Henry Ford Quotes About Philosophy

We have collected for you the TOP of Henry Ford's best quotes about Philosophy! Here are collected all the quotes about Philosophy starting from the birthday of the Industrialist – July 30, 1863! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 3 sayings of Henry Ford about Philosophy. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
  • To me this is the most beautiful, the most satisfactory from a scientific standpoint, the most logical theory of life. For thirty years I have leaned toward the theory of Reincarnation. It seems a most reasonable philosophy and explains many things.

  • The basically simple things are best, whether it's automobiles or diets or philosophy.

  • For thirty years I have leaned toward the theory of Reincarnation. It seems a most reasonable philosophy and explains many things. No, I have no desire to know what, or who I was once; or what, or who, I shall be in the ages to come. This belief in immortality makes present living the more attractive. It gives you all the time there is. You will always be able to finish what you start. There is no fever or strain in such an outlook. We are here in life for one purpose: to get experience. We are all getting it, and we shall all use it somewhere.

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Did you find Henry Ford's interesting saying about Philosophy? We will be glad if you share the quote with your friends on social networks! This page contains Industrialist quotes from Industrialist Henry Ford about Philosophy collected since July 30, 1863! Come back to us again – we are constantly replenishing our collection of quotes so that you can always find inspiration by reading a quote from one or another author!

Henry Ford

  • Born: July 30, 1863
  • Died: April 7, 1947
  • Occupation: Industrialist