Mark Millar Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Mark Millar's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Comic Book Writer Mark Millar's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 89 quotes on this page collected since December 24, 1969! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Organizations who win, think deeply, choose wisely, and act decisively.

  • Wanted has gone into second, third and fourth printings of the individual issues and the north American printings of Wanted #1 are now close to 100,000.

  • When you expect the best from people, you will often see more in them than they see in themselves.

  • One of the things that made Star Wars work was the kids didn't know who their dad was.

  • Pretty much all comic-book people, like all Hollywood people, for the most part, are pretty liberal. I think especially UK writers. Alan Moore is probably the most radical guy you'll ever meet. I grew up loving those guys, so my heroes, as a kid, were radical cartoonists, essentially. I couldn't help but - I grew up in a left-wing household. But I do think it's fun, writing right-wing characters. I've found it interesting, just as a writer, to get inside their heads and make them likeable.

  • I think exactly the same qualities as men [women role model needs], exactly the same, which is kindness, courage and intelligence.

  • Batman: a force of chaos in my world of perfect order. The dark side of the Soviet dream. Rumored to be a thousand murdered dissidents, they said he was a ghost. A walking dead man. A symbol of rebellion that would never fade as long as the system survived. Anarchy in black.

  • If you want to build a high performance organization, you've got to play chess, not checkers.

  • In the U.S., Superman or Batman or something, the law-enforcement people, are the most famous comic characters. Americans have a respect, I think, for badges and a respect for uniforms. I think that's, in some ways, quite a nice thing, but it can be dangerous, too, because it can obviously be abused.

  • Artists, no matter how good their intentions, are always slower than they think.

  • Likewise, I see no shame in writing Captain America or Wolverine.

  • I spent as much time writing proposals in '98 and '99 as I did writing scripts.

  • The weird thing is that Stuart's the one guy - Stuart [Immonen ]and Sean Gordon Murphy, they're the kind of guys you can trust, where you don't need to do that because those guys are so incredibly reliable. They're just like clockwork, they turn in the pages just so perfectly on time. But I'm so paranoid, because I've been burned so many times, that I'm still even banking these guys.

  • I just noticed I've been writing lots of female-led things. Two of them haven't been announced yet, but the big Greg Capullo book I'm doing is a female-led story, and I'm doing another series with John Romita which is a female-led story as well.

  • Even when I was a little boy, when I was seven, I absolutely loved Wonder Woman, and I saw her as one of the superhero greats with Superman and Batman, and I think it's because she was her own thing. She always felt like the real deal the same way that Superman and Batman did. Whereas the She-Hulks and Spider-Women and all that kind of thing felt like a continuation of a concept.

  • Marvel movies, are seeming slightly less exciting now that Star Wars has appeared and everything.

  • Comic artists have always been part of my social circle. I just like hanging out with artists, and I always see them at conventions or a store signing or something. "Hey, we should do something together."

  • You kind of worry for the characters in a way that you don't normally in sci-fi, because sci-fi tends to be about the ideas, and this is about people.

  • I didn't want the headache of having a publisher reviewing everything I wrote in advance.

  • I was desperate to work with Stuart Immonen, who I have talked with for several years about doing a project together. So just the stars aligned. I knew that Stuart had a little break in his schedule, where he would be willing to do a project with me. So this year I've been very lucky.

  • I just love the fact that all my pals are basically looked after. You know, we have these amazing deals, these guys split 50 percent. We have ownership 50 percent, all the bonuses 50 percent, and everybody's going to be alright. So going forward into the future, every one of these Millarworld projects, as we call them, 50 percent partners on everything. So it's just a really happy environment to be working in.

  • We ordinary people might lack your great speed or your X-Ray vision, Superman, but never underestimate the power of the human mind. We carry the most dangerous weapon on Earth inside these thick skulls of ours.

  • I wanted to portray very, very dark subject matter and a deceptively complex story in the brightest colours and simplest lines possible to leave the readers reeling.

  • Decision-making is a skill. Wisdom is a leadership trait.

  • I always think it's a mistake when you actually have to set books aside and actually sit down and research something. I always think they've got to come from within.

  • Writers are the most terrible kleptomaniacs.

  • The trick was really finding the appropriate publisher for each of the projects I'd devised.

  • Cookbooks are almost a substitution for a lost sense of culture. People want some other life than the one they're living, so they buy a cookbook with pictures and imagine themselves as part of that life.

  • The success [of the X-Men], I think, is for two reasons. The first is that, creatively, the book was close to perfect ... but the other reason is that it was a book about being different in a culture where, for the first time in the West, being different wasn't just accepted, but was also fashionable. I don't think it's a coincidence that gay rights, black rights, the empowerment of women and political correctness all happened over those twenty years and a book about outsiders trying to be accepted was almost the poster-boy for this era in American culture.

  • I've done so many superhero comics, and I've actually just been really excited about sci-fi, and Chrononauts and Starlight were both sci-fi, which I had a great time doing.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 89 quotes from the Comic Book Writer Mark Millar, starting from December 24, 1969! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!