Ted Dekker Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Ted Dekker's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Ted Dekker's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 105 quotes on this page collected since October 24, 1962! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • She suddenly began to jump up and down, screaming at the top of her lungs. "The arks are after me! The arks are after me! Help me, the arks are after me!" .... "The arks! You don't understand, I have the ring and the arks are after me!" .... (and so the police officer is puzzled long enough for Miriam and Seth to escape)

  • God is with me. Jesus is near. The Spirit is greater than my fear.

  • He was as needy as she was. Alvin Finch only wanted to be needed. Loved. And absent of either, he resorted to deflecting his pain by killing. Just like a teenager might resort to deflecting the pain of rejection by cutting. People did a lot of crazy things to be wanted.

  • Evil was predictable, always painfully expected.

    Ted Dekker (2009). “Bone Man's Daughters”, p.200, Hachette UK
  • I never write my stories as a wake-up call as such. I simply explore the kinds of situations that I find personally challenging by placing characters into situations that challenge them in similar ways.

  • There's always risk in life's most rewarding pursuits, isn't there?

    Ted Dekker (2007). “Blink of an Eye”, p.238, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Where is God? Where can I find him?" we ask. We don't realize that's like a fish swimming frantically through the ocean in search OF the ocean

    FaceBook post by Ted Dekker from Jun 22, 2012
  • Sin thrives in the dungeon, but slap it on the table for all to see, and it withers rather quickly.

    Ted Dekker (2008). “Dekker 2 in 1 (Obsessed & Three)”, p.305, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • So where does Stan fit in this equation?... We are told to meditate on scripture, even the hald that details the consequences of evil, the consequent of Jericho and all. Not to pretend out God has somehow changed since the time of Christ. Obviously, Paul's idea of admirable and noble is quite different from ours. God forgives us, Bill. We have mocked His victory by whitewashing the enemy for the sake of our neighbirs approval." No Greater Love has any man.

    Men   Ideas   Evil  
  • I think a woman is born with the desire to hear she is beautiful.

  • There’s different ways to be impacted by truth. One is to read the scriptures. Another is to read other works by other people who have read the scriptures, non fiction for example. Another is to do studies. Another is to go to a place of worship. Another thing is to sit and listen to someone who’s speaking. There’s all kinds of ways. Another way is to write. About the truth. Discover the struggle through your character.

  • There is indeed good and there is indeed evil, and both walk the earth. But good has little to do with the forms of religion, and evil has as little to do with so much behavior condemned by religion. Both good and evil vie for the passions of the heart. For love!

    Heart   Passion   Evil  
    FaceBook post by Ted Dekker from Aug 03, 2015
  • no one wanted to look at the common evils of society. Very few were willing to put aside their own pursuit of happiness long enough to consider the effects of greed and jealousy around them. From what she'd seen, humans were essentially troubled. For every one behind bars, another ten deserved to be behind bars, but that would put one in ten Americans behind bars.

    Ted Dekker (2009). “Bone Man's Daughters”, p.154, Hachette UK
  • My journey is so similar to everyone elses journey, because we all are human. We all have been defeated by the powers of darkness, and we all find redemption in the light of Christ.

  • This will wreck you! Today, treat everyone you meet as if they're going to be dead by midnight. extend all the kindness and understanding you can, and do it with no thought of any reward.

    FaceBook post by Ted Dekker from Jul 14, 2012
  • It is critical that writers who embrace the light of Christ's redemptive love characterize the darkness arrayed against us in a way that is consistent with its true nature.

  • Grow up? Get herself straightened out? Her mind reeled from the verbal battering. No matter what she did, her father would tell her she was wrong. Worthless. Undeserving.

    Ted Dekker, Erin Healy (2009). “Kiss”, p.53, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • You never read Spider-Man? Accepting your true identity means understanding that you are a stranger to this world. A freak, ostracized by the very people you want to help.

    Ted Dekker (2008). “Saint: A Paradise Novel”, p.342, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Most believers struggle to really believe in the supernatural as a meaningful, deterministic reality except during moments when they are drawn to it, perhaps during a worship service or while reading a novel like 'Adam.' Being drawn to this truth is the first step to living a life in accordance to this truth.

  • You should know something, Miriam.... God changed our futures yesterday. There's no other explanation for what happened. And it wasn't the first God. If you ever need hlep, you might want to try the second God.

  • Come hither, my dear. Come hither, that I mightest protectest thou!

  • Unfortunately, the world has taken some of the greatest minds God has given us and locked them up in cages. Most very brilliant or creative people seem strange to ordinary people. Geniuses are almost always outcasts. The intelligent are bullied on the playground. They see the world differently and are shunned for it. They nearly all turn out to be lonely at the least, locked up at the worst. It's human nature to encourage the status quo and shun those who see life differently.

  • The world didn’t like to look at the dark underside very often. But that didn’t change the ugliness; it only ensured that those who perpetuated the ugliness were left alone to kill and maim and rape.

  • But sometimes imperfect tools lead us toward perfect ends.

  • If readers, young and old, would take even a moment to reflect on our rapidly shifting culture and ideology, I would be happy. Many leaders of the older generation dismiss emerging culture. Those leaders are at risk of becoming a feeble voice-piece without followers. Most of the younger generation is going deaf to the truth.

  • I would like my readers to close the cover at the end and say, 'Wow, I never thought of it like that before'.

  • Knowing you’re worthless doesn’t give you value any more than knowing you are a captive sets you free.

    Ted Dekker (2009). “Bone Man's Daughters”, p.189, Hachette UK
  • When I sit down to write a novel, I am exploring my own relationship with God, with the struggle between good and evil, my own purpose.

    Struggle   Writing   Evil  
  • My idea for BoneMan's Daughters came from the loss of my own daughter when she left home to live with a monster at age 18. I wanted to throttle the man, but she was in love, so all I could do was hope, pray and cry.

    Interview with Dick Donahue, www.publishersweekly.com. April 20, 2009.
  • It's critical that we use a very dark brush to paint evil. When you bring the light into that darkness as characterized in John 1, that light is very vivid. When it dispels the darkness, we see the brilliance that's there.

    Dark   Light   Evil  
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 105 quotes from the Author Ted Dekker, starting from October 24, 1962! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!