Disadvantaged Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Disadvantaged". There are currently 76 quotes in our collection about Disadvantaged. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Disadvantaged!
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  • Let us choose to unite the power of markets with the authority of universal ideals. Let us choose to reconcile the creative forces of private entrepreneurship with the needs of the disadvantaged and the requirements of future generations.

    Kofi Atta Annan (1998). “The quotable Kofi Annan: selections from speeches and statements by the Secretary-General”, United Nations
  • Take the life issue. This issue requires a president and an administration leading our nation to understand the importance of life. This whole faith-based initiative really ties into a larger cultural issue that we're working on. It begins to affect the life issue, as well as the human dignity issue, because when you're talking about welcoming people of faith to help people who are disadvantaged and are unable to defend themselves, the logical step is also those babies.

    Baby   Humor   Talking  
  • Freedom means diversity but also mobility. It preserves the opportunity for today's disadvantaged to become tomorrow's privileged and, in the process, enables almost everyone, from top to bottom, to enjoy a fuller and richer life.

    Milton Friedman (2017). “Milton Friedman on Freedom: Selections from The Collected Works of Milton Friedman”, p.127, Hoover Press
  • I will not cut benefits. I want to enhance benefits for low-income workers and for women who have been disadvantaged by the current Social Security system.

    The third presidential debate between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump, www.nytimes.com. October 20, 2016.
  • A lot of the Republican rhetoric better than the Democrats'. But when they're in office, it's pretty much the same thing. It's serving their supporters, it's corporate welfare, it's cronyism which is so destructive, particularly to the disadvantaged.

    "Charles Koch on the 2016 race, climate change and whether he has too much power". Interview with Matea Gold, www.washingtonpost.com. August 4, 2015.
  • I mean, I understand that because they're disadvantaged that they deserve their own parking spots, but do they have to make them so wide? I never understood how these people were allowed to drive cars but they get these really neat chairs with wheels and they're still not happy, so instead of parking their wheelchairs in the designated spots, they upstage us normal people and get the best parking spots with vehicles that are clearly too sophisticated for them to be handling. Still, you should smile at a cripple, because it's the only bit of happiness they'll ever have.

    Mean   People   Car  
  • The only way to care for the disadvantaged - is to disadvantage yourself -which is guaranteed to turn out for your advantage.

    Care   Way   Advantage  
  • Under normal circumstances, if the centerpiece of a president's campaign is helping the disadvantaged and we are our brother's keeper, the idea that this same guy has an actual brother living in third-world poverty without any help from Obama, this would have been on the cover of 'The New York Times.' But none of them are touching it.

    "Filmgoers flock to anti-Obama doc" by Patrick Gavin, www.politico.com. August 24, 2012.
  • Reduced employment opportunities is one effect of minimum wage legislation. The minimum wage law has imposed incalculable harm on the disadvantaged members of our society. The only moral thing to do is to repeal it.

  • That was a general impression that one got, that she [Eleanor Roosevelt] was always flitting around the country and descending on some place in the Ozarks that she decided was disadvantaged, and announcing that something had to be done. And she had a very active social conscience, which I think in general is to her credit, although it tended, as many people thought, to just be overdone to the point where it gave rise to this crack that she regarded the whole world as one vast slum project

    Source: www.pbs.org
  • It's been a struggling school for many, many years, and [that's] not surprising since it's serving some of the most disadvantaged kids in the city. It wasn't the only one by any means, but it was among those. It shows that things like good, steady, stable leadership makes a huge difference; focusing on the culture of the schools as a place where kids feel supported and want to be; supporting the teachers, so they want to stay and work hard.

    Teacher   Struggle   Mean  
    Source: www.motherjones.com
  • Climate change will impact most heavily on the disadvantaged. If we don't address these impacts, as well as growing income inequalities, we are marching blindly toward major breakdowns in security, governance, and public welfare.

    Impact   Climate   Income  
    "General Wesley K. Clark, Co-Chair of Growth Energy". Interview with Chip Comins, www.marandapleasantmedia.com.
  • This is a win for the 4-year-olds who require pre-K, the low-wealth counties that need assistance with school construction and the disadvantaged students trying to go college.

  • During the Great Depression, African Americans were faced with problems that were not unlike those experienced by the most disadvantaged groups in society. The Great Depression had a leveling effect, and all groups really experienced hard times: poor whites, poor blacks.

    New River Media Interview, www.pbs.org.
  • I often think people on opposite sides of the political spectrum may have similar values around care, around thriving or around independence, or around helping the disadvantaged, but they have different ideologies, different ideas and philosophies about how to go about that. It's important that we start to see each others humanness, while at the same time not losing sight of those differences, views and speeches and actions that do cause harm, that we're clearly taking a stand against.

    Source: www.psychologytoday.com
  • Women are socially disadvantaged in controlling sexual access to their bodies through socialization to customs that define a woman's body as for sexual use by men. Sexual access is regularly forced or pressured or routinized beyond denial.

    Men   Body   Use  
    "Reflections on Sex Equality under Law". "The Yale Law Journal", 1991.
  • As a former high school teacher and a student in a class of 60 urchins at St. Brigid's grammar school, I know that education is all about discipline and motivation. Disadvantaged students need extra attention, a stable school environment, and enough teacher creativity to stimulate their imaginations. Those things are not expensive.

  • For indeed, grace is the key to it all. It is not our lavish good deeds that procure salvation, but God's lavish love and mercy. That is why the poor are as acceptable before God as the rich. It is the generosity of God, the freeness of his salvation, that lays the foundation for the society of justice for all. Even in the seemingly boring rules and regulations of tabernacle rituals, we see that God cares about the poor, that his laws make provision for the disadvantaged. God's concern for justice permeated every part of Israel's life. It should also permeate our lives.

    Timothy Keller (2010). “Generous Justice: How God's Grace Makes Us Just”, p.34, Penguin
  • War is a barbaric tool of the war profiteers and Empires who employ them. War pits young people from the working class against other similarly poor, or disadvantaged humans, for nothing but the greed of the few. Only we the people can make war obsolete by not participating in the profound crimes of the profiteers and other war mongers.

    War   Class   People  
  • Disadvantaged kids many times don't have the support network that we all have. I know how important my parents were in my life and many of these kids don't have that support network.

    Kids   Support   Parent  
    Interview with Chris Yandek, www.cyinterview.com. February 16, 2007.
  • Early investment in the lives of disadvantaged children will help reduce inequality, in both the short and the long run.

    Running   Children   Long  
  • Money is not going to organize the disadvantaged, the powerless, or the poor. We need other weapons. That's why the War on Poverty is such a miserable failure. You put out a big pot of money and all you do is fight over it. Then you run out of money and you run out of troops.

    Running   War   Fighting  
    Cesar Chavez, Richard Jay Jensen, John C. Hammerback (2002). “The Words of César Chávez”, p.70, Texas A&M University Press
  • For a society as abundant and as blessed as ours, to have as many disadvantaged children as we have does not bode well for our long-term economic future.

    Children   Blessed   Long  
    Source: scottlondon.com
  • to the extent that either sex is disadvantaged, the whole culture is poorer, and the sex that, superficially, inherits the earth, inherits only a very partial legacy. The more whole the culture, the more whole each member, each man, each woman, each child will be.

    Sex   Children   Equality  
    Margaret Mead (1975). “Male and female: a study of the sexes in a changing world”, William Morrow & Co
  • I had no need to apologize that the look-wider, search-more affirmative action that Princeton and Yale practiced had opened doors for me. That was its purpose: to create the conditions whereby students from disadvantaged backgrounds could be brought to the starting line of a race many were unaware was even being run.

    Running   Race   Yale  
    Sonia Sotomayor (2013). “My Beloved World”, p.191, Vintage
  • You have to build a culture of philanthropy. In a country like India, we need to be sensitive and caring about the poorer, more disadvantaged section of our country.

    Country   Caring   India  
  • The hallmark of a healthy society has always been measured by how it cares for the disadvantaged.

    Healthy   Care   Hallmark  
  • You ultimately judge the civility of a society not by how it treats the rich, the powerful, the protected and the highly esteemed, but by how it treats the poor, the disfavored and the disadvantaged.

    Powerful   Judging   Rich  
  • If the goal of the No Child Left Behind Act is to ensure that all children meet state standards, then allowing large numbers of the most disadvantaged children to fall between the cracks is unacceptable.

    Children   Fall   Numbers  
  • We always deceive ourselves twice about the people we love - first to their advantage, then to their disadvantage.

    Love   Life   Deceived Us  
    "A Happy Death" by Albert Camus, translated by Richard Howard, 1972.
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