Court Judges Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Court Judges". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Court Judges. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Court Judges!
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  • So on the Tuesday night deadline, while Abu Qatada was appealing to European Court judges, the Home Secretary, who thought the deadline was Monday night, was partying with "X Factor" judges. When the Home Secretary is accused of not knowing what day of the week it is, confusion and chaos have turned into farce.

    Monday   Party   Home  
    Yvette Cooper during House of Commons Debates, April 19, 2012.
  • Sometimes, when asked the what-do-you-do question, it occurs to me to say that I work for the government. I have a government job, essential to national security. I AM A CITIZEN. Like the Supreme Court judges, my job is for life, and the well-being of my country depends on me. It seems fair to think that I should be held accountable for my record in the same way I expect accountability from those who seek elected office. I would like to be able to say that I can stand on my record and am proud of it.

    Country   Jobs   Thinking  
  • Persuade your fellow citizens it's a good idea and pass a law. That's what democracy is all about. It's not about nine superannuated judges who have been there too long, imposing these demands on society.

    "Scalia: Women Don’t Have Constitutional Protection Against Discrimination" by Amanda Terkel, January 3, 2011.
  • We want to make certain that every American who stood in silent tribute to Rosa Parks hopes that the Sepreme Court Judge will break silence and speak out clearly for the civil rights that define our unity as a nation.

    U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Judge Samuel Alito's Nomination to the Supreme Court, January 9, 2006.
  • The president appoints the judges. Your lives and your children's lives can change by all of these appellate court judges who will be appointed who will reinterpret laws, and things can change.

  • For the first half of this century, High Court judges have been cautious to the point of timidity in expressing any criticism of governmental action; the independence of the judiciary has been of a decidedly subordinate character.

  • Kerry is well on his way to reaching his magic number of 2,162. That's the total number of delegates he needs to win the Democratic nomination. See for President Bush it's different - his magic number is 5. That's the number of Supreme Court judges needed to win.

  • Few people are aware of the severe human rights violations committed daily by family court judges across the country. These courts are siding over and over again with proven sexual abusers of children and batterers of women. I wouldn't believe it myself if I hadn't done so much investigating.

  • An important function of the Supreme Court is to provide guidance, .. As a lower court judge, I appreciate clear guidance from the Supreme Court.

  • If you're going to be a good and faithful judge, you have to resign yourself to the fact that you're not always going to like the conclusions you reach. If you like them all the time, you're probably doing something wrong.

    Speech at Chapman Law School, August 2005.
  • Your thought describes laws, courts, judges, punishments. Mine explains that when man makes a law, he either violates it or obeys it. If there is a basic law, we are all one before it. He who disdains the mean is himself mean. He who vaunts his scorn of the sinful vaunts his disdain of all humanity.

    Mean   Men   Court Judges  
    Khalil Gibran “Selected Short Works of Khalil Gibran”, Library of Alexandria
  • Hell is full of high court judges.

    Song: Saint Augustine In Hell, Album: Ten Summoner's Tales
  • I have kept my promise to the American people by nominating a justice of the United States supreme court judge Neil Gorsuch who is from my list of 20 and who will be a true defender of our laws and constitution.

  • I am sure that no one coming to this ceremony expected a High Court judge to use the occasion to talk about that four-letter word, love. But that's a good thing. In life, never be predictable. It's so uncool.

  • A learned County Court judge in a book of memoirs recently said that the overwhelming amount of his time on the bench was taken up with people who are persuaded by persons whom they do not know to enter into contracts that they do not understand to purchase goods that they do not want with money that they have not got.

  • When I went to law school, which after all was back in the dark ages, we never looked beyond our borders for precedents. As a state court judge, it never would have occurred to me to do so, and when I got to the Supreme Court, it was very much the same. We just didn't do it.

  • Historically, terrorism falls in a category different from crimes that concern a criminal court judge.

  • I don't want to live in a country that lies can prevail in court. Where you can walk into a courtroom and fabricate a story and then have appellate court judges uphold it after a jury has made a decision.

    "Former governor Jesse Ventura talks about new books ‘Marijuana Manifesto’ and ‘Shit Politicians Say,’ plus much more". Interview with Michelle Tompkins, September 1, 2016.
  • The Supreme Court of the United States is an institution damned by God Almighty.

  • I noticed one thing. According to the ABA statistics, only 3.5 percent of lawyers in America in 2000 were Hispanic, yet they - Hispanics make up 5 percent of the federal district court judges and 6 percent of circuit court judges.

    "In Sotomayor Hearings, Jeff Sessions Was Fixated on Discrimination Against White People". November 28, 2016.
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