Animated Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Animated". There are currently 363 quotes in our collection about Animated. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Animated!
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  • One of the great things about doing animated movies is that you don't have to dress up or put on make-up.

    The Mirror.Co.Uk Interview, December 3, 2010.
  • [Before introducing the nominees for best animated film] If you're at the awards party with the guys who made the Lego Movie, now would be a good time to distract them.

    Party   Awards   Guy  
  • Each film has its processes. It doesn't mean that all animated films have to be like "Boy and the World," but creators have to have total freedom. There are films that are born with the purpose to sell. They are still admirable films with great artists and great visuals, but we wanted to use a more radical approach to create art. That's what we tried to do.

    Art   Mean   Boys  
  • There was a real sophistication and elegance to (Batman: The Animated Series). It certainly appealed to kids but had a depth that really made it fascinating and interesting to watch for adult fans. I think visually, it was stylistically stunning.

    Real   Kids   Thinking  
  • Doctors don’t seem to realize that most of us are perfectly content not having to visualize ourselves as animated bags of skin filled with obscene glop.

    Doctors   Skins   Bags  
    Joe Haldeman (2014). “The Forever War”, p.78, Open Road Media
  • I believe that all centers that appear in space - whether they originate in biology, in physical forces, in pure geometry, in color - are alike simply in that they all animate space. It is this animated space that has its functional effect upon the world, that determines the way things work, that governs the presence of harmony and life.

  • I've worked in animation for a long time. I started in Spain and I wanted to make feature films. That desire to figure out how to make animated features brought me to the U.S. to work for Disney.

    Long   Desire   Spain  
  • The Americans, who are the most efficient people on the earth, have carried [phrase-making] to such a height of perfection and have invented so wide a range of pithy and hackneyed phrases that they can carry on an amusing and animated conversation without giving a moment’s reflection to what they are saying and so leave their minds free to consider the more important matters of big business and fornication.

  • I was a poet animated by philosophy, not a philosopher with poetic faculties.

    Fernando Pessoa (2007). “The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa”, p.35, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
  • I'm more intrigued by things that I haven't really conceived of yet. I have the luxury of being able to think: "I've never done a ballet or an animated film myself." There are certain things that I feel I'd love to. I just want to keep trying new things and seeing if I'm any good at them, and if I'm not, then at least learning that. I definitely think I'm more interested in what medium I can explore right now than any specific story.

  • I spent much of my later childhood and adolescence very, very involved and interested in art, and particularly in animated movies.

  • Given for one instant an intelligence which could comprehend all the forces by which nature is animated and the respective positions of the beings which compose it, if moreover this intelligence were vast enough to submit these data to analysis, it would embrace in the same formula both the movements of the largest bodies in the universe and those of the lightest atom; to it nothing would be uncertain, and the future as the past would be present to its eye.

    Eye   Past   Data  
    Oeuvres vol. 7, introduction (1812 - 1820)
  • He was one of the numerous and varied legion of dullards, of half-animated abortions, conceited, half-educated coxcombs, who attach themselves to the idea most in fashion only to vulgarize it and who caricature every cause they serve, however sincerely.

  • With 'Futurama,' I was just worried that somebody would beat us to it; it seemed so obvious that there should be an animated science fiction show set in the future. And one of the reasons why it's not, I learned, is that it's really, really difficult.

    "'Futurama' ends: The Matt Groening interview, Part 2" by Robert Lloyd, July 24, 2013.
  • You know, making an animated movie is such a lonesome thing. You mostly don't see your fellow actors or anything. You go into your booth, you record all your dialogue. It's very much an issue of trust. You leave it all up to the director.

    "InDepth InterView: Julie Andrews Talks Despicable Me, Obama, GLEE, Hollywood & More!". Interview with Pat Cerasaro, July 21, 2010.
  • I want to be an animated character. I'm also doing more writing and directing.

  • Corporate types love to pretend their life is exciting. The whispers, fist-pumping and animated hand gestures are all designed to lift our job description from what it really is - that of an overpaid clerk

    Jobs   Hands   Clerks  
  • If you are animated by right principles, and are fully awakened to the true dignity of life, the subject of amusements may be left to settle itself.

  • My dream is to star in an animated movie and to have a toy made after me.

    Dream   Stars   Toys  
  • Go, therefore, to meet the foe with two objects before you, either victory or death. For men animated by such a spirit must always overcome their adversaries, since they go into battle ready to throw away their lives.

    Military   Men   Two  
  • I've just recently started doing the promo bits for the new album, and the funny thing is that the people who come to talk to me about these things seem to be getting younger. It's like the people who like the music are all young kids and they're on top of you - they know all about what you're doing, and they're excited and animated about it. So it's a lot of fun.

    Fun   Kids   People  
  • In 1992, fans of our feline temptress got another chance to sink their claws into the new and exciting tales of Catwoman in 'Batman: The Animated Series.'

    "The Many Faces of Catwoman". Documentary, January 18, 2005.
  • The finest piece of mechanism in all the universe is the brain of man. The wise person develops his brain, and opens his mind to the genius and spirit of the world's great ideas. He will feel inspired with the purest and noblest thoughts that have ever animated the spirit of humanity.

    Wise   Men   Ideas  
  • I think God must have had something in mind for me that was not on my radar when I first started out in New York. Back then, doing animated voices meant your career was done - it was looked down upon.

    "Biography / Personal Quotes".
  • I'm more of an older school comedian so Tommy Davidson still makes me laugh a lot no matter how many times I've heard his jokes or not. He's just an animated comedian that I don't mind seeing over and over again.

  • When you do an animated movie - at least the ones that I've been a part of - you never see any of the other actors. It's all done separately with headphones in a voice booth.

    Voice   Actors   Done  
  • I love 'Batman.' I love the Adam West 'Batman.' I love the animated 'Batman.' The character of Batman can encompass any interpretation, which is what makes that character so brilliant and why it's survived so many different media.

    "Grant Morrison Talks DC Comics, Being a Rock Star in the Comics World, and His Take on Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Multiversity" by Christina Radish, May 14, 2013.
  • There's always one sequence in every animated film that's the bane of every animator's existence.

  • I'm in a play on Broadway, I have an animated TV show coming up, I have a few movies that just came out.

  • I enjoy the fact that we have these mobile comics now, which are sort of a cross between a comic book and an animated cartoon.

    Book   Cartoon   Facts  
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