Best Company Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Best Company". There are currently 22 quotes in our collection about Best Company. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Best Company!
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  • I’ve loved the whole process. From previews to rehearsals, I’m in the best company. I’ve done one West End show before this but the excitement here…it’s incredible. It’s been a real education working on this, I don’t feel worthy. The role is over the top, bold and ridiculous.

    Real   Roles   Done  
  • I think that the best companies are companies that have a real purpose.

  • The evidence seems clear that those business which actively serve their many constitutencies in creative, morally thoughtful ways also, over the long run, serve their shareholders best. Companies do, infact, do well by doing good.

  • If you can buy the best companies, over time the pricing takes care of itself.

    Care   Company   Pricing  
  • IKEA is not completely perfect. It irritates me to hear it said that IKEA is the best company in the world. We are going the right way to becoming it but we are not there yet.

    Ikea   Perfect   World  
  • Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

    Bill Gates (2009). “Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy”, p.86, Hachette UK
  • The "third arrow" (of structural reform) is critically important. Japan has some of the best companies in the world, and if you look at their technology, their capability, it's extraordinary.

  • Another way of looking at this, is that the best companies are almost always mission oriented.

    Way   Missions   Company  
  • I'd crack up without my music. It's the best company you can have, really. It don't say 'no' or 'maybe,' or ask no questions.

    Music   Cracks   Company  
    Terry McMillan (2012). “Disappearing Acts”, p.21, Penguin
  • You can create value with breakthrough innovation, incremental refinement, or complex coordination. Great companies often do two of these. The very best companies do all three.

    Two   Innovation   Three  
  • After 10 years TNA talent still have an inferiority complex. If you don't think that you work for the BEST COMPANY EVER then nobody else will! As a performer you hav to act and project that where you work is the pinnacle of competition! If not then the whole place just seems second rate.

    Thinking   Wwe   Years  
  • The best companies are able to realize earnings in cash, not through calculations that belong in fantasyland.

    Cash   Able   Earning  
  • If the best company is that which we leave feeling most satisfied with ourselves, it follows that it is the company we leave most bored.

    Giacomo Leopardi, Ángel Flores (1966). “Poems and prose”
  • Men who know the same things are not long the best company for each other.

    Men   Long   Company  
    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1872). “Representative men. English traits. Conduct of life”, p.18
  • A man of fashion never has recourse to proverbs, and vulgar aphorisms; uses neither favourite words nor hard words, but takes great care to speak very correctly and grammatically, and to pronounce properly; that is, according to the usage of the best companies.

    Fashion   Men   Use  
    Lord Chesterfield, David Roberts (2008). “Lord Chesterfield's Letters”, p.163, Oxford University Press
  • I tend to be not my own best company. I can get a little lost when - if I don't have my work to occasionally focus me.

    Focus   Littles   Lost  
  • Our mandate is to find the 200 best companies in the world and invest in them, and find the 200 worst companies in the world and go short on them. If the 200 best don't do better than the 200 worst, you should probably be in another business.

    World   Should   Worst  
  • We believe that there is no greater power in the world than the force of a great idea. We believe that people are the lifeblood of every organization. We believe that the best companies are true meritocracies, where people rise and fall through their own contributions, not through game playing or politics. We believe that work isn't simply a paycheck; it is the ultimate expression of a fully realized self. We believe that a company's obligations extend far beyond its bottom line and its shareholders - to a wider constituency that includes employees, customers, suppliers, and the community.

    Business   Believe   Fall  
  • However, if one has been playing the buy-and-hold game with quality securities, one has been exposed to a substantial amount of market risk because the valuations placed on these securities have implied overly rosy scenarios prone to popular revision in times of more realistic expectation. This is one of those times, but it is my feeling that the revisions have not been severe enough, the expectations not yet realistic enough. Hence, the world's best companies largely remain overpriced in the marketplace.

  • A good horse is the best company in the world.

    Horse   Ikea   World  
    Katherine Cecil Thurston (1906). “The Gambler: A Novel”
  • My dad was a businessman, and he would say, 'Work for free at the best company. Don't get paid a lot of money to work with the worst people.' And that's exactly how I see my career.

    Dad   Careers   People  
  • You're creating music to pull people into a world, whether it be a visual medium where music is just one element, or a purely musical medium. Either way, you're trying to transport people and to create a connection. I've always felt that the best films and the best albums can be the best company. If people feel a little bit less alone because of something I had a hand in creating than I feel like I'm contributing to the world in a positive way.

    Hands   Creating   People  
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