House Fires Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "House Fires". There are currently 5 quotes in our collection about House Fires. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about House Fires!
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  • Signs of a poorly understood but treatable house fire requires action, not inaction.

    Fire   House   Action  
    "Global Warming and the Future of Humanity: An Interview With Noam Chomsky and Graciela Chichilnisky". Interview with C.J. Polychroniou, September 17, 2016.
  • Everyone I have lost in the closing of a door the click of the lock is not forgotten, they do not die but remain within the soft edges of the earth, the ash of house fires and cancer in sin and forgiveness huddled under old blankets dreaming their way into my hands, my heart closing tight like fists. - "Indian Boy Love Song #1

    Dream   Song   Cancer  
  • Man must learn to rely upon himself. Reading bibles will not protect him from the blasts of winter, but houses, fires. and clothing will. To prevent famine, one plow is worth a million sermons, and even patent medicines will cure more diseases than all the prayers uttered since the beginning of the world.

    Prayer   Reading   Winter  
    Robert Green Ingersoll (1873). “An Oration on the Gods”, p.34
  • Perhaps when we're forced to forfeit what we own, we lose any sentimental associations. Perhaps pawning our valuables frees us in the same way a house fire destroys not only our worldly goods, but our attachment to what's gone.

    Fire   Attachment   House  
    Sue Grafton (2011). “V is for Vengeance”, p.196, Pan Macmillan
  • Human beings are often at their best when responding to immediate crises - car accidents, house fires, hurricanes. We are less effective in the face of enormous but slow-moving crises such as the loss of biodiversity or climate change.

    Moving   Loss   Fire  
    David Suzuki, Holly Dressel (2009). “From Naked Ape to Superspecies: Humanity and the Global Eco-Crisis”, p.328, Greystone Books Ltd
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