Christopher Alexander Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Christopher Alexander's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Architect Christopher Alexander's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 40 quotes on this page collected since October 4, 1936! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Christopher Alexander: Design Environment Giving Harmony Quality more...
  • I believe that all centers that appear in space - whether they originate in biology, in physical forces, in pure geometry, in color - are alike simply in that they all animate space. It is this animated space that has its functional effect upon the world, that determines the way things work, that governs the presence of harmony and life.

  • There are geologists who can pick up a rock and say, 'Yes, there's oil under there.' A geologist who has been studying those kinds of rocks for 10 or 20 years is able to make that pronouncement.

  • Drawings help people to work out intricate relationships between parts.

  • But in practice master plans fail - because they create totalitarian order, not organic order. They are too rigid; they cannot easily adapt to the natural and unpredictable changes that inevitably arise in the life of a community.

    Christopher Alexander (1975). “The Oregon Experiment”, p.18, Oxford University Press, USA
  • In short, no pattern is an isolated entity. Each pattern can exist in the world only to the extent that is supported by other patterns: the larger patterns in which it is embedded, the patterns of the same size that surround it, and the smaller patterns which are embedded in it.

    Christopher Alexander (1977). “A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction”, p.13, Oxford University Press
  • Everyone is aware that most of the built environment today lacks a natural order, an order which presents itself very strongly in places that were built centuries ago

    Christopher Alexander (1975). “The Oregon Experiment”, p.10, Oxford University Press, USA
  • The structure of life I have described in buildings - the structure which I believe to be objective - is deeply and inextricably connected with the human person, and with the innermost nature of human feeling.

    Christopher Alexander, Center for Environmental Structure (2004). “The luminous ground: an essay on the art of building and the nature of the universe”
  • Speaking as a builder, if you start something, you must have a vision of the thing which arises from your instinct about preserving and enhancing what is there.

  • The difference between the novice and the master is simply that the novice has not learnt, yet, how to do things in such a way that he can afford to make small mistakes. The master knows that the sequence of his actions will always allow him to cover his mistakes a little further down the line. It is this simple but essential knowledge which gives the work of a master carpenter its wonderful, smooth, relaxed, and almost unconcerned simplicity.

  • There is one timeless way of building. It is a thousand years old, and the same today as it has ever been. The great traditional buildings of the past, the villages and tents and temples in which man feels at home, have always been made by people who were very close to the center of this way.

  • It is possible to make buildings by stringing together patterns, in a rather loose way. A building made like this, is an assembly of patterns. It is not dense. It is not profound. But it is also possible to put patterns together in such a way that many patterns overlap in the same physical space: the building is very dense; it has many meanings captured in a small space; and through this density, it becomes profound.

    Christopher Alexander (1977). “A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction”, p.41, Oxford University Press
  • The specific patterns, out of which a building or a town is made may be alive or dead. To the extent they are alive, they let our inner forces loose, and, set us free; but when they are dead they keep us locked in inner conflict.

    Christopher Alexander (1979). “The Timeless Way of Building”, p.10, New York : Oxford University Press
  • In my life as an architect, I found that the single thing which inhibits young professionals, new students most severely, is their acceptance of standards that are too low.

    "Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community". Book by Christopher Alexander (Foreword), 1996.
  • The buildings that I build very often have a dreamlike reality. I don't mean by that they have a fantasy quality at all, in fact quite the reverse. They contain in some degree the ingredients that give dreams their power... stuff that's very close to us.

    "To be a good builder, you need a feel for what surrounds you. Christopher Alexander knows." by Kenneth Baker, February 3, 2006.
  • The more living patterns there are in a place - a room, a building, or a town - the more it comes to life as an entirety, the more it glows, the more it has that self-maintaining fire which is the quality without a name.

    Christopher Alexander (1979). “The Timeless Way of Building”, p.10, New York : Oxford University Press
  • Every place is given its character by certain patterns of events that keep on happening there. These patterns of events are locked in with certain geometric patterns in the space. Indeed, each building and each town is ultimately made out of these patterns in the space, and out of nothing else; they are the atoms and molecules from which a building or a town is made.

    "The Timeless Way of Building". Book by Christopher Alexander, 1979.
  • From a sequence of these individual patterns, whole buildings with the character of nature will form themselves within your thoughts, as easily as sentences.

    Christopher Alexander (1979). “The Timeless Way of Building”, p.14, New York : Oxford University Press
  • Most of the wonderful places in the world were not made by architects but by the people.

    Christopher Alexander (1975). “The Oregon Experiment”, p.206, Oxford University Press, USA
  • We must face the fact that we are on the brink of times when man may be able to magnify his intellectual and inventive capability, just as in the nineteenth century he used machines to magnify his physical capacity. Again, as then, our innocence is lost. And again, of course, the innocence, once lost, cannot be regained. The loss demands attention, not denial.

    Christopher Alexander (1964). “Notes on the Synthesis of Form”, p.11, Harvard University Press
  • People are deeply nourished by the process of creating wholeness.

    Christopher Alexander, Center for Environmental Structure (2004). “The luminous ground: an essay on the art of building and the nature of the universe”
  • It is not possible to make great buildings, or great towns, beautiful places, places where you feel yourself, places where you feel alive, except by following this way. And, as you will see, this way will lead anyone who looks for it to buildings which are themselves as ancient in their form, as the trees and hills, and as our faces are.

    Christopher Alexander (1979). “The Timeless Way of Building”, p.7, New York : Oxford University Press
  • When they have a choice, people will always gravitate to those rooms which have light on two sides, and leave the rooms which are lit only from one side unused and empty.

    Christopher Alexander (1977). “A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction”, p.747, Oxford University Press
  • To seek the timeless way we must first know the quality without a name. There is a central quality which is the root criterion of life and spirit in a man, a town, a building, or a wilderness. This quality is objective and precise, but it cannot be named.

    Christopher Alexander (1979). “The Timeless Way of Building”, p.9, New York : Oxford University Press
  • High buildings have no genuine advantages, except in speculative gains for banks and land owners. They are not cheaper, they do not help create open space, they destroy the townscape, they destroy social life, they promote crime, they make life difficult for children, they are expensive to maintain, they wreck the open spaces near them, and they damage light and air and view.

    Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein (1977). “A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction”, p.115, Oxford University Press
  • On the geometric level, we see certain physical elements repeated endlessly, combined in an almost endless variety of combinations. It is puzzling to realize that the elements, which seem like elementary building blocks, keep varying, and are different every time that they occur. If the elements are different every time that they occur, evidently then, it cannot be the elements themselves which are repeating in a building or town; these so-called elements cannot be the ultimate "atomic" constituents of space.

    "The Timeless Way of Building". Book by Christopher Alexander, 1979.
  • In an organic environment, every place is unique, and the different places also cooperate, with no parts left over, to create a global whole - a whole which can be identified by everyone who is part of it.

    Christopher Alexander (1975). “The Oregon Experiment”, p.11, Oxford University Press, USA
  • Yet still, there are those special secret moments in our lives, when we smile unexpectedly-when all our forces are resolved. A woman can often see these moments in us, better than a man, better than we ourselves, even. When we know these moments, when we smile, when we are not on guard at all-these are the moments when our most important forces show themselves; whatever it is you are doing at such a moment, hold on to it, repeat it-for that certain smile is the best knowledge that we ever have of what our hidden forces are, and where they lie, and how they can be loosed.

    Christopher Alexander (1979). “The Timeless Way of Building”, p.52, New York : Oxford University Press
  • Once you understand this way, you will be able to make your room alive; you will be able to design a house together with your family; a garden for your children; places where you can work; beautiful terraces where you can sit and dream.

    Christopher Alexander (1979). “The Timeless Way of Building”, p.7, New York : Oxford University Press
  • It is a common experience that attempts to solve just one piece of a problem first, then others, and so on, lead to endless involutions. You no sooner solve one aspect of a thing, than another point is out of point. And when you correct that one, something else goes wrong. You go round and round in circles, unable to produce a form that is thoroughly right.

  • One begins to think with that new building block, rather than with littler pieces. And finally, the things which seem like elements dissolve, and leave a fabric of relationships behind, which is the stuff that actually repeats itself, and gives the structure to a building or a town.

    "The Timeless Way of Building". Book by Christopher Alexander, 1979.
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 40 quotes from the Architect Christopher Alexander, starting from October 4, 1936! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Christopher Alexander quotes about: Design Environment Giving Harmony Quality

    Christopher Alexander

    • Born: October 4, 1936
    • Occupation: Architect