Gary Neville Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Gary Neville's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Soccer player Gary Neville's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 51 quotes on this page collected since February 18, 1975! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Louis van Gaal is one of the most incredible coaches who's done a fantastic job in clubs all over Europe.

  • It is one of my pet hates when I see players who have agents who do everything for them. They don't know how to set up their own bank accounts, they don't know what they are spending their money on and they can't make their own decisions.

    "Gary Neville hits out at 'mollycoddled' modern players", November 22, 2009.
  • A collection of strong-minded individuals who have learned how to dismiss mistakes, disappointments and problems in their personal life make up a strong team. If the majority of the team have that then, as a unit, you are almost impossible to beat.

  • Will any club dominate again? Are any club set up to dominate again? When you look at the clubs that have dominated they've usually got a core five, six or seven players who can stay there for 10 to 15 years. There is a continuity with the management. I'm not quite sure at the moment that I'm seeing the decision making at any of the top clubs to be able to suggest that domination is actually achievable again. Maybe in the future, but I'm not quite sure it'll happen very soon.

  • If you don't like someone, don't shake their hand.

  • If Real Madrid land on Manchester airport, then the airport will be surely flooded just to see one player whom fans want most. Everyone knows the name, I don't need to tell it. He is the Prince and legend of Manchester,The King and legend of Real(Madrid). 'CRISTIANO RONALDO'

  • We need to become more ruthless and critical in front of goal.

  • In Henry they had a forward so elusive that he was almost unplayable at his peak

    Gary Neville (2011). “Red: My Autobiography”, p.99, Random House
  • There are only four trophies available to win at the start of every season and there will be some big teams this year who won't win one at all.

  • In my 20 years in football, I was fortunate enough never to have experienced relegation. And while there is the pressure of expectations at the top of the league, at the bottom it comes in fear and trepidation, which is almost worse.

  • We always looked forward to playing Aston Villa to hear him mangle Ugo Ehiogu's name. "Make sure you pick up Ehugu, Ehogy, whatever his name is."

    Gary Neville (2011). “Red: My Autobiography”, p.160, Random House
  • It was like he was being controlled by a 10 year-old on a PlayStation.

  • Something interesting has happened over the last 10 years in the Premier League. Players who once would have been discarded as expensive and too old have become important parts of title-winning squads.

  • The Premier League is the No1 league in the world in many areas. The events, the shocks, the production, the viewing figures, the worldwide audience are by far the best. Do I think at this moment in time it's got the highest quality levels in Europe in terms of Champions League football and domination of that area? In quality terms it needs to rise again to get to that point where it's by far the best in all areas.

  • Paul Scholes. The best! Great player, person, friend!

    Twitter post from May 31, 2011
  • There have been times when I've reflected on my international career and just thought: 'Well that was a massive waste of time.' Sorry for sounding sour, but my best mate, David Beckham, got butchered after the World Cup in 1998, then my brother, Phil, after Euro 2000.

    "Ashley Young emerges from the fog to give England a winger windfall" by Paul Hayward, September 1, 2011.
  • I developed a mechanism so that whatever mistakes I made, I would bounce straight back. Whatever was happening off the pitch, I could put it to one side and maintain my form. Call it mental resilience or a strong mind, but that is what we mean when we talk about experience in a football team.

  • With good coaching, proper motivation and the right club structure with organic growth, you can achieve an awful lot in football.

  • For sportsmen or women who want to be champions, the mind can be as important, if not more important, than any other part of the body.

  • One year's poor form remains a blip but if it happens next year, you can say it's a trend.

  • The best managers out there at the moment are Pep Guardiola and Jose Mourinho but they are at other clubs - Real Madrid and Barcelona.

  • A fan can be able to say what he wants, do what he wants - he pays his money.

  • The rest of the Spice Girls wanted to invite the entire Bayern Munich team because they reckoned they'd never known blokes to be on top for 90 minutes and still come second.

  • When you join this club as a young player you know you've got a mountain to climb to get yourself into the first team. (on Manchester United)

  • I can't stand Liverpool. I can't stand the people. I can't stand anything to do with them.

    "Gary Neville: 'I didn't want to go into management straight after playing. I wanted to learn and understand more'". Interview with Andy Mitten, December 9, 2015.
  • As football gets more globalized, it's probably more important than ever to have one or two players in your team who have grown up in the same streets or been to the same schools as the hard-core fans.

  • It could end up like the Dog & Duck against the Red Lion.

  • And I know what confidence medals can bring.

  • Ryan Giggs will go down as the most successful British footballer of all time and I cannot see anyone ever overtaking him. He's on the brink of his 13th league title, after all.

    "Ryan Giggs named best player in Premier League's 20-year history", May 15, 2012.
  • A coach once told me there are four factors that determine a players' performance: his tactical awareness, his physical condition, his technical ability and his mental strength.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 51 quotes from the Soccer player Gary Neville, starting from February 18, 1975! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Gary Neville quotes about: Football Giving Manchester United Talent Team Winning

    Gary Neville

    • Born: February 18, 1975
    • Occupation: Soccer player