I Feel Lonely Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "I Feel Lonely". There are currently 22 quotes in our collection about I Feel Lonely. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about I Feel Lonely!
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  • No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

  • You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.

    "Dr. Wayne Dyer Lives On" by Stephanie Seibel, www.huffingtonpost.com. September 3, 2015.
  • I've also seen that great men are often lonely. This is understandable, because they have built such high standards for themselves that they often feel alone. But that same loneliness is part of their ability to create.

  • The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

  • People sometimes ask me if I do not feel lonely on holidays. How can I feel lonely when I live in the constant awareness of God's presence? I love and I enjoy being with people, but when I am alone I enjoy being alone with God.

    God   Lonely   Holiday  
    Peace Pilgrim (1992). “Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words”, p.48, Friends of Peace PIlgrim
  • I have so many different personalities in me and I still feel lonely.

  • Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.

  • The individual has always to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.

  • I am not without an object in life, but I feel lonely and deserted.

  • Only the lonely know the way I feel tonight.

    Alex Orbison, Roy Orbison, Wesley Orbison (2017). “The Authorized Roy Orbison: The Authorized Biography”, p.643, Hachette UK
  • The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.

    Happiness   God   Lonely  
    Anne Frank (1954). “The Diary of Anne Frank”, Pan
  • Loneliness is never more cruel than when it is felt in close propinquity with someone who has ceased to communicate.

    Germaine Greer (1972). “The female eunuch”
  • Remember: the time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life's cruelest irony.

    Douglas Coupland (1993). “Shampoo Planet”, p.259, Simon and Schuster
  • Why should I feel lonely? is not our planet in the Milky Way?

    Lonely   Way   Should  
    Henry David Thoreau (1882). “Walden”, p.208
  • We have a long way to go to being the perfect couple, we certainly don’t live the fairy tale marriage, he doesn’t shower me with rose petals and fly me to Paris on weekends but when I get my hair cut, he notices. When I dress up to go out at night, he compliments me. When I cry, he wipes my tears. When I feel lonely, he makes me feel loved. And who needs Paris, when you can get a hug?

    Lonely   Couple   Cutting  
    Cecelia Ahern (2005). “Rosie Dunne”, Wheeler Pub Incorporated
  • I feel lonely at times, but I don't want to get into a relationship with someone if it is not right. I'm not the type of person who just does things to do them.

    Lonely   Want   Doe  
    "New Again: Tom Cruise And Cameron Crowe". Interview with Jeff Oloizia, www.interviewmagazine.com. December 15, 2011.
  • Sometimes i feel lonely, but it's ok

  • I'm on this extraordinary adventure, and if I have no one to talk to at the end of the night, I feel lonely.

  • Yes, I guess you could say I am a loner, but I feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than I feel on my own.

  • Just understand that the end began long ago We got here just in time Look All the squares in the sidewalks were already there All these strangers have more money than you do All the good riffs have been taken And everyone is so scared Murder is commonplace I don't even flinch at the gunshots outside my window I feel lonely without them

    Lonely   Taken   Squares  
  • I don't know why I still feel this pit in my stomach whenever I get a moment to think. I know what the pit is, too; I feel lonely. But I'm not alone, I keep telling myself.

    Lonely   Thinking   Pits  
  • I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.

    Love   Life   Lonely  
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