Moral Support Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Moral Support". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Moral Support. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Moral Support!
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  • We are all so afraid, we are all so alone, we all so need from the outside the assurance of our own worthiness to exist.

    Fear   Needs   Sundials  
    Ford Madox Ford (2003). “The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion”, p.125, Broadview Press
  • There stands no contradiction between giving voice to legitimate anxiety and at the same time, as and when exchange of fire commences, looking to the rest of the country, as well as all of us in the House, to give full moral support to our forces.

    Country   Fire   Voice  
    "Wrong war, wrong time, wrong enemy, warns Labour rebel" by Nicholas Watt, Michael White, March 19, 2003.
  • To stop terrorists before the strike, we must do three things: deny them entry into the country, curtail their freedom of action inside the country, and deprive them of material and moral support from within the country.

    Country   Support   Three  
    David Frum, Richard Perle (2003). “An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror”, p.57, Random House
  • I need my mom for moral support plus to do the house things.

    Mom   House   Support  
    "Torrid-hitting Giant making name for self" by Henry Schulman, June 1, 2012.
  • The fact that we did not give the demonstrators in Iran our moral support when a young woman named Neda bled to death in the streets of Iran will go down as one of the great mistakes of the 21st Century.

    Mistake   Iran   Giving  
  • They [parents] can help the children work out schedules for homework, play, and television that minimize the conflicts involved inwhat to do first. They can offer moral support and encouragement to persist, to try again, to struggle for understanding and mastery. And they can share a child's pleasure in mastery and accomplishment. But they must not do the job for the children.

  • We are all so afraid, we are all so alone, we all so need from the outside the assurance of our own worthiness to exist. So, for a time, if such a passion come to fruition, the man will get what he wants. He will get the moral support, the encouragement, the relief from the sense of loneliness, the assurance of his own worth. But these things pass away; inevitably they pass away as the shadows pass across sundials. It is sad, but it is so. The pages of the book will become familiar; the beautiful corner of the road will have been turned too many times. Well, this is the saddest story.

    Ford Madox Ford (2003). “The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion”, p.125, Broadview Press
  • Those fighters, the Syrian part that you're talking about, lost its natural incubators in the Syrian society - they don't have incubators anymore ; that's why they have incubators abroad. They need money from abroad, they need moral support and political support from abroad. They don't have any grassroots, any incubator. So, when you stop the smuggling, we don't have problems.

  • As the humanities and liberal arts are downsized, privatized, and commodified, higher education finds itself caught in the paradox of claiming to invest in the future of young people while offering them few intellectual, civic, and moral supports.

    Art   Offering   People  
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