls to be immortal.... Speaking as a Catholic, they do not pass from body to body, but go to paradise, purgatory or hell. But I have reasoned deeply, and, speaking as a philosopher, since the soul is not found without body and yet is not body, it may be in one body or in another, and pass from body to body.

    Soul   Catholic   Body  
  • If the flame inside you goes out, the souls that are next to you will die of cold.

    Flames   Soul   Next  
  • I'm sort of a traditionalist usually. I love old soul music and The Beatles; I realized I was sort of trying to make music sometimes that fit into an era that's gone.

    Soul   Trying   Gone  
  • I started to write a lot of ballads that were sultry and had a Norah Jones-for-country kind of feel. I wanted to bring elements of old soul music and old country music.

    Country   Writing   Soul  
  • I thought I was an old soul, and that I knew life, but then starting the real life, I figured I am completely new.

    Real   Soul   New Life  
  • I think I was always an old soul, even as a teenager.

  • If you want to see God, kill desires. Desires are in the mind. When you have a desire for something, don't act on it and it will go away. If you desire to drink this cup of tea, don't, and the desire for it will go away.

    Soul   Mind   Tea  
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