Best Sellers Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Best Sellers". There are currently 72 quotes in our collection about Best Sellers. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Best Sellers!
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  • If it so happened that I had once written a best-seller, this was a pure accident, due to inattention and naivete, and I would take very good care never to do the same again. If I had a message for my contemporaries, I said, it was surely this: Be anything you like, be madmen, drunks, and bastards of every shape and form, but at all costs avoid one thing: success.

    Cost   Care   Shapes  
    Thomas Merton (2002). “Seeds”
  • Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.

    Past   Thinking   Rocks  
    "Beatles" by Piero Scaruffi,
  • However, unlike some of my friends and students, I don't think it's a laughing matter. I think it is frightening to see what outrageous stories can be told in the United States and then are accepted by many educated people and academics as facts. Movies get awards, books become best sellers, heroes are made, and people become wealthy as a result of dishonest caricatures of Iranian people and society.

    Hero   Book   Thinking  
  • Ironically, white America will catapult books about race to the top of the best-seller list, even as racism remains a national open wound. Obsession ain't solution, however, because reading even at its most intense and verisimilitudinous is vicarious, and once you close the book you're off the hook.

    Book   Reading   Race  
    Marita Golden, Susan Shreve (2011). “Skin Deep: Black Women & White Women Write About Race”, p.2, Anchor
  • Ask yourself, what makes my book so different? So interesting? Don’t write to be a best seller. Write for and from your heart, not your wallet. Write something you want to be remembered by.

    Book   Writing   Heart  
  • I am always interested in why young people become writers, and from talking with many I have concluded that most do not want to be writers working eight and ten hours a day and accomplishing little; they want to have been writers, garnering the rewards of having completed a best-seller. They aspire to the rewards of writing but not to the travail.

    Writing   Eight   Talking  
  • If you look at the best-seller list, it is mostly thrillers. Very few books attempt to create an image of the life we live. I knew there were writers who wore tweed coats and lived in Connecticut and somehow made a living, and that's what I aimed to do. I've tried to write as well as I can with books that say something to any reader.

    Book   Writing   Looks  
  • The best thing about doing a signing tour is that numbers become faces. I got to sign books for six or seven thousand people, all of whom were dreadfully nice. Everything else, the interviews, the hotels, the plane travel, the best-seller lists, even the sushi, gets old awfully fast. Well, maybe not the sushi.

    Nice   Book   Numbers  
    "Neil Gaiman on writing and 'American Gods'". July 30, 2001.
  • I'm astounded by people who take eighteen years to write something. That's how long it took that guy to write Madame Bovary, and was that ever on the best-seller list?

    Writing   Years   Long  
  • Kids don't know about best sellers. They go for what they enjoy. They aren't star chasers and they don't suck up. It's why I like them.

    Stars   Kids   Enjoy  
  • Read everything. Read fiction and non-fiction, read hot best sellers and the classics you never got around to in college.

    College   Hot   Fiction May, 2002.
  • If you're looking for a New York Times best-seller, I may or may not give you that.

    New York   Giving   May  
  • If we were a sex manual it'd be a best-seller.

    Sex   Ifs   Manuals  
  • A best-seller was a book which somehow sold well because it was selling well.

    Book   Selling   Wells  
    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • Once you’ve read too many trashy best-sellers, you begin to look for something with substance, something that attempts to define the universe.

  • Some books and authors are best sellers, but most aren't. It may be easier to self-publish than it is to traditionally publish, but in all honesty, it's harder to be a best seller self-publishing than it is with a house.

    Honesty   Book   Self  
  • There is only one recipe for a best seller and it is a very simple one. You have to get the reader to turn over the page.

    Simple   Recipes   Pages  
  • Eventually, as my books became best-sellers, the nickels pile up and one day I was offered a substantial four-book deal that was lucrative as any airliner hijacking in history. Though writing those four books was hard work, at least I didn't have to wear Kevlar body armor, carry heavy bandoliers of spare ammunition, or work with associates named Mad Dog.

    Dog   Book   Hard Work  
  • Like many popular best-sellers, he was a very sad and solemn man who took himself too seriously and his art not seriously enough.

    Art   Men   Enough  
    "The Tale Bearers: English and American Writers" by Random House, (p. 25), 1980.
  • None of my books are best-sellers. In fact, the only thing that's kept me alive is the books that are in paperback. People find them, they like them, and they pass them on.

    Book   People   Alive  
  • My father didn't want to go to Manhattan for me, and I came to Manhattan and I have done a great job in Manhattan. And then I wrote a best-seller and I wrote numerous best-sellers.

    Jobs   Father   Manhattan  
  • I wrote 'The Art of the Deal' and numerous other books. Some were number one best-sellers. I guess 'The Art of the Deal' is the best-selling business book of all time.

    Art   Book   Numbers  
  • If you see our best seller list, most of them are books that are given as gifts. They are books you give to flatter somebody.

    Book   Giving   Lists  
  • 10 years ago [in 2006], nearly 90 percent of those albums sold enough in that year to reach Gold status. 10 years later, about 30 percent were eligible. With the new rules, we figure about 40 percent of the top 200 best-sellers for the year will be eligible. We were very cautious in our approach to changing how we calculate what is eligible because the integrity of the process is our foremost consideration. It's difficult to get certified sales awards, and it's a big deal and we didn't want there to be a huge change in how many would be eligible.

  • No one can write a best-seller by taking thought. The slightest touch of insincerity blurs its appeal. The writer who keeps his tongue in his cheek, who knows that he is writing for fools and that, therefore, he had better write like a fool, makes a respectable living out of serials and novelettes; but he will never make the vast, the blaring, half a million success. That comes of blended sincerity and vitality.

  • Over-certified adjectives are the mark of most best-seller writing

    Norman Mailer (2013). “The Naked and the Dead: 50th Anniversary Edition, With a New Introduction by the Author”, p.12, Henry Holt and Company
  • When Emily Dickinson's poems were published in the 1890s, they were a best-seller; the first book of her poems went through eleven editions of a print run of about 400. So the first print run out of Boston for a first book of poems was 400 for a country that had fifty million people in it. Now a first print run for a first book is maybe 2,000? So that's a five-time increase in the expectation of readership. Probably the audience is almost exactly the same size as it was in 1900, if you just took that one example.

    Country   Running   Book  
  • If you look at the best-seller list for American fiction, they're all sequels to detective stories or stories about hunting serial killers. That's what's called American fiction these days.

    "Interview: Albert Brooks Sees Into the Future" by Marshall Fine, June 3, 2011.
  • One recalls how much the creative impulse of the best-sellers depends upon self-pity. It is an emotion of great dramatic potential.

    Self   Creative   Emotion  
    "The Tale Bearers: English and American Writers" by Random House, (p. 28), 1980.
  • It's embarrassing when you try to overthrow the government and you wind up on the Best Seller's List.

    "Steal This Book Too!‎". Book by Sean Curtis, 2004.
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