George Whitefield Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of George Whitefield's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Preacher George Whitefield's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 136 quotes on this page collected since December 16, 1714! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I began to read the Holy Scriptures upon my knees, laying aside all other books, and praying over, if possible, every line and word...I would be so overpowered with a sense of God's Infinite Majestey, that I would be contrained to throw myself on the ground, and offer my soul as a blank in His hands, to write on it what He pleased.

    Book   Writing   Hands  
  • Following Christ means following him through life, following him in every word and gesture, following him out of one clime into another.

    George Whitefield (1832). “Sermons”, p.785
  • Give diligent heed to the things that are spoken from the Word of God.

    George Whitefield, G. B. (1829). “The Revived Puritan. Select Works of ... G. W., ... Containing a Memoir of His Life, Etc. [Edited by G. B.]”, p.550
  • I have just put my soul as a blank into the hand of Jesus, my Redeemer, and desired Him to write on it what He pleases; I know it will be His image.

    Jesus   Writing   Hands  
  • I believe I never was more acceptable to my Master than when I was standing to teach those hearers in the open fields. I now preach to ten times more people than I would if I had been confined to the churches.

  • Nothing is more generally known than the duties which belong to christianity; and yet, how amazing is it, nothing is less practised?

    "Seventy-five Sermons on Various Important Subjects".
  • The righteousness of Jesus Christ is one of those great mysteries, which the angels desire to look into, and seems to be one of the first lessons that God taught men after the fall.

    Jesus   Fall   Angel  
    George Whitefield (2012). “The Lord Our Righteousness”, p.8, Curiosmith
  • It is easy to follow Christ when all things are safe. But your love to Jesus Christ would be seen more, if you must lose your lives, or deny your Jesus. It would be a trial of your love, when fire and faggot [a wooden stick] was before you, if you would rush into that, rather than fly from the truth as it is in Jesus. Though all things are calm now, the storm is gathering and by and by it will break; it is at present no bigger than a man's hand. But when it is full it will break and then you will see whether you are found Christians or not.

    Christian   Jesus   Men  
  • You may have orthodox heads, and yet you may have the devil in your hearts.

    Heart   Devil   May  
  • Works? Works? A man get to heaven by works? I would as soon think of climbing to the moon on a rope of sand!

    Moon   Men   Thinking  
  • Left to himself, man is half beast and half devil.

    Men   Devil   Half  
  • Congregations are lifeless because dead men preach to them.

    Men   Dead Man   Lifeless  
  • Pray that I may be very little in my own eyes, and not rob my dear Master of any part of his glory.

    Eye   May   Littles  
    George Whitefield (1771). “The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A...: Containing All His Sermons and Tracts which Have Been Already Published: with a Select Collection of Letters... Also, Some Other Pieces on Important Subjects, Never Before Printed; Prepared by Himself for the Press; to which is Prefixed, an Account of His Life, Compiled from His Orignial Papers and Letters”, p.400
  • True repentance will entirely change you; the bias of your souls will be changed, then you will delight in God, in Christ, in His Law, and in His people.

    Law   People   Soul  
    George Whitefield (1828). “Sermons on important subjects ... With a memoir of the Author by S. Drew; and a dissertation on his character, preaching, etc., by Joseph [or rather Josiah] Smith”, p.369
  • Believers keep up and maintain their walk with God by secret prayer. The spirit of grace is always accompanied with the spirit of supplication. It is the very breath of the new creature, the fan of the divine life, whereby the spark of holy fire, kindled in the soul by God, is not only kept in, but raised into a flame.

    Spiritual   Prayer   Fire  
    George Whitefield, G. B. (1829). “The Revived Puritan. Select Works of ... G. W., ... Containing a Memoir of His Life, Etc. [Edited by G. B.]”, p.117
  • The riches of His free grace cause me daily to triumph over all the temptations of the wicked one, who is very vigilant, and seeks all occasions to disturb me.

    George Whitefield (1771). “The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A...: Containing All His Sermons and Tracts which Have Been Already Published: with a Select Collection of Letters... Also, Some Other Pieces on Important Subjects, Never Before Printed; Prepared by Himself for the Press; to which is Prefixed, an Account of His Life, Compiled from His Orignial Papers and Letters”, p.82
  • The reason why the Son of God took upon him our nature was, the fall of our first parents.

    Nature   Fall   Son  
    George Whitefield (1828). “Sermons on important subjects ... With a memoir of the Author by S. Drew; and a dissertation on his character, preaching, etc., by Joseph [or rather Josiah] Smith”, p.284
  • For it pleased God, after he had made all things by the word of his power, to create man after his own image.

    God   Men   Made  
    John Gillies, George Whitefield (1839). “Memoirs of Rev. George Whitefield”, p.299
  • We are immortal till our work is done.

    Done   Immortal  
    George Whitefield (1771). “The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A...: Containing All His Sermons and Tracts which Have Been Already Published: with a Select Collection of Letters... Also, Some Other Pieces on Important Subjects, Never Before Printed; Prepared by Himself for the Press; to which is Prefixed, an Account of His Life, Compiled from His Original Papers and Letters”, p.457
  • Let us...once and forever put an end to that lie which says that Calvinism and an interest in evangelism are not comparable.

  • A true faith in Jesus Christ will not suffer us to be idle. No, it is an active, lively, restless principle; it fills the heart, so that it cannot be easy till it is doing something for Jesus Christ.

    Faith   God   Christian  
    George Whitefield (1771). “The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A...: Containing All His Sermons and Tracts which Have Been Already Published: with a Select Collection of Letters... Also, Some Other Pieces on Important Subjects, Never Before Printed; Prepared by Himself for the Press; to which is Prefixed, an Account of His Life, Compiled from His Orignial Papers and Letters”, p.47
  • It is very remarkable, that in the book of life, we find some almost of all kinds of occupations, who notwithstanding served God in their respective generations, and shone as so many lights in the world.

    George Whitefield, Samuel Dres, Joseph Smith (1841). “Sermons on important subjects”, p.245
  • If we are not inwardly wrought upon, and changed by the powerful operations of the Holy Spirit, and our moral actions proceed from a principle of a new nature, however we may call ourselves Christians, we shall be found naked at the great day.

    George Whitefield (1828). “Sermons on important subjects ... With a memoir of the Author by S. Drew; and a dissertation on his character, preaching, etc., by Joseph [or rather Josiah] Smith”, p.550
  • God, give me a deep humility, a well-guided zeal, a burning love and a single eye, and then let men or devils do their worst!

    Humility   Eye   Men  
  • If you know Christ and him crucified, you know enough to make you happy, supposing you know nothing else. And without this, all your other knowledge cannot keep you from being everlastingly miserable.

    George Whitefield (1832). “Sermons”, p.517
  • As Christ was born of the Virgin's womb, so must He be spiritually formed in our hearts. As He died for sin, so must we die to sin. And as He rose again from the dead, so must we also rise to a divine life.

    Spiritual   Heart   Rose  
    George Whitefield (1832). “Sermons”, p.582
  • God is well pleased when all our actions proceed from love, love to Himself, and love to immortal souls.

    George Whitefield (2013). “Sermons of George Whitefield”, p.247, Hendrickson Publishers
  • Mere heathen morality, and not Jesus Christ, is preached in most of our churches.

    George Whitefield, G. B. (1829). “The Revived Puritan. Select Works of ... G. W., ... Containing a Memoir of His Life, Etc. [Edited by G. B.]”, p.245
  • The sinner can no more raise himself from the deadness of sin than Lazarus, who had been dead four days, until Jesus came.

    Jesus   Four   Lazarus  
  • What! Get to heaven on your own strength? Why, you might as well try to climb to the moon on a rope of sand!

    Spiritual   Moon   Heaven  
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 136 quotes from the Preacher George Whitefield, starting from December 16, 1714! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!