Illmatic Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Illmatic". There are currently 5 quotes in our collection about Illmatic. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Illmatic!
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  • When I made Illmatic, I was trying to make the perfect album. It comes from the days of Wild Style. I was trying to make you experience my life. I wanted you to look at hip-hop differently. I wanted you to feel that hip-hop was changing and becoming something more real.

    Real   Perfect   Hip Hop  
  • It used to be when a good record was about to drop you heard it out of every car and every kid with a boom box was playing it 3-4 weeks before it came out. Now it's not like that you just see ipods left and right and there's no anticipation factor. I have yet to see something drop with the anticipation that Illmatic had or that Ready 2 Die and Cuban Linx had. Those records had real anticipation factors.

    Real   Kids   Ipods  
  • The things Nas' Illmatic was saying were sometimes hard realities but it was done on such a high level, I felt I could point to him as a representative. Someone who put my struggle and my worldview into poetry.

    Struggle   Reality   Done  
  • I'm Ready to Die without a Reasonable Doubt Smoke Chronic and hit it Doggystyle before I go out. Until they sign my Death Certificate, All Eyez on Me I'm still at it, Illmatic, and that's The Documentary.

    Rap   Hip Hop   Doubt  
    Song: The Documentary, Album: The Documentary
  • Nas' Illmatic blew my mind when I first heard it. The poetry was done on such a high level that in a way, it validated our existence, our culture. He used the language of the street at the time and made it art. Art tends to be validating.

    Art   Mind   Culture  
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