Grocery Stores Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Grocery Stores". There are currently 178 quotes in our collection about Grocery Stores. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Grocery Stores!
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  • My number one thing is to recycle everything from newspaper to aluminum cans, and I even use a canvas bag instead of the plastic ones when I go to the grocery store.

  • I have been known to go to the grocery store and just buy pepperoni. There's just something fantastic about salty, fatty meats.

    Meat   Fantastic   Stores  
  • I got the name Slash because I used to work in a grocery store and I was in charge of reducing prices for really big sales.

    Names   Used   Reducing  
  • People ask me how I stay thin, and I'm like, 'When you go to the grocery store, buy more bananas than cookies.'

  • When you're dealing with TV and with movies, people dont take it as serious as they do with music. If a rapper does a song about shooting people on the block, and goes into a restaurant or grocery store, people grab their purses because they're afraid the person is violent. With TV and movies, people know it's okay, it's just a script.

    Song   Block   Rapper  
    "The Life and Times of Suge Knight". Live Q&As, June 18, 2007.
  • Every day when I'm thinking about something or want to do something, I say, "Hey, can we shoot some stuff?" or "Hey, can you come with me to the grocery store?" or "Hey, can you..." Just so I can share my personality and who I am, and also use it as a platform to do bigger, more important things.

  • You know, I lose patience really easily; I'd rather shop in the grocery store than in the department store. I can pick an apple like nobody's business.

  • On stage, there are hundreds of people watching you. It's so much energy directed at you. I pick up energy really easily. Even if I go to the grocery store and no one is paying attention to me, I can pick up other people's moods and it's really intense.

  • I grew up with this kind of grocery store that caters to the poor. They serve you the worst food.

    Kind   Poor   Grew Up  
    "Talking in Our Pajamas: A Conversation with Sandra Cisneros on Finding Your Voice, Fear of Highways, Tacos, Travel, and the Need for Peace in the World". Interview with Ruth Behar, 2008.
  • I always see the filming as basically going to the grocery store and buying a bunch of ingredients and that's about as far from having a dinner as you can possibly be. Then editing is the cooking, the preparation of the meal and if you don't edit it you've just got a pile of raw meat.

  • A lot of people in line at the grocery store think that they know me, but they don't.

    Thinking   People   Lines  
    "The Other 'Girls': Jemima Kirke, Zoisa Mamet and Allison Williams on Their New HBO Show". Interview with Jordan Zakarin, April 13, 2012.
  • You need me, just whistle," he said as he arranged his ball cap over his eyes against the sun leaking through the frost-emptied branches. "You're not coming?" Lifting the brim of his cap, he eyed me, "You want me to?" he asked blandly. "Not really, no." He dropped the brim and laced his hands over his middle. "Then why are you bitching? It's a crime scene, not a grocery store.

    Eye   Hands   Branches  
  • The things that make me happiest in the whole world are going on the occasional picnic, either with my children or with my partner. Big family gatherings, and being able to go to the grocery store - if I can get those things in, I’m doing good.

    "Isn’t She Deneuvely?". Interview with Krista Smith, December 2008.
  • Our financial ills will never be settled till you fix it so every man will pay an income tax on what he earns, be it a farm, grocery store or municipal or government bonds.

    Men   Pay   Income  
    Will Rogers, Bryan B. Sterling (1995). “Will Rogers Speaks: Over 1,000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers (writers, Politicians, Comedians, Browsers ...)”, M Evans & Company
  • I've been going to the same grocery store for 13 years, and all of a sudden one day everybody was like, 'Oh, my God.

    Years   One Day   Stores  
  • I was always the new kid in school, I'm the kid from a broken family, I'm the kid who had no dad showing up at the father-son stuff, I'm the kid that was using food stamps at the grocery store.

    Dad   Father   School  
    Interview with Kenny Herzog, July 18, 2011.
  • I am totally, completely, 100% in love with fashion. I would wear Chanel gowns to the grocery store if I could. I'm a huge fan of Chanel and Versace, and I actually have always dreamed of designing my own line one day.

  • Theres a lot of American kids think their food comes from the grocery store and the concept of seasonality has no meaning to them whatsoever.

    Kids   Thinking   Stores  
  • Some people meet people in the grocery store, but I get my tomatoes and I'm out.

  • The world is progressing and resources are becoming more abundant. I'd rather go into a grocery store today than a king's banquet a hundred years ago.

    Gratitude   Kings   Food  
  • If you live in a good neighborhood, you drive home and there's a bank. There's grocery stores and big houses - but no motels. What that tells you psychologically is you protect your money and buy good things for your family to eat in your nice big house.

    Nice   Home   House  
    "Biography / Personal Quotes".
  • I had an epiphany where I realised that there are song titles everywhere - in advertising, in conversations with people at the grocery store - and every time I open my mind to that and find titles, I then weave a story around that.

    Song   People   Mind  
  • The idea of hunting and gathering as the best way for life has become quite popular recently, much more populare in some circles than the idea of simple farming as the best way of life. Many of the new primitives regard the beginnings of agriculture as one of humanity's major steps in the wrong direction. Most of the people who are drawn to such ideas do their actual hunting and gathering in grocery stores, but the *feeling* is there; it takes the form of a religion...expressed by particpating in American Indian rituals - or primitive-style rituals that are created anew.

  • Some Christians feel guilty when they are doing something that isn't 'spiritual.' Somehow or another, they feel the need to hurry through the grocery store, dash through the house cleaning, and rush through all the daily aspects of life that seem irrelevant to their faith.

  • I don't feel like I'm standing in a position where I have some right above other people to say what I think. We should all be talking to each other about what we think is important - whether we're in politics, or whether we're checking out at a grocery store. We shouldn't put walls up between each other.

    Wall   Thinking   Talking  
  • We trust something in a grocery store and assume it's good. We don't learn about the most precious thing in life-the food we put in our body. Educate yourself!

  • If I weren't in Radiohead I'd be working at a grocery store, I'd be that creepy guy who lives in an efficiency apartment and collects salted, cured meats.

    Guy   Creepy   Meat  
  • I get off on a man with strong moral fiber. The closest Barrons ever gets to fiber is walking down the cereal aisle at the grocery store.

    Strong   Men   Cereal  
    Karen Marie Moning (2016). “The Fever Series 7-Book Bundle: Darkfever, Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, Shadowfever, Iced, Burned”, p.228, Dell
  • I'm such a goody two-shoes, I don't even taste the fruit at the grocery store. Like oh, are these grapes good? I can't even do that. I'm that much of a rule-follower.

    Shoes   Two   Followers  
    "Laura Benanti used to tell kids she was an Indian princess". Interview with Alex McLevy, February 22, 2016.
  • Some people have no respect whether you are with your family or not. That's the hardest part. I was shopping in a grocery store in Seattle looking for stuff for Nicholas. This guy kept following me with his cell phone video on.

    Phones   Cells   Shopping  
    "Joe Montana finds empty nest in San Francisco". Interview with Sam Whiting, July 6, 2010.
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