Language Barriers Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Language Barriers". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Language Barriers. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Language Barriers!
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  • Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.

    FaceBook post by Maya Angelou from Dec 17, 2013
  • Musicians can travel all over the world and have an audience, because there's no language barrier.

  • Our world today is in need of peace, tolerance and brotherhood. The values of the Olympic Games can deliver these to us. May the Games be held in peace, in the true spirit of the Olympic Truce. Athletes of the 80 national Olympic committees, show us that sport unites by overcoming national, political, religious and language barriers. You can show us a world we all long for.

  • When you write a great song, it just blows you away. When you write a song that connects with people around the world - I mean like it actually transcends language barriers - you see how it can affect people, and it's quite a tall order to follow up on.

    Song   Writing   Mean  
  • I met people that I couldn't talk to - they didn't speak Spanish or English - but they knew my songs. That's what I love, the music has gone past where I thought it would get to. That's the power of music, how it can travel and break language barriers.

    Song   Past   People  
  • My art speaks and will continue to speak, transcending barriers of nationality, language and other forces that may be divisive, fortifying the greatness of the spirit that has always been the foundation of the Ojibwa people.

    Norval Morrisseau (2005). “Norval Morrisseau: Return to the House of Invention”
  • The gentle art of gastronomy is a friendly one. It hurdles the language barrier, makes friends among civilized people, and warms the heart.

    Art   Food   People  
  • Music crosses cultures and language barriers and it makes people feel good.

  • Overseas, language barriers keep me from doing a lot of talking and some of the jokes that I think are funny and they're like crickets. I have to sharpen up on that.

  • There was no language barrier when it came to kids, and when it came to play.

    "John Tesh and Family Comfort Sri Lankan Victims". "The 700 Club" with Gordon Robertson, January 14, 2005.
  • Music is not supposed to be nationalist. It is supposed to surpass language barriers. It is about generations communicating with each other.

  • What happened? Did a house fall on your sister?" I asked. Maybe there was a benefit to our language barrier. She pursed her lips. "You can't stay here much longer," she said. My mouth dropped open. " speak English?" She snorted. "Of course.

    Richelle Mead (2009). “Blood Promise: A Vampire Academy Novel”, p.128, Penguin
  • Most of our life is miscommunication, and when you add a language barrier to it, it just becomes total mayhem and confusion... It just adds to it with all of the cultural differences. It could be an American family meeting another American family and you could still have a total clash. With family, it's like visiting another planet.

    "Julie Delpy Talks 2 DAYS IN NEW YORK, Casting Chris Rock, Her Writing Process, Her Comedic Influences and Future Projects". Interview with Sheila Roberts, August 10, 2012.
  • I've been in situations like in Tokyo where people sang my song word for word and then when the music stopped, they couldn't speak to me. I've seen the music break the language barrier.

  • There is a language barrier between vets and the civilian population. They speak different languages.

  • Initially, before I came to Hollywood, I thought that the language barrier would be the biggest challenge, but I realized that actors all around the world, regardless of language, are all the same.

  • There are no language barriers when you are smiling.

    Allen Klein (1989). “The Healing Power of Humor: Techniques for Getting Through Loss, Setbacks, Upsets, Disappointments, Difficulties, Trials, Tribulations, and All that Not-so-funny Stuff”, Tarcher
  • Birds... scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth. They know the truth. Screaming bloody murder all over the world in our ears, but sadly we don't speak bird.

    Sad   Nature   Morning  
    "Journals". Book by Kurt Cobain, November 2002.
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