Maya Angelou Quotes About Pride

We have collected for you the TOP of Maya Angelou's best quotes about Pride! Here are collected all the quotes about Pride starting from the birthday of the Author – April 4, 1928! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 3 sayings of Maya Angelou about Pride. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
All quotes by Maya Angelou: Accidents Accomplishment Achievement Adventure Adversity Age Aging Appreciation Art Atheism Attitude Beauty Being Alone Being Successful Being Thankful Belief Birds Birth Bitterness Black History Blessings Bones Books Bravery Brothers Brothers And Sisters Business Cancer Cars Challenges Change Character Charity Children Choices Christmas Church Communication Community Compassion Concentration Confidence Conformity Country Courage Creativity Culture Dance Darkness Daughters Death Decisions Defeat Desire Determination Diamonds Difficulty Discipline Diversity Dreams Dying Earth Education Effort Ego Electricity Empathy Empowerment Encouragement Encouraging Energy Essays Ethics Eyes Failing Failure Faith Falling In Love Family Fashion Fear Feelings Fighting Forgiveness Freedom Friendship Funeral Generosity Giving Giving Back Glory Goals God Grace Graduation Grandmothers Gratitude Growing Up Growth Happiness Hard Work Harmony Hate Healing Heart Hell Helping Others History Home Honesty Hope House Hugs Humanity Humility Hurt Husband Identity Ignorance Inspiration Inspirational Inspiring Intelligence Journey Joy Justice Kindness Language Laughter Leadership Learning Leaving Liberation Libraries Life Listening Literacy Literature Live Life Loneliness Love Love Life Luther Lying Marketing Memories Mentoring Mistakes Modesty Mom Monday Morning Motherhood Mothers Motivation Motivational Mountain Moving On Music Neighbors Overcoming Pain Parenting Parents Parties Passion Past Peace Perseverance Persistence Philanthropy Pleasure Poetry Positive Positive Thinking Positivity Prejudice Pride Purpose Quality Racism Rainbows Reading Reading Books Reality Regret Respect Responsibility Rice Romance Running Sacrifice Saturday School Segregation Self Esteem Self Love Sexism Siblings Silence Sisterhood Skins Slavery Slaves Sleep Social Justice Son Songs Soul Speed Spring Strength Struggle Students Style Success Surrender Survival Sympathy Talent Teachers Teaching Thankful Thanksgiving Time Time Management Today Transformation Travel Trust Truth Understanding Universe Values Victory Violence Virtue Waiting Wall War Water Wealth Whining Wife Winning Wisdom Wit Worry Writing Yoga Youth more...
  • My pride had been starched by a family who assumed unlimited authority in its own affairs.

    Maya Angelou (2009). “Singin' and Swingin' and Gettin' Merry Like Christmas”, p.19, Random House
  • Even here in America, we felt the cool, refreshing breeze of freedom when Nelson Mandela took the seat of Presidency in his country where formerly he was not even allowed to vote. We were enlarged by tears of pride as we saw Nelson Mandela's former prison guards invited, courteously, by him to watch from the front rows his inauguration.

    'His Day Is Done' - Poem in Tribute to Nelson Mandela, delivered December 2013
  • There are some nights when sleep plays coy, aloof and disdainful. And all the wiles that I employ to win its service to my side are useless as wounded pride, and much more painful.

    Maya Angelou (1983). “Shaker, why don't you sing?”, Random House Inc
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Did you find Maya Angelou's interesting saying about Pride? We will be glad if you share the quote with your friends on social networks! This page contains Author quotes from Author Maya Angelou about Pride collected since April 4, 1928! Come back to us again – we are constantly replenishing our collection of quotes so that you can always find inspiration by reading a quote from one or another author!
Maya Angelou quotes about: Accidents Accomplishment Achievement Adventure Adversity Age Aging Appreciation Art Atheism Attitude Beauty Being Alone Being Successful Being Thankful Belief Birds Birth Bitterness Black History Blessings Bones Books Bravery Brothers Brothers And Sisters Business Cancer Cars Challenges Change Character Charity Children Choices Christmas Church Communication Community Compassion Concentration Confidence Conformity Country Courage Creativity Culture Dance Darkness Daughters Death Decisions Defeat Desire Determination Diamonds Difficulty Discipline Diversity Dreams Dying Earth Education Effort Ego Electricity Empathy Empowerment Encouragement Encouraging Energy Essays Ethics Eyes Failing Failure Faith Falling In Love Family Fashion Fear Feelings Fighting Forgiveness Freedom Friendship Funeral Generosity Giving Giving Back Glory Goals God Grace Graduation Grandmothers Gratitude Growing Up Growth Happiness Hard Work Harmony Hate Healing Heart Hell Helping Others History Home Honesty Hope House Hugs Humanity Humility Hurt Husband Identity Ignorance Inspiration Inspirational Inspiring Intelligence Journey Joy Justice Kindness Language Laughter Leadership Learning Leaving Liberation Libraries Life Listening Literacy Literature Live Life Loneliness Love Love Life Luther Lying Marketing Memories Mentoring Mistakes Modesty Mom Monday Morning Motherhood Mothers Motivation Motivational Mountain Moving On Music Neighbors Overcoming Pain Parenting Parents Parties Passion Past Peace Perseverance Persistence Philanthropy Pleasure Poetry Positive Positive Thinking Positivity Prejudice Pride Purpose Quality Racism Rainbows Reading Reading Books Reality Regret Respect Responsibility Rice Romance Running Sacrifice Saturday School Segregation Self Esteem Self Love Sexism Siblings Silence Sisterhood Skins Slavery Slaves Sleep Social Justice Son Songs Soul Speed Spring Strength Struggle Students Style Success Surrender Survival Sympathy Talent Teachers Teaching Thankful Thanksgiving Time Time Management Today Transformation Travel Trust Truth Understanding Universe Values Victory Violence Virtue Waiting Wall War Water Wealth Whining Wife Winning Wisdom Wit Worry Writing Yoga Youth

Maya Angelou

  • Born: April 4, 1928
  • Died: May 28, 2014
  • Occupation: Author