Misfits Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Misfits". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Misfits. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Misfits!
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  • Great. Now the queen thought I was a misfit, too.

    Queens   Misfits  
  • I strode among giants, friends tell me now, though at the time I felt more like a misfit associating with oddballs.

    Steve Roper (2013). “Camp 4: Recollections of a Yosemite Rockclimber”, p.12, The Mountaineers Books
  • Me personally, I side more with punk rock bands. I grew up with The Misfits, The Dead Boys, The Damned, Dropkick Murphys, and early AFI. That was the stuff that really got me into music. Song writing wise, bands like Alkaline Trio were very important to me for beginning to write songs.

    Wise   Song   Writing  
  • According to the oral tradition of Witches, we were once the priests and priestesses of a peasant Pagan religion. Members of this secret sect met at night beneath the full moon, for these were the "misfits" and "outcasts" who did not fit into mainstream society. Little has changed over the centuries and the Witchcraft community still embraces individuals frequently rejected in mainstream society. These include gays, lesbians, transgendered individuals, and other people with the courage to live their lives authentically in accord with who they are inside their hearts, minds, and spirits.

    Heart   Gay   Moon  
  • So many of us feel like we're misfits until we finally find our tribe - the other people who are are strange in the same way - and suddenly everything clicks.

    People   Way   Tribes  
    "Sassy Bloggess Jenny Lawson Mandates Cheesecake for Everyone...and for You to Read Her (Mostly True) Memoir, Out Today". Interview with Meredith Turits, www.glamour.com. April 17, 2012.
  • I got to actually tattoo one of the members of The Misfits. The very first tattoo I ever did was this Misfits skull.

    Tattoo   Skulls   Firsts  
  • Ive felt the pressure of wanting to be known as a young actress rather than just Alisha from Misfits.

  • I love the idea of creating a sort of nuanced portrait of kids that they're not all perfect. They're kind of misfits but not in a picturesque, hip way, they're really, really kids that are not entirely great.

    Kids   Ideas   Creating  
    Source: collider.com
  • Mr. Huston (directed Marilyn in Asphalt Jungle and The Misfits) was an exciting looking man. He was tall, long-faced, and his hair was mussed. He interrupted everybody with outbursts of laughter as if he were drunk. But he wasn’t drunk. He was just happy for some mysterious reason, and he was also a genius – the first I had ever met

    Laughter   Men   Hair  
  • I love stories about misfits and underdogs.

    "Elizabeth Banks Talks PITCH PERFECT, Returning for THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE, TINK, and LEGO: THE PIECE OF RESISTANCE". Interview with Christina Radish, collider.com. October 2, 2012.
  • Alaska has long been a magnet for dreamers and misfits, people who think the unsullied enormity of the Last Frontier will patch all the holes in their loves. The bush is an unforgiving place, however, that care nothing for hope or longing.

    Thinking   Alaska   Long  
    "Into the Wild". Book by Jon Krakauer, 1996.
  • There is something inherently valuable about being a misfit. It's not to say that every person who has artistic talent was a social outcast, but there is definitely a value for identifying yourself differently and being proud that you are different.

    "Daniel Radcliffe on Romancing Boys in His New Movie and Not Being Cool in High School". Interview with Ashley Terrill, www.elle.com. October 16, 2013.
  • Maverick is a word which appeals to me more than misfit. Maverick is active, misfit is passive.

  • Couples are jigsaw puzzles that hang together by touching in just enough points. They're never total fits or misfits. In time, a pair invents its own commonwealth, complete with anthems, rituals, and lingos-a cult of two with fallible gods.

    Diane Ackerman (2011). “One Hundred Names for Love: A Memoir”, p.15, W. W. Norton & Company
  • I freely admit that I am a bit of a misfit.

    Misfits   Bits  
  • As a result of 50 years of emancipation, feminine qualities were dying out or being transferred to the males. Pansies of both sexes were everywhere, not yet completely homosexual, but confused not knowing what they were. The result was a herd of unhappy sexual misfits... the women wanting to dominate and the men to be nannied.

    Sex   Confused   Men  
  • Reading Gypsy Boy, I felt invited into a secret society. I've always found Gypsies mysterious and even slightly dangerous, and Mikey Walsh does an excellent job describing the cloistered lifestyle and fascinating traditions of the Romani people. Moreover, Mikey's personal story of being a misfit among misfits is both compelling and universal. I cheered for him every step of the way.

    Jobs   Reading   Boys  
  • Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we're all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.

  • Visually through my work, over and over, I'm trying to create characters that are - to some people they may be monstrous, and I hate that word, because I think they're just unique. Misfits. I purposefully want to present something a little different so that whether people are disturbed by it or not, they can wrestle with it.

    Source: www.avclub.com
  • I've always identified with the misfits

  • Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently - they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.

  • San Francisco has always been a haven for misfits and weirdos. I'm both of those, which is why I came here.

  • Somebody said once 'Follow the money' and that is what it is all about.

    Misfits   Said  
  • A misfit like me getting anywhere in Hollywood as I somehow have, seemed, certainly at the time of 'Spanking The Monkey,' kind of out of reach, or not a very realistic take.

    Interview with Nathan Rabin, film.avclub.com. November 21, 2007.
  • It used to be said that Pluto is a misfit. But now we know Earth is the misfit. This is the most populous class of planet in our solar system and we have never sent a mission to this class.

    Class   Earth   Pluto  
  • Yeah, well, I guess I feel like all of us misfits need to hang together. At least that way we don't swing along. (Tabitha)

    Swings   Together   Needs  
  • Take a look around, there are misfits everywhere.

  • I never felt at home. I stuck outIn New York City, especially in Greenwich Village, down among the cranks and the misfits and the one-lungers and the has-beens and the might've beens and the would-bes and the never-wills and the God-knows-whats, I have always felt at home.

    New York   Home   Cities  
  • When you're an outsider or a misfit, if you play it smart, your motto should be, 'I'll show 'em. I will show you.'

  • Misfits aren't misfits among other misfits.

    "Biography / Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
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