Shailene Woodley Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Shailene Woodley's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actress Shailene Woodley's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 104 quotes on this page collected since November 15, 1991! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • As a teenager, my struggle was how do I balance being empathetic and compassionate towards my peers, while also living my life for myself and not basing my decisions on those around me, and really living a life where I receive my happiness from my own experiences rather than from people pleasing.

  • The word 'feminist' is a word that discriminates, and I'm not into that. I don't think there has to be a separation in life in anything. [...] Labels are for other people to understand us, so for me, I know how I feel and I don't need to call myself a 'feminist' or 'not a feminist' because I know what my truth is.

  • But in these few moments that we have here on Earth, are we going to torture ourselves? Or are we going to allow our lights to be dimmed? How do we expect men to respect women or women to rise to more power when we don't respect our queendom in the same way that men respect their kingdom?

    Men   Light   Earth  
    "Shailene Woodley and Brie Larson Are Out to Conquer Hollywood—and Fix It" by Lynn Hirschberg, June 1, 2014.
  • Every single journey that I've embarked on, I've learned something new.

  • I think there is a point in every teenager's life where they are forced to come into themselves.

    "Shailene Woodley Interview THE DESCENDANTS". Interview, November 18, 2011.
  • For me, my rule in this industry is I've got to listen to my butterflies. So if I got butterflies, then those are the scripts I go after.

  • It doesn't matter how much more you have in your bank; if 50,000 people show up to your opponents' rallies and you only have a few hundred people, it says a lot about what the people of America are ready to do.

  • It's rare that you get to work with actors, female or not, where you all get along. Just because of the nature of humanity.

  • A quarter of my life has been spent on 'Secret Life.' I'm 20 and I've been doing it for five years, so I think the best moments have been when all the cast members get to work together and we get to collaborate and share experiences. We all grew up together.

    Thinking   Years   Secret  
    "Shailene Woodley channels her 'Inner 'Glee' for 'Secret life'" by Jocelyn Vena, June 25, 2012.
  • I think you have to love yourself and you have to have a strong sense of self-love in order to really show up for other people, because if you love yourself, you're not questioning your own mind any more and you are really able to be present and available for others.

  • I started studying indigenous cultures and I was really inspired by their life styles and the way that they lived. Part of that was knowing how to survive in the wild and knowing how to heal themselves from the plants that grew around them.

    Knowing   Style   Culture  
  • I have a tendency to talk extremely fast. ... I think the fastness comes from the fact that I get very excited about things and I just want to spit them out.

    Thinking   Want   Facts  
  • I haven't had time to think about a relationship! I literally have not had a boyfriend in almost five years. I've never even hooked up with anybody I've worked on a movie with.

  • I think everything everything about my lifestyle is fairly alternative. I gather my own spring water from mountains every month. I go to a farm to get my food. I make everything from my own toothpaste to my own body lotions and face oils. I could go on for hours. I make my own medicines; I don’t get those from doctors. I make my own cheese and forage wild foods and identify wild plants. It’s an entire lifestyle. It’s appealing to my soul.

    Spring   Thinking   Oil  
  • Everything that I own and use are in a carry-on suitcase.

    Use   Suitcases  
  • All it takes is to pick up that one piece of trash you pass everyday on your way to work. Or to turn the water faucet off when you're brushing your teeth from afar. Or to compost. Or to buy 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper. Or to utilize vintage stores and secondhand markets. Or to fully devote yourself to only buying vegetables from local sources. It is remarkably easy to incorporate sustainable choices into our everyday, busy lives.

  • I think every script has meaningful messages no matter what it is, because inherently life is full of meaning and every single day we lean a lesson.

  • I was between 14 and 15, when I went through my angsty period. I was never very rebellious. I never did things to rebel against society, or against my parents, but I did think I knew everything. Then, one day, I woke up and realized I was a dot in this universe, and that quickly dissipated.

  • I'm always like 'I'm too skinny, I can't gain weight, even when I try.' I'd like to try to not let that get to me.

    Trying   Weight   Gains  
    "Exclusive Interview: Shailene Woodley from The Secret Life of An American Teenager". Seveteen Magazine Interview, January 06, 2009.
  • George Clooney is a super-human, he's just such an amazing human being, he taught me how to be a better person and a better actor!

  • In order to help those around you, and in order to even be a good actress and a good mother at the same time, you have to know your worth.

  • It's hard to talk about politics in a Hollywood world.

    Hollywood   World   Hard  
  • My favorite movies are movies that I go in and I leave deeply affected. Whether I laugh really hard or whether I cry really hard, I just want to feel really affected in that moment.

    Laughing   Want   Cry  
    "‘The Spectacular Now’ Star Shailene Woodley On First Sex, Teen Drinking and Why ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ Feels Like an Indie Film" by Nigel M. Smith, January 21, 2013.
  • My whole life I've been so self-conscious about being skinny. And just recently I don't care anymore. All insecurities are projected because of what you think others are saying about you, but they don't really matter at all. My only real insecurities in high school were having such long legs and thick hair-things I'm so very grateful for now.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • Every single character in the world, every creature in the world has something to give and something to learn.

  • You are the epitome of the word selfless, you did something knowing you wouldn't be able to come home, knowing that your country would have very mixed feelings and yet your integrity on what you believe was right or wrong or should be public knowledge was more important to you than almost your own comfortability and the life that you had lived for so long. So I would like say thank you to him.

  • I think the future of food is in insects.

  • I love arguing. I always say that I'll never win a physical battle, but I can always win a mental battle. I mean, not really, because I never really argue with anyone.

    Mean   Winning   Battle  
  • You really can't prepare for anything in life. The second you know what's going to happen, there's always a curve ball, so I'm just chillin', cruising along for the ride.

  • Have you thanked your body today? Be grateful, stay positive.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 104 quotes from the Actress Shailene Woodley, starting from November 15, 1991! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!