Literary Style Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Literary Style". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Literary Style. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Literary Style!
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  • Fine writing is a distinct disadvantage. So is unique literary style. They take attention from the subject

    Writing   Unique   Style  
    Dr. Robert C. Worstell, Claude C. Hopkins, John E. Kennedy, Albert D. Lasker “Scientific Advertising Origins”,
  • What a newspaper needs in its news, in its headlines, and on its editorial page is terseness, humor, descriptive power, satire, originality, good literary style, clever condensation and accuracy, accuracy, accuracy.

    Clever   Style   Needs  
    c.1910 Quoted in Alleyne Ireland An Adventure with a Genius, ch.4.
  • The best thing to do is to loosen my grip on my pen and let it go wandering about until it finds an entrance. There must be one – everything depends on the circumstances, a rule applicable as much to literary style as to life. Each word tugs another one along, one idea another, and that is how books, governments and revolutions are made – some even say that is how Nature created her species.

    Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (2010). “The Devil's Church and Other Stories”, p.11, University of Texas Press
  • It is difficult to believe that even idiots ever succumbed to such transparent contradictions, to such gaudy processions of mere counter-words, to so vast and obvious a nonsensicalitysentence after sentence that has no apparent meaning at all--stuff quite as bad as the worst bosh of Warren Gamaliel Harding.

    Believe   Style   Stuff  
  • To understand a literary style, consider what it omits.

  • All progress in literary style lies in the heroic resolve to cast aside accretions and exuberances, all the conventions of a past age that were once beautiful because alive and are now false because dead.

    Beautiful   Lying   Past  
    havelock ellis (1923). “the dance of life”
  • Hardboiled crime fiction came of age in Black Mask magazine during the Twenties and Thirties. Writers like Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler learnt their craft and developed a distinct literary style and attitude toward the modern world.

    Attitude   Black   Style  
  • Your literary style reflects your personality.

  • But everything written has style. The list of ingredients on the side of a cornflakes box has style. And everything literary has literary style. And style is integral to a work. How something is told correlates with - more - makes what's being told. A story is its style.

    Ali Smith: Style vs content? Novelists should approach their art with an eye to what the story asks, August 18, 2012.
  • Every genuinely literary style, from the high authorial voice to Foster Wallace and his footnotes-within-footnotes, requires the reader to see the world from somewhere in particular, or from many places. So every novelist's literary style is nothing less than an ethical strategy - it's always an attempt to get the reader to care about people who are not the same as he or she is.

    Writing   Voice   People  
  • All literary style, especially national style, is made up of such coincidences, which are a spiritual sort of puns. That is why style is untranslatable.

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