Mary Balogh Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Mary Balogh's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Novelist Mary Balogh's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 71 quotes on this page collected since March 24, 1944! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Mary Balogh: Choices Dreams Energy Giving Heart Pain Past Soul more...
  • I do believe in fate, Anne-not the blind fate that gives one no freedom of choice, but a fate that sets down a pattern for each of our lives and gives us choices, numerous choices, by which to find that pattern and be happy.

    Mary Balogh (2006). “Simply Love”, p.237, Delacorte Press
  • Even friends need private spaces, if only within the depths of their own souls, where no one else is allowed to intrude.

  • Occasionally we all do wrong things from right motives. Only time can prove us right or wrong. The past is the past. Nothing can change it now, and who is to say that it was all wrong, anyway?

    Mary Balogh (2007). “The Devil's Web”, p.153, Dell
  • Was memory always as much of a burden as it could sometimes be a blessing.

  • He gazed up at the blue sky and knew that heaven—at least in this life—was neither a time nor a place to be grasped and made into a possession. It came in fleeting moments and then went away again to leave one nostalgic and yearning and on the verge of tears. Very much on the verge of tears. And very frightened.

  • After you married, Crispin, she said, my heart was broken. I will not deny it. But I did not slip into a sort of suspended life that would be forever gray and meaningless if you did not somehow come back to me. I put back the pieces of my heart and kept on living. I am not the woman I was when I was in love with you and expecting to marry you. I am not the woman I was when I heard that you were married. I am the woman I have become in the five years since then, and she is a totally different person. I like her. I wish to continue living her life.

  • Sometimes now was enough. Sometimes it was everything.

    Mary Balogh (2008). “Simply Perfect”, p.155, Delacorte Press
  • And she was terribly aware that she was alive. Not just living and breathing, but ...alive.

    Mary Balogh (2006). “Simply Love”, p.82, Delacorte Press
  • I know it is something of a cliche to say that love makes all things possible, but I believe it does. It is not a magic wand that can be waved over life to make it all sweet and lovely and trouble free, but it can give the energy to fight the odds and win.

  • I would be consumed by you,' she said, and blinked her eyes furiously when she felt them fill with tears. 'You would sap all the energy and all the joy from me. You would put out all the fire of my vitality.' 'Give me a chance to fan the flames of that fire,' he said, 'and to nurture your joy.

    Mary Balogh (2004). “Slightly Dangerous”, p.183, Delacorte Press
  • It was strange how the heart clung to hope even when there was no reasonable basis for it, Morgan found. And how life went on.

  • One day you will learn that love does not always betray you.

  • Now I must live with the consequences of the choice I made. And I will not call it the wrong choice. That would be foolish and pointless. That choice led me to everything that has happened since, including this very moment, and the choices I make today or tomorrow or next week will lead me to the next and next present moments in my life. It is all a journey, Miss Jewell. I have come to understand that that is what life is all about-a journey and the courage and energy always to take the next step and the next without judgement about what was right and what was wrong.

    Mary Balogh (2006). “Simply Love”, p.131, Delacorte Press
  • But a mother-son relationship is not a coequal one, is it? He is lonely with only you just as you are lonely with only him.

    Mary Balogh (2006). “Simply Love”, p.59, Delacorte Press
  • Every moment is a moment of decision, and every moment turns us inexorably in the direction of the rest of our lives.

  • The real meaning of things lies deep down and the real meaning of things is always beautiful because it is simply love.

    Mary Balogh (2006). “Simply Love”, p.72, Delacorte Press
  • I have read somewhere that we often spend a lifetime searching for what we already have.

    Mary Balogh (2003). “Slightly Married”, p.116, Dell
  • Sometimes even the imagination lets one down.

    Mary Balogh (2007). “Simply Magic”, p.61, Delacorte Press
  • This time her heart would not break, even though it would hurt and hurt for a long time to come. Perhaps for the rest of her life. But it would not break. She had the strength to go on alone.

    Mary Balogh (2010). “A Summer To Remember: Number 2 in series”, p.170, Hachette UK
  • I am free, you see," she said, "to love or to withhold love. Love and dependence need no longer be the same thing to me. I am free to love. that is why I love you and it is the way I love you. If you have come here, Kit, because you think you owe me something, because you believe I might crumble without your protection, then go away again with my blessing and find happiness with someone else." "I love you," he said again.

    Mary Balogh (2003). “A Summer to Remember”, p.336, Dell
  • Your sense of guilt will linger. It will always be part of you. but sharing it, allowing people to love you anyway, will do you the world of good. Secrets need an outlet if they are not to fester and become an unbearable burden.

  • Everyone was a rose but even more complex than a mere flower. Everyone was made up of infinitely layered petals. And everyone had something indescribably precious at the heart of their being. No one was shallow. Not really.

    Mary Balogh (2010). “A Secret Affair”, p.142, Delacorte Press
  • If you have always suspected your sister of an inclination to madness, it will be my pleasure to confirm your worst fears.

    Mary Balogh (2012). “The Temporary Wife/A Promise of Spring”, p.235, Dell
  • The suffering of a loved one was in many ways worse than one's one suffering because it left one feeling so very helpless.

    Mary Balogh (2009). “First Comes Marriage”, p.234, Dell
  • The people we love are usually stronger than we give them credit for. It is the nature of love, perhaps, to want to shoulder all the pain rather than see the loved one suffer. But sometimes pain is better than emptiness. I have been so empty Kit. All my life. So full of emptiness. That is strange paradox is nit not - full of emptiness?

    Pain   People   Giving  
    Mary Balogh (2010). “A Summer To Remember: Number 2 in series”, p.164, Hachette UK
  • I have always been a spectator of life, you know, never a participant. Never. But now I am. Today I am, and I an awed and deliriously happy. This is the adventure I asked for, the adventure I am having I will be forever grateful to you.

    Mary Balogh (2003). “A Summer to Remember”, p.258, Dell
  • But parents, she supposed, were not the pinnacle of perfection their children thought or expected them to be. They were humans who usually did the best they could but often made the wrong choices.

    Mary Balogh (2003). “Slightly Wicked”, p.333, Dell
  • Black is the absence of all color. White is the presence of all colors. I suppose life must be one or the other. On the whole, though, I think I would prefer color to its absence. But then black does add depth and texture to color. Perhaps certain shades of gray are necessary to a complete palette. Even unrelieved black. Ah, a deep philosophical question. Is black necessary to life, even a happy life? Could we ever be happy if we did not at least occasionally experience misery?

    Mary Balogh (2009). “Then Comes Seduction”, p.230, Dell
  • Tears never were worth the effort of crying them.

    Mary Balogh (2007). “The Devil's Web”, p.134, Dell
  • My happiness has to come from within myself or it is too fragile a thing to be of any use to me and too much of a burden to benefit any of my loved ones.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 71 quotes from the Novelist Mary Balogh, starting from March 24, 1944! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Mary Balogh quotes about: Choices Dreams Energy Giving Heart Pain Past Soul