Susan Sontag Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Susan Sontag's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Susan Sontag's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 540 quotes on this page collected since January 16, 1933! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I'm not interested in giving aid and comfort to the neo­-Conservatives.

  • The shock of photographed atrocities wears off with repeated viewings, just as the surprise and bemusement felt the first time one sees a pornographic movie wear off after one sees a few more.

    Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.21, Macmillan
  • The problems of this world are only truly solved in two ways: by extinction or duplication.

  • There are more and more taboos about calling something, anything, ugly.

    Susan Sontag (2007). “At the Same Time: Essays and Speeches”, p.24, Macmillan
  • Etymologically, 'patient' means sufferer.

  • Do stuff. be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration's shove or society's kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It's all about paying attention. attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. stay eager.

  • Even more than comparing society to a family, comparing it to a body makes an authoritarian ordering of society seem inevitable, immutable.

  • I don't write because there's an audience. I write because there is literature.

  • Photographs objectify: they turn an event or a person into something that can be possessed.

    Susan Sontag (2013). “Regarding the Pain of Others”, p.81, Macmillan
  • Societies need to have one illness which becomes identified with evil, and attaches blame to its victims.

    Susan Sontag (2013). “Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors”, p.74, Penguin UK
  • Our appreciations, it was felt, could be so much more inclusive if we said that something, instead of being beautiful, was 'interesting'.

    Susan Sontag (2007). “At the Same Time: Essays and Speeches”, p.25, Macmillan
  • Illnesses have always been used as metaphors to enliven charges that a society was corrupt or unjust.

    Susan Sontag (2013). “Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors”, p.56, Penguin UK
  • To collect photographs is to collect the world.

    Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.5, Macmillan
  • Quotation is a method of appropriation which is invincible, I think. It's not a procedure which displeases me, contrary to recycling.

  • If literature has engaged me as a project, first as a reader, then as a writer, it is as an extension of my sympathies to other selves, other domains, other dreams, other territories.

    Susan Sontag (2007). “At the Same Time: Essays and Speeches”, p.147, Macmillan
  • 10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and the remaining 80 percent can be moved in either direction.

  • The really important thing is not to reject anything.

    Susan Sontag (2009). “Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963”, p.33, Macmillan
  • One doesn't need to know the artist's private intentions. The work tells all.

    Susan Sontag (2014). “A Susan Sontag Reader”, p.167, Macmillan
  • Loeb has been doing wonderfully patient work, exploring the American conscience from the inside. I regard him as something of a national treasure.

  • Bleak factory buildings and billboard-cluttered avenues look as beautiful, through the camera's eye, as churches and pastoral landscapes.

    Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.72, Macmillan
  • The destiny of photography has taken it far beyond the role to which it was originally thought to be limited: to give more accurate reports on reality (including works of art). Photography is the reality; the real object is often experienced as a letdown.

    Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.129, Macmillan
  • The single most amazing phenomenon is the discrediting of idealism.

  • Marriage is a sort of tacit hunting in couples.

    Susan Sontag (2009). “Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963”, p.190, Macmillan
  • Taste has no system and no proofs.

    Susan Sontag (2014). “A Susan Sontag Reader”, p.160, Macmillan
  • Photographs trade simultaneously on the prestige of art and the magic of the real.

    Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.63, Macmillan
  • It's almost as if this is the fundamental procedure in modern society: duplication and recycling.

  • I love to read the way people love to watch television.

    Susan Sontag, Jonathan Cott (2013). “Susan Sontag: The Complete Rolling Stone Interview”, p.33, Yale University Press
  • I want to be able to be alone, to find it nourishing - not just a waiting.

    Susan Sontag (2009). “Reborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963”, p.305, Macmillan
  • Fear binds people together. And fear disperses them. Courage inspires communities: the courage of an example - for courage is as contagious as fear. But courage, certain kinds of courage, can also isolate the brave.

    Susan Sontag (2007). “At the Same Time: Essays and Speeches”, p.233, Macmillan
  • The public voice in the theater today is crude and raucous, and, all too often, weak-minded.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 540 quotes from the Writer Susan Sontag, starting from January 16, 1933! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

    Susan Sontag

    • Born: January 16, 1933
    • Died: December 28, 2004
    • Occupation: Writer