Humiliated Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Humiliated". There are currently 186 quotes in our collection about Humiliated. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Humiliated!
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  • Then we understand that rebellion cannot exist without a strange form of love. Those who find no rest in God or in history are condemned to live for those who, like themselves, cannot live; in fact, for the humiliated.

    "The Rebel". Book by Albert Camus, 1951.
  • Time and time again, as a boy, I was humiliated. I celebrated my first day in long pants by going to a dance where I fell sprawling on the floor, and was so ashamed that I jumped up, ran away and left my girl to get home the best way she could.

    Girl   Home   Boys  
  • You have to stop worrying about looking foolish, 'cause fear of being humiliated really limits you.

    Worry   Limits   Causes  
    Dean Koontz (2007). “Fear Nothing: A Novel”, p.255, Bantam
  • Every time I perform in front of people, no matter how well it goes, the next day, I feel humiliated.

    Interview with Nathan Rabin, March 1, 2011.
  • What will be the crown of those who, humble within and humiliated without, have imitated the humility of our Savior in all its fullness!

  • I created hoaxes. I confronted and challenged the majority opinion. I attacked, humiliated, and criticized the voice of the corporate mainstream media.

    Media   Voice   Hoaxes  
  • I hold myself accountable for my contradictions. I deeply, deeply believe in the mystical laws. I know that every thought sends an eternity in motion. I mean, I know what I am capable of as a teacher; I know what I'm capable of because of my intelligence. But I also know that that's useless if - I have been humiliated so often, when I think that I can combat the terrors of life with intelligence. Because you can't. It'll bring you to your knees.

    Teacher   Believe   Mean  
    "A Conversation with Caroline Myss". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,
  • Many voted in 2008 with the desire to see racism and racists humiliated by having a qualified black man elected president.

    Men   Racism   Black  
    "The 'Bradley effect' and Obama" by L.Douglas Wilder, May 14, 2012.
  • Overnight, I went from being a completely private figure to a publicly humiliated one. I was Patient Zero.

    Zero   Patient   Figures  
    "Monica’s Mission: Can the humiliated Lewinsky lead the charge against online harassment?" by Howard Kurtz, October 22, 2014.
  • I know there are certain men that hate women or don't like women, and in order to make women feel small, they tend to isolate them when they bully them. And women are often humiliated by it and feel they can't do anything about it. So my advice to women would be: there's always support around for those sorts of things and if you feel you're isolated in any way, or being bullied, you must talk to someone about it.

    Hate   Men   Order  
  • It is precisely those members of Congress who have had the most to do with creating the risks that led to the current economic crisis who are making the most noise against others, and summoning people before their committee to be browbeaten and humiliated on nationwide television.

    Creating   People   Risk  
    Thomas Sowell (2011). “Dismantling America and Other Controversial Essays (Large Print 16pt)”, p.42,
  • I just would never go audition, and yet I was in very visible places where people would come looking for actors. I say I'm lazy, though I'm sure if I were in therapy for a lot of years, it would turn out to be a lot more than laziness. After awhile, it was, like, too embarrassing for me not to go on auditions. I had to be humiliated into it.

    Years   People   Lazy  
  • Actors have to protect each other in a way. The idea of humiliating another actor or being humiliated myself is devastating.

    Ideas   Actors   Way  
    Interview with Lee Daniels, September 29, 2015.
  • It bothers them that instead of taking on the role of abandoned lover, I have become a happy wife. They relish seeing strong women like you and me humiliated. They cannot forgive us that we triumphed where so many others fail...Courage is a virtue appreciated in a male but considered a defect in our gender. Bold women are a threat to a world that is out of balance, in favor of men. That is why they work so hard to mistreat and destroy us.

  • According to our social pyramid, all men who feel displaced racially, culturally, and/or because of economic hardships will turn on those whom they feel they can order and humiliate, usually women, children, and animals--just as they have been ordered and humiliated by those privileged few who are in power. However, this definition does not explain why there are privileged men who behave this way toward women.

    Children   Animal   Men  
  • Fashion can be a really powerful tool, but it's also a place where you can be totally humiliated and have your power taken from you.

  • To see an enemy humiliated gives a certain contentment, but this is jejune compared with the highly blent satisfaction of seeing him humiliated by your benevolent action or concession on his behalf. That is the sort of revenge which falls into the scale of virtue.

    Revenge   Fall   Giving  
    George Eliot (2016). “The Mill On The Floss”, p.294, George Eliot
  • I stand up for what I believe. I don't know if it's always paid off for me, because I've been ridiculed and humiliated.

  • There's an awful video of me on, titled Dumas, her life is over! which was taped by some amateur during my first Olympic tryouts and has had quite a bit of traffic-like all videos of humiliated people do. This is where the exact moment that my life shattered around me was perfectly immortalized on film and can now be played and replayed, over and over, so the world can watch for their enjoyment.

    People   Awful   Firsts  
  • It has always been my view that terrorism is not spawned by the poverty of money; it is spawned by the poverty of dignity. Humiliation is the most underestimated force in international relations and in human relations. It is when people or nations are humiliated that they really lash out and engage in extreme violence.

    Views   People   Poverty  
  • We are all humiliated by the sudden discovery of a fact which has existed very comfortably and perhaps been staring at us in private while we have been making up our world entirely without it.

    George Eliot (2015). “Middlemarch: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)”, p.223, Penguin
  • Don’t beg anybody for anything, especially love.

  • There is nothing more pleasing to God, than to see a soul who patiently and serenely bears whatever crosses it is sent; this is how love is made, by putting lover and loved one on the same level. . . A soul who loves Jesus Christ desires to be treated the way Christ was treated-desires to be poor, despised and humiliated.

    Jesus   Love Is   Soul  
  • What is the natural reaction when told you have a hopeless mental illness? That diagnosis does you in; that, and the humiliation of being there. I mean, the indignity you're subjected to. My God.

    Mean   Bipolar   Doe  
    "Imagine, Dignity with Mental Illness - Much Work to Do" by Kerry Ryan-Kuhn, June 12, 2013.
  • For centuries, as pope and emperor tore each other apart in their quarrels over power, the excluded went on living on the fringe, like lepers, of whom true lepers are only the illustration ordained by God to make us understand this wondrous parable, so that in saying 'lepers' we would understand 'outcast, poor, simple, excluded, uprooted from the countryside, humiliated in the cities.' But we did not understand; the mystery of leprosy has continued to haunt us because we have not recognized the nature of the sign.

    Umberto Eco (1995). “Name of the Rose”, p.215, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Your position never gives you the right to command. It only imposes on you the duty of so living your life that others can receive your orders without being humiliated.

    Life   Leadership   Order  
  • The most often repeated commandment in the Bible is 'Do not fear.' It's in there over two hundred times. That means a couple of things, if you think about it. It means we are going to be afraid, and it means we shouldn't let fear boss us around. Before I realized we were supposed to fight fear, I thought of fear as a subtle suggestion in our subconscious designed to keep us safe, or more important, keep us from getting humiliated. And I guess it serves that purpose. But fear isn't only a guide to keep us safe; it's also a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.

    Monday   Couple   Mean  
    Donald Miller (2009). “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life”, p.108, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • I've had people say, "You know, this 'Hope and Change' business, Rush, it's just as dangerous as, 'Make America Great Again,' all the specifics." And what you're really saying - even though you didn't voice this - is Barack Obama ended up being an authoritarian. He ended up being supported as an authoritarian because his wacko base wanted that stuff done - i.e., they wanted conservatives humiliated and defeated and ticked off and mad and losing everything, and they didn't care how Obama did.

    People   Mad   Done  
  • Your body can dictate your mind, so when I walk to a fight a lot of times I'm scared, I'm scared to death, I have a lot of doubts of myself, I'm afraid to fail, I'm afraid to be humiliated in front of everybody; but what happens, I act like it's impossible for me to fail and that my victory is a certainty. So as I'm walking to the Octagon and I act with confidence my body takes over my mind and I become confident for real. As I'm walking I see the change in my mind and when I reach the Octagon I'm a different person, I'm very confident.

    Real   Fighting   Mma  
  • Someone asks me what's my practice? I don't want the fear of being humiliated to have authority over me. I don't want it to come near me. I don't want it to have a voice in my decisions. I don't want it to be anywhere near me. What's my practice? That one. I don't ever want to humiliate a human being, and I don't want the fear of being humiliated to participate in my thoughts.

    "A Conversation with Caroline Myss". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,
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