Callan McAuliffe Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Callan McAuliffe's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actor Callan McAuliffe's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 36 quotes on this page collected since January 24, 1995! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Callan McAuliffe: Acting more...
  • I don't want to scrounge around and be homeless, and I want to finish my education.

    Want   Homeless  
  • I hate watching myself, as do a lot of actors.

    Hate   Actors   I Hate  
  • I Am Number Four' definitely borrows from a whole bunch of genres and has a whole bunch of different themes throughout. And I think if it was just one stale two-dimensional thing then it would be kind of boring. And I think they did a fantastic job.

    Jobs   Thinking   Two  
  • There's no director or actor that I want to work with more than anyone else, other then maybe Johnny Depp, who I really would love to work with. I don't view any directors or actors above regular people, so I'm just happy to work with anyone, as long as they have talent.

    Views   Long   People  
  • I hate acting classes. I did a few, but I've always hated acting classes. I prefer to just watch a movie or watch TV and take it from there.

    Hate   Class   Acting  
  • Every country needs another country to make fun of.

    Country   Fun   Needs  
    "Jimmy Kimmel Live" at ABC, August 04, 2010.
  • I'm not a big texter anyway. I'm really slow at it and so I try to avoid it to avoid embarrassment, you know what I mean?

  • I'm not a big fan of training, at all. I really don't like it. I've done a few acting classes and I've just hated them. I think they train you to do something, and sometimes you might not be able to break out of it. Acting is lying, and lying is acting. So, I just prefer to read the script and do it my own way.

    Lying   Thinking   Class  
  • The first American word that I learned was cheeseburger. And the first sentence I learned was, "I'm sorry but we don't serve breakfast after 12 o'clock."

  • I think it’s because there's quite a few of us now but because we’re less frequent than American actors - because Hollywood is the place to be for actors - and there's just a big rush when an Australian comes over just because there's less of them. I guess that's just how it is. Like if you pick a pink jellybean out of a jar of green ones it’d be amazing, but if you pick a green one, no one will care.

  • I find that you learn from others. It's very much about watching TV and watching movies for me and grasping that way and watching other people act.

  • I would say I'm pretty much the exact same as the stereotypical American kid. I mean I'm really lazy, I play a lot of video games, I like girls. I like, you know, the violence and action type thing.

    Girl   I Like You   Mean  
  • A school out of Canberra sends me a term's worth of work. I sit on the couch by myself and complete it and send it back.

  • I like to sleep. I like to do nothing. Nothing is my favorite kind of something.

  • I want to be able to have a conversation with people. I don't want to be stupid. I'd like to have a life outside acting.

    Stupid   People   Acting  
  • I wasn't really geeky. In terms of the high school hierarchy, I was very much in the middle ground. You have the really popular guys, you have the nerdy guys, and then you have the people who really don't care - and that was me. I wasn't really picked on or anything like that.

    School   People   Guy  
  • I didn't really like my Sydney accent - nobody likes the sound of their own voice - and when I was a little younger tried to change my accent gradually. But I've only ever really lived in Sydney and Los Angeles, so I haven't been influenced by the accents of some far-off land.

    Land   Voice   Sound  
  • I never thought acting would be my life. I only started doing it because I needed something to occupy my weekends after I dislocated my knee and couldn't play sport.

    Sports   Weekend   Play  
  • I'm not really one for fancy, big words and poetry, and the scriptwriters worked very hard on 'Paradise Lost' to translate it.

    Paradise   Fancy   Lost  
  • I like people who are being normal and being themselves.

    People   Normal  
  • I do chores around the house, but I don't get an allowance for them. I wash the dishes and sweep the floor... I'm sweeping the floor quite a lot, and my mum always expects me to get a broom and swagger it across the floor all the time.

  • I originally envisioned myself doing something with the suffix 'ology' at the end of it, like marine biology or entomology. But after I started to do some acting gigs, I thought it wasn't a bad thing... I said to myself, 'I might as well keep riding this bus until the wheels fall off.

    Fall   Marine   Acting  
  • I've always had a natural affiliation with nature. If I wasn't an actor, I'd be some sort of biologist working in the field in Africa or something.

    Actors   Fields   Natural  
    "Q&A: Callan McAuliffe On His Mission to Save Wolfdogs". Interview with Degen Pener, November 3, 2011.
  • I have a huge Lego collection - I have a really big Lego collection. We're talking pretty darn large. I also have a huge collection of original stainless steel Thomas the Tank Engine train toys. Beautiful little trains; they're my favorite thing in the world.

  • I don't like concrete jungles.

  • The Australian accent is sort of like going down a step in smartness, you could say, because you guys pronounce things as they're spelled. We add and abbreviate stuff.

    Guy   Add   Stuff  
    "The Verge: Callan McAuliffe and Madeline Carroll". Interview with Kyle Buchanan, August 23, 2010.
  • I've never been a really big fan of theatre. I don't know why. It's so much for effort. It's much more difficult for me than stage acting just because of the pressure that's piled on you and you have to learn the entire performance by heart.

    Heart   Effort   Theatre  
  • I go out with a lot of British people. Some of them say I sound a little tipsy.

    People   Sound   Littles  
  • I can run up a wall and do a back flip - that's the most impressive thing that I can do.

    Running   Wall   Flip  
  • I believe in things that have proof.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 36 quotes from the Actor Callan McAuliffe, starting from January 24, 1995! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Callan McAuliffe quotes about: Acting